Unskippable: E3 Trailers 2014 - All Aboard The Hype Train!


New member
Nov 18, 2009
LysanderNemoinis said:
scw55 said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
KaZuYa said:
Thunderous Cacophony said:
One large cage might be more efficient, but you don't want them getting up to any shenanigans.

Also, Scalebound looks like it could be fun, but I hope the main character isn't as much of an insufferable prick as the trailer makes him out to be.
He's a teenage white male protagonist, of course he's going to be an insufferable prick
You know, as a white male, I take great offense to that. You seem to be implying that being young, white, and male makes you a bad person. Though I suppose being racist is okay as long as you didn't say, "He's a teenage black male protagonist, of course he's going to be an insufferable prick."
Not sure if you're being sarcastic for the sake of comedy, so I'll assume you weren't.

Person is merely referring to that stereotype. I do wish we'd have a young white male who is confident but not arrogant and is open minded. Isn't that Link?
Indeed, I wasn't being sarcastic. You put it in a much better way, and I absolutely agree with you. My issue was just with the fact that people seem to think saying stuff like that is okay, but if the given race was different, then it would be seen as racist by many of the very same people saying those things. Racism, coded language, and stereotyping is all bad to me, regardless of who the victim is. And setting different standards for different groups of people is only going to divide people and engender animosity between them.
I think if there was less sarcasm on the internet, we'd have healthier communities.

Sarcastically referring to stereotypes "to show how stupid they are" doesn't help things. It makes things worse.
You are still referring to the stereotype and keeping it alive.
Other people who reads the text may not pick up the sarcasm and may believe the statement is sincere.

I do think there is a hypocrisy in PC terminology in some cases. It would be so much simpler if the rules for being PC was "Don't be an arse hole". But that seems very hard to do.


New member
Apr 16, 2011
Darth_Payn said:
Watching younger Lara slam her whole body into that cliff face made MY chest hurt, and I'm a dude! I can't be the only one who misses the older, more confident and fearless Lara Croft, as opposed to the new "emo" version.

At the end of that Scalebound one, you guys should have shouted out "HAIL HYDRA!" That would have been incredibly funny!
That new Lara seemed pretty confident and fearless to me. Heck, my whole takeaway from that trailer was "Lara is now confident and fearless". Sure, surviving that cliff thing made me raise an eyebrow, but it's certainly not the silliest Hollywood-esque scene I've ever seen in a trailer. I wouldn't even describe her as emo, as far as I could see the clothing was just to hide the scratches and bruises from her therapist.

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
These videos are the best thing to come out of E3. I'm just a bit sad that they didn't tackle Ubisoft's "no seriously, these are REAL GAMERS LIVE playing our awesome games that just happen to sound like poorly coached voice actors and also just happened to play the game in the most exciting way we could think of" videos, but alas, they are just men.

LysanderNemoinis said:
Indeed, I wasn't being sarcastic. You put it in a much better way, and I absolutely agree with you. My issue was just with the fact that people seem to think saying stuff like that is okay, but if the given race was different, then it would be seen as racist by many of the very same people saying those things. Racism, coded language, and stereotyping is all bad to me, regardless of who the victim is. And setting different standards for different groups of people is only going to divide people and engender animosity between them.
Ha ha, you're cute. It'd pretty clear that anyone who said "I can't take these [common adjectives] black protagonists any more" would not be called racist by anyone with half a brain, because the word 'protagonists' clearly implies such a person is talking about the fictitious representatives of a race, and not actual members of a race. In fact, most people who care about these stuff spend a great amount of time complaining about how members of several minorities are always displayed with the same characteristics (or a few out of a select subset), as if they were not real people but setpieces. Furhermore, I find it a very likely outcome that anyone that, out of the myriad forms of the human race, decides to create yet another game starring a white male teenager, will also choose to give said white male teenager the same annoying personality their marketers told them would not alienate their buyers.