Unfortunately Dead or Dying Series


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Got another one.

The entire Star Wars The Force Unleashed series. Both 1 and 2 were brilliant games with exceptional stories that FINALLY made Force Users the kind of unstoppable badasses they really should have always been and finally succeeded in capturing the kind of battles in the movies and EU in a video game. The only problem with it was the lack of much challenge by anything but the bosses to compensate for the over the top gameplay and being much too short.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Legacy of Kain!!!

Some of the best characters in video gaming and (in the first two games) legitimately interesting and innovative twists on the action/adventure Zelda-y formula.

Prince of Persia

It's been nearly 6 years since the 2008 reboot (which I actually liked) and...nothing. One of my favorite series and...gone. Come on, Ubisoft. I get that Assassin's Creed prints money for you it's a "spiritual successor" to Prince of Persia, but...come on... It's just not fair.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Casual Shinji said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Silent Hill as well. Downpour received more or less positive reviews and it's relatively recent, but after the Book of Memories fiasco I can't help but think the franchise is dead as a doornail.
I can't help but wonder what the original Team Silent is doing now. Akira Yamaoka still provides music to the newer Silent Hill games I think, but what about the rest of the guys? Did they just get shallowed up other Konami projects?
Akira Yamaoka stopped providing the music for the series after Shattered Memories. Daniel Licht provided Downpour's soundtrack.

But I'm also going to Silent Hill. Downpour was pretty good, but unfortunately there is no future game confirmed. SH9 is rumoured but if Hideo Kojima (another rumour) writes it I think it's going to be a mess.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Timesplitters, or at least something with the same Rare/Free Radical FPS mechanics. I would still prefer to having it being a Timesplitters as the timetravel lets you have characters, maps and weapons from different time periods. The story was ver nicely wrapped in FP so something closer to 2 for story would be better.

At least there is that fan remake going on, thats a lot more then what most of you can say about your franchises


Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Casual Shinji said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Silent Hill as well. Downpour received more or less positive reviews and it's relatively recent, but after the Book of Memories fiasco I can't help but think the franchise is dead as a doornail.
I can't help but wonder what the original Team Silent is doing now. Akira Yamaoka still provides music to the newer Silent Hill games I think, but what about the rest of the guys? Did they just get shallowed up other Konami projects?
Yamaoka pulled out of Silent Hill with Shattered Memories. Daniel Licht (the guy that composed for Dexter) took over with Downpour. I don't know if he also did the music for Book of Memories.

I know the guy that directed the very first game (I forget his name) went on to direct the first couple of games in the Forbidden Siren series.

Masahiro Ito (monster designer / art director for the first 3 games) has his own art page and keeps uploading SH-themed artwork. I think he also collaborated on a manga or two with Hiroyuki Owaku, the screenwriter for the first 3 games as well.

EDIT: Oh Ito apparently kept working for Konami and did some work on MGS4. He's also stated he would totally work on SH again if Hideo Kojima took over the series. God knows what that would look like.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
okay let me make a small list:

Brave Fencer Musashi
Breath of Fire
Dark Cloud
Wild Arms
Secret of Mana
Age of Mythology

I'll just stop now, I'm feeling depressed :(


New member
Feb 7, 2014
Wintermute said:
Commandos. Loved these games. Then the developers thought making the game a first person shooter was a good idea.

my childhood, it hurts

mercenaries, the first was one of the best open world games, too bad pandemic became yet another victim of EA

Just Cause 2 captures some of the magic of the first mercenaries, but it needs a more immersive universe, add something like the deck of 52 of mercenaries, also MUCH more military vehicles, mercenaries had a ton, much better than boring ass civilian vehicles, also air strikes, tons of air strikes, also special missions and stuff like that


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Considering the "unresolved for a decade now" cliffhanger of an ending and that god damn teaser trailer from 2008 (!!!), I think it's about time Ubisoft got around to releasing Beyond Good and Evil II.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
deserteagleeye said:
Shadow Hearts
And recently Zero Escape.
goddamn manhunt, I want a manhunt 3 so bad, I don't care what people said but the manhunt games are fucking awesome


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
I am of the opinion that series need to die. That is the only way to new series to come up and be competetive that do not rely on nostalgia more than actually being a good game. new IP is good. experimentation is good. Long series with fans that buy anything even if its not even close to original ones (Silent hill, Resident evil anyone?) are just doing harm.


New member
Jul 2, 2012
Brown Cap said:
I loved the Resistance series for PS3 - the last installment could have been epic, but, in the words of GameInformer, is went out with a fizzle...
The game didn't make sense a lot of the times, the graphics turned almost cartoony, and the ending - well it just wasn't satisfying. I wish someone could have done a better job ending the series.
Yes I know right?!
I understood the story and i really loved the games as a whole but the story for the last game disappointed me somewhat. All through the last two games (and the spinoffs too some extent as well) they're going on about the Tunguska event and how something big is happening over in Russia I honestly thought they were leading up to a huge reveal.
Not to mention the whole sub plot of the Greys and their grey tech weaponry and what the Cloven are doing with them, it all got completely ignored even though there was this massive mystery behind it.

For my own series though:

Warhammer 40K Space Marine

The series really brought the epicness of the series into the video game world and had a really interesting and badass array of characters and story. Their is so much potential for a second one after the cliffhanger
Titus gets taken into custody to be presumably tortured by the inquisition and their Black Templars due to his resistance to the warp! ...fucking Leandros...
The next game would have had Titus break out of the inquisition's control and then fight against Chaos, Tau and possibly even Tyranids all while discovering that many of the higher members of the Imperium had been corrupted themselves and going on a massive crusade before forming. His own. Chapter.
Sep 9, 2007
Kyrian007 said:
Tecmo's Deception. The first game was terrible, completely unplayable. The other 3 games all had big downsides: terrible stories, horrid translation, awkward controls and a unresponsive and awkward camera...

But FUN. You have to have alligator clips and a golf cart battery to have more fun. Taking down your opponents with Rube Goldberg/Wile E. Coyote traps and getting bonus points for making the kill long and painful. No better "stressball" games have ever been made.
Funny you should say that. According to Wikipedia, Deception IV: Blood Ties was released yesterday in the US and is set to come out in Europe on Friday for the PS3 and Vita.


New member
Nov 29, 2011
In my restless dreams, I see that series.
Silent Hill...
It promises to deliver what the fans want with each new game...
But it never does...
Well, I'm a lone fan now...
In a sad place...
Waiting for Silent Hill to be good again...

In all seriousness though, I'm kind of bitter about Silent Hill. Those games were genius, but Konami is just killing SH. When has outsourcing a Japanese game to a Western developer ever worked out well?


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Hm... Honest? The Black and White series. Hold up! I know what you're thinking! Either it's "But there's Godus!" or "But Peter Molyneux tends to be full of shit!". Don't care. Black and White 2, I could spend ages in, just managing my little village, patrolling borders with my military and letting my pet help out people. It was nice. It was really, genuinely nice. And I would love to see a third one. Another game of being either a benevolent god that helps his people, a god that leaves his people to their own devices, only helping them out with building or a complete and utter tyrant whose people better ought to do as they're told or else! It was nice. And it was relaxing... I wonder if GOG has it...

Update: Sadly, no, GOG does not have it


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Destroy All Humans was majestic back in the day, and made me proud to be Australian, but then it got out of hand and went down the gurgler along with Pandemic because EA are ass monkeys.

Eve Charm

New member
Aug 10, 2011
I want to see more trauma center or team, but ya nintendo probably not going to happen >.>

Other then that bring some more Clock tower.


Jun 5, 2013
Well, I wouldn't mind if SEGA did another Jet Set Radio game or at least brought out Jet Set Radio Future as an HD remaster like they did for the first game. Those games were colourful, fun and funky as hell, with awesome music.