UK Atheists Hope to Eliminate Jedi Population


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Kargathia said:
the very fact that the bible can be used to justify slavery, the very fact that it ALLOWS one of the most immoral practises in the history of humanity (the complete removal of individual freedom) is enough to show that it is the work of wicked bronze aged men, and not god.
And who are you to say that god isn't a total dickwad in the first place? =)

But seriously, wasn't this Jedi thing about people who didn't want to completely deny that they had some spiritual beliefs, but didn't really sign up to any religion?
im talking about a particular strain of fiction. that of the christian god.

unless the other corner is about to admit that his god is a dick, but thats not likely to happen.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Isn't Scientology based off a really crappy Sci Fi novel by L. Ron Hubbard?

If I can't be a Jedi then other folks can't be Scientologists.

Where is my light saber!

Conor147 said:
Kargathia said:
the very fact that the bible can be used to justify slavery, the very fact that it ALLOWS one of the most immoral practises in the history of humanity (the complete removal of individual freedom) is enough to show that it is the work of wicked bronze aged men, and not god.
And who are you to say that god isn't a total dickwad in the first place? =)

But seriously, wasn't this Jedi thing about people who didn't want to completely deny that they had some spiritual beliefs, but didn't really sign up to any religion?
im talking about a particular strain of fiction. that of the christian god.

unless the other corner is about to admit that his god is a dick, but thats not likely to happen.
It'll be an unfortunate waste of your life if you try to reason people out of a position that they did not reason themselves into.

I've met folks who think that Mars is closer to the sun than we are. I don't go out of my way to tell them that their astronomical understanding causes my brain to ache. No amount of evidence is enough to break the power of emotional irrationality.

Perhaps I'm being too hyperbolic, I imagine there is SOME amount but it's an incredibly unreasonable amount for sure.


New member
May 16, 2010
Wait, if this pole dictates what funds go where, I insist that everyone check Jedi next time a poll like that comes around!

They'll be forced to pour funding into creating lightsabers!


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I'm a athiest, but I love religions like the Jedi and the flying spaghetti monster.

Its christianity in all its forms that annoy me.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
etherlance said:
I'm a athiest, but I love religions like the Jedi and the flying spaghetti monster.

Its christianity in all its forms that annoy me.
ramen, brother!


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I agree Jediism should be allowed if Scientology is, they are both based from science-fiction right?

Dumb athiests get with the joke.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
theultimateend said:
Isn't Scientology based off a really crappy Sci Fi novel by L. Ron Hubbard?

If I can't be a Jedi then other folks can't be Scientologists.

Where is my light saber!

Conor147 said:
Kargathia said:
the very fact that the bible can be used to justify slavery, the very fact that it ALLOWS one of the most immoral practises in the history of humanity (the complete removal of individual freedom) is enough to show that it is the work of wicked bronze aged men, and not god.
And who are you to say that god isn't a total dickwad in the first place? =)

But seriously, wasn't this Jedi thing about people who didn't want to completely deny that they had some spiritual beliefs, but didn't really sign up to any religion?
im talking about a particular strain of fiction. that of the christian god.

unless the other corner is about to admit that his god is a dick, but thats not likely to happen.
It'll be an unfortunate waste of your life if you try to reason people out of a position that they did not reason themselves into.

I've met folks who think that Mars is closer to the sun than we are. I don't go out of my way to tell them that their astronomical understanding causes my brain to ache. No amount of evidence is enough to break the power of emotional irrationality.

Perhaps I'm being too hyperbolic, I imagine there is SOME amount but it's an incredibly unreasonable amount for sure.
doesnt happen much, but it happens. e.g. a few times now ive been sent PM's by people on youtube, thanking me for helping them unbrainwash themselves.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
I really don't see the point in trying to shoot down a religion like this. Whether you think these people are really devote Jedi or not. There are more important things to work through, like equal rights for everyone. Equal Religious rights, Equal rights to marry, Rights for people's health and well being. But people can't see the hate in the world and don't want to do anything about it because its not happening to them.


And you are?
Sep 10, 2007
My biggest problem with this is that the sensationalist headline has ended up misleading those people who are more interested in spitting out whatever pithy comment first rolls out of their brain, than reading the article and finding out what the group in question is actually trying to achieve. If the headline was something like "Atheist group tries to encourage people not to piss around with the census", this thread probably wouldn't have reached 25 pages of what is mostly the same post repeatedly denouncing an argument that nobody's making.

Then again, even if the headline was accurate, chances are there'd be just as many posts saying, "Screw you, I'll do what I like, Imma put down "Jedi" just to stick it to the man. That'll show them gov'ments what they get for trying to produce an accurate cross-section of the people they're trying to govern. Yeah. Fight the power."

Shifty Tortoise

New member
Sep 10, 2008
raankh said:
Bonelord said:
I'm working on the data processing for this census, and Jedi Knight actually comes under a section called No Religion, along with pastafarianism. So they're just making a pointless argument that they didn't fully research.

Ouch, that means Intelligent Design should be "No Religion" as well. The Church of the FSM is built on the exact same principles, after all.

Alternatively, if only "state acknowledged" religions are in categories, then there's a whole slew of really religious people that aren't included.

Seriously, is that the kind of "statistics" behind this census? What a complete f'king waste of money. It's not even remotely scientific.
There're are only about 10 in the no religion category out of around 200, and you'll still get your "1 million people picked jedi" statistic. But that's not really the point, it's more about allocating funding. £500m once every ten years isn't a lot, and it's provided about 31,000 jobs.

Less fuss is made over nuclear weapons for fucks sake, and they cost £1.5bn a year in Britain alone, with next to no benefits.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
ok, it makes sense that this whole jedi thing is fucking with their census, but come on, be flexible britain! if they put down jedi, just count them as atheist!!! or discard that entry and tally jedi separately!!!


New member
Oct 13, 2010
If I ever have to fill out one of those forms, I'll check the "Other" box and put in "Pastafarian". :3

Darius Brogan

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I recommend explaining your comment with your own mental facilities, instead of doing nothing but quote the same pages of a 'wiki' five times in a row.
FYI: Not only have I googled each definition, prior to this particular occasion, my education thus far has been ENGLISH CENTERED, I know what they mean.
Obviously you are unaware of the difference between belief and faith. I've never met a 'devout' follower of ANY religion that used 'faith' as a substitute for 'knowledge'. As many of them believe that they KNOW (Read :KNOWledge) that their FAITH is the right one. Meaning that, according to truly devout (or brainwashed, whichever) followers, Faith and Knowledge are one in the same for many aspects of their Religion.

By definition, Atheists believe there is no God. If they're not certain, they are not Atheist. Wondering if there is a God, or if there is no God falls under the category of Agnostic.

For the record, I'm not trying at all to tear down ANY body, in ANY way. I'm merely voicing my opinion, as I'm entitled to do, and would appreciate it if people like you, who obviously 'believe' that there is and can only be one meaning for each word in this unholy bastardization of a language we call English, did not try to disprove something I was not trying to prove in the first place.


Gentleman Bastard.
Jun 27, 2009
Wow, did someone let the bigot gates open at the Escapist?

"People who don't agree with me are stupid hurrrr"


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Conor147 said:
AMMO Kid said:
It seems like rather than head on addressing what I just proved that you grabbed the first thing you could find to rage about and throw up a smokescreen around all the rest. Can't I ever find NICE atheists to have these conversations with? Cause all you guys ever seem to do is rage...

Anyway, I shouldn't have typed that phrase. I read the verse, thought "wow... that's harsh!" Then looked at the immediate context and slapped myself for being so silly (forgetting to erase the previous comment). And ask anyone I know, I'm a very rational person.
PS Please respond nicely. I do love these conversations but when the other person just rages out at me it really ruins it.
im confounded and perplexed as to how you came to the conclusion that i was raging. really, i can barely remember this conversation, thats how little i care.

but if you dont see the double standard, then theres no point in continuing this. if you read mein kampf and find "...jews are subhuman..", you can hardly say "well thats what everyone in nazi germany thought, they didnt know any better" i cant come to the conclusion that this is a wicked, heinous work that as been rightfully supplanted. or "i dont have the context, no idea what this means" cant make any judgement on this.

the very fact that the bible was called to the stand when the slavery abolition debate was ensuing in america, proves my point patently. anything else is just a feckless attempt at rationalizing away history.

"in 1856 Reverend Thomas Stringfellow, a Baptist minister from Culpepper County in Virginia, wrote an essay called "A Scriptural View of Slavery", which is full of passages that support his opinion, such as:

"Job himself was a great slave-holder, and, like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, won no small portion of his claims to character with God and men from the manner in which he discharged his duty to his slaves."

"It is certain that God interposed to give Joseph the power in Egypt, which he used, to create a state, or condition, among the Egyptians, which substantially agrees with patriarchal and modern slavery."

"If, therefore, doing to others as we would they should do to us, means precisely what loving our neighbor as ourself means, then Jesus has added no new moral principle above those in the law of Moses, to prohibit slavery, for in his law is found this principle, and slavery also.""

the very fact that the bible can be used to justify slavery, the very fact that it ALLOWS one of the most immoral practises in the history of humanity (the complete removal of individual freedom) is enough to show that it is the work of wicked bronze aged men, and not god.
Oh goodness... I honestly don't even feel like talking about that wackjob... Let me make it strikingly clear: His views are entirely opinion.

Good, now that we have that out of the way. The fact that the Bible was "called to the stand" when slavery abolition debate ensued America meant that people saw it as authority, it doesn't prove your point at all. I believe that they warped this "authority" to see out the ends of their agenda. I believe the Bible is against the kind of slavery seen in southern America, not only because of the slavery, but because of the way that black people were viewed throughout the whole world because of it. However, as I said at the beginning, the Bible has nothing against voluntary servitude to pay off debts etc. Just because it uses the same word doesn't mean it means the same thing in our culture today. If you see an old document and see that Rome that criticizes Rome's abusive power, you wouldn't say "No that's wrong! Rome is just a city in Italy that is mainly a tourist attraction! I don't think that they abuse their power at all..." Ancient perceptions of Rome when it was an empire were different than today, whereas they are not an empire. We can't talk about them as if they are the same thing. In the same way we can't talk about ancient slavery and modern slavery in the same way. Ancient slavery was mostly very humane, and it was just another way of earning a living involving voluntary servitude. this wasn't always true but this is the kind of slavery condoned in the Bible.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
The funny thing is that they're not just going after Jedi. Christians have their own link. Jews and Sikhs as well as people who just refuse to answer the question are in the FAQ. All of them are being told "If you are not wholly devout, you should tick No Religion."

What's even better are some of the responses in this topic.

Great if the government are trying to stamp out organised religion, and this census is simply research toward that goal.

Yes. It'd also be great if the government decided to stamp out something you care about such as video games.

Noone reads Niemoller anymore.

i think anybody who chooses take piss should eb fined in the same way as if they didnt fill it out

Wow. Authoritarian government much? Why don't we just drag people out and shoot them if they don't give the correct answers? That seems like it would get the message across much more effectively. They could even do ad campaigns such as:


Personally, if I were going to take the piss out of the census, I would put "Muslim" just so Michael Savage would start quoting discredited 2009 Youtube videos again as proof of the Muslim threat on the European Continent.


New member
Feb 26, 2011
While I realize that the majority of the Jedi thing on the UK census is probably a joke, I could honestly see Jediism (though I have a feeling that's not how the religion as a whole should be called) being an honest to goodness religion. The Star Wars movies and expanded universe set out a set of philosophies and principles that the Jedi follow and belief in the Force, that which binds the whole universe together


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Man, vocal atheists are as annoying as any preachy religion. Worst bit is, many of them don't get the irony

Captain Bobbossa

New member
Jun 1, 2009
Caliostro said:
Honestly, shut the fuck up people (the guys in that "movement", not Tom, obviously).

It's all the same nonsense. It should never matter for any government functions whether people have any religion at all, so the fact that it's included in a census is rubbish anyways.

Personally I say go for the high score guys. 50% Jedi or bust.

Pastafarians or Adeptus Astartes also acceptable.
50%..... I like your thinking.

Tbh the "your not a jedi campaighn" just makes me want to put jedi all the more.