Bolded for emphasis. They are not trying to emulate or replicate action flicks. They are trying to capture the feel, sure, but not to copy it to the letter. Games and movies are very different beasts. Sure, in a movie, they can choose how the scene plays out, the hero managing to get through the fight without taking a hit. Taking the same scenario in a game, the developer can't be certain the player will be good enough to avoid fire through the whole action sequence.j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:Tell you what, next time you watch something like Die Hard or Lethal Weapon, count how many times the main characters actually get shot. Not nearly shot, not dodge a bullet, but actually take a bullet. For all Hollywood plays down the effects of violence, action hero characters tend to at least be pretty alright at not getting shot. Rambo manages to go through the entire first film without taking a single bullet.Mr. Mike said:Uncharted as a series isn't supposed to be realistic. Hell, it's going for that unrealistic action movie feel. Realistic graphics does not immediately warrant realistic gameplay. Hell, one could say the reason Uncharted has regenerative health is because heroes in action movies either rarely get hurt or manage to take a beating and keep on going. Your rant is a little bit void.
Generally, even the characters that do get shot, they at least react as if they've taken some damage. Mel Gibson didn't spend the last scene of Lethal Weapon 2 hiding behind boxes waiting for the bullet inside him to magically disappear, he spent it lying semi-unconscious on the ground while Danny Glover made terrible quips.
This is why games, for all they try and emulate Hollywood blockbusters, can't be compared. Action heroes in games don't dodge bullets like their cinema brethren do, they simply soak them up and spit them back out. John McClane reached the end of Die Hard looking like some half-dead animal brought in the house by a cat. Nathan Drake reaches the end of each Uncharted level looking like the same handsomely scruffy arse he was at the start.
Sorry if I'm conveying juxtaposing ideas, but I do agree with you somewhat. The thing is, there has to be a compromise SOMEWHERE. And the thing is, if Uncharted's gunplay was like the movies, it wouldn't be fun. Simple as that. There has to be a sacrifice of realism for gameplay somewhere. If you want something realistic, go play ARMA 2 or some other ultra-realistic military shooter.