Senare said:
AstaresPanda said:
ffs its just more lazy parenting. Once kids would just get dumped in front of the TV and then when bad or stupid things happend. TV IS THE DEVIL ! WHY WONT ANYONE OR THE GOVERNMENT DO ANYTHING THINK OF THE CHILDREN !!!!!!.
NO if your a lazy parent these days it might very well cost you, these days its more important then ever to take more interest in what your kids are doing or where you are dumping them.
Blaming parents may just be shifting the blame. It is better to investigate thoroughly than to go for easy excuses, which goes for all parties.
TV never asked the kids to "CLICK HERE FOR SUPER AWESOME CARTOON OF EPICNESS" at the cost of "virtual" money.
You download a free game for your child to play, come back later to find he or she has spent thousands of pounds on microtransactions.
First of all, it should not be that simple to allow a child to spend their parents money.
The parents didn't make it easy, it was already there in the free game just a click away.
Second don't assume you know how the parent's of this child raise their kid.
Aramis Night said:
If your child can't be trusted to not spend your money on a game that isn't theirs then you have failed as a parent already. If they are too young to understand right and wrong then why the hell are you letting them play games on anything that connects over a network? These are not insurmountable problems for a parent to deal with in the slightest. People raise brats because they are terrible parents and then blame everything else for their shortcomings.
Too many parents these days are no better than their own children when it comes to taking responsibility. This is half the reason right here that i'm in favor of forced sterilization of the population.
People telling others how to raise their kids, thats all I'm seeing in this thread.
Rather than, oh shit people are using CHILDREN to leech money out of parents via micro transactions, a scheme I might add is widely despised by a good portion of this website.
No one can trust a kid not to spend their parent's money when it is disguised as "tokens for teh win teehee"
You expect this child to understand micro transactions and be trusted not to spend all the money, all while at the same time he urrm what is the word I'm looking for? IS A FUCKING CHILD.
It's late, I'm tired and I don't much care for this argument anymore, so I'm going to finish it in bullet points.
1. If the child did understand what he was doing (which I highly fucking doubt)
then yes he should be to blame a good ten minutes on the naughty step should straighten out that bad egg.
2. Parents are not fully to blame, but they are not innocent of blame either.
Yes, they should have checked to make sure their kid did not rack up thousands in a free app game.
They are most likely sorry for not having 20/20 foresight and would like everyone to stop being judgemental pricks and telling them how to raise their kids.
3. Someone within an industry we all love, has made stealing money off parents via their kids a viable business model.
Which in case your moral compass is broken, which I assume yours is, THATS REALLY FUCKING CHEEKY.
And the majority of people here are on the side of the the cheeky, money grubbing scum who make stealing from children their bread and butter.
4. I will under go a voluntary sterilization, if you do it first.