Unsurvivable Fall Simulator 2015 and Stephen Russell AKA Garrett


New member
May 24, 2011
The acclaimed follow up to Unsurvivable Fall Simulator 2013 is currently at my fingertips.


I'm pleasantly surprised to see that Lara Croft still does most of her traversal of the world via the Y axis, and most of that in a downward fashion.

But that's not why I'm here...

I just found a tomb which consisted of a ship encased in ice in a cave, and I found a captain's diary. This diary is narrated for the player, and he receives no credit anywhere that I can find but I'd bet the naming rights to my penis that it's narrated by Garrett himself, AKA Stephen Goddamned Russell. I'd know that gravely bitter jaded asshole anywhere.

Can anyone confirm? If you still have your copy it's in the glacial cavern, in the ship tomb. The log is called The Captain's Revenge. I will not rest until I know for certain, because his voice does things to me. I'm gonna replay the log a 27th time now. Thank you for any help.


New member
May 24, 2011
I wouldn't normally low content bump but I made the mistake of posting this in the middle of the night.

Help me!