UPDATE: Activision and West/Zampella Settle


New member
Sep 23, 2010
The fact that they settled has me curious. Considering all the press that came out about what Activision was doing (such as Operation Icebreaker) it would make sense why Activision would want to settle right away, but why then would West and Zampella settle? They could have ridden the case for so much, it makes me wonder if there was something more that both parties didn't want coming out. Alas, we probably won't know anytime soon.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Eternal_Lament said:
The fact that they settled has me curious. Considering all the press that came out about what Activision was doing (such as Operation Icebreaker) it would make sense why Activision would want to settle right away, but why then would West and Zampella settle? They could have ridden the case for so much, it makes me wonder if there was something more that both parties didn't want coming out. Alas, we probably won't know anytime soon.
barring unknown information about their end of this mess, it could just be not wanting to get into a court case where there exists a chance to lose not only what they were after but court fees as well


New member
Sep 23, 2010
luckshot said:
Eternal_Lament said:
The fact that they settled has me curious. Considering all the press that came out about what Activision was doing (such as Operation Icebreaker) it would make sense why Activision would want to settle right away, but why then would West and Zampella settle? They could have ridden the case for so much, it makes me wonder if there was something more that both parties didn't want coming out. Alas, we probably won't know anytime soon.
barring unknown information about their end of this mess, it could just be not wanting to get into a court case where there exists a chance to lose not only what they were after but court fees as well
I guess, but that's sort of what got me curious. For a case that has been going on since 2010, especially one that enough information had been given out to give West/Zampella the advantage, it's clear that they were going to be in this for the long run, so court fees doesn't seem to be the issue. Further, odd to go this far and not be confidant in your case, especially since, as mentioned, enough info has been released to satisfy their side. The return on such a case would be far more than whatever the costs or risks would be, so settling seems like an odd choice.

The only things I could think that caused them to settle is if a) the settlement allowed West/Zampella to somehow gain rights to the MW series, which they wouldn't necessarily get from winning in court, or b), West/Zampella had some possible dirt on their own that could actually turn the entire case in Activision's favor, dirt that would have to come out during the trial.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
This is like the ending of fable 2.
And maybe both sides had enough to ensure MAD but activision was less willing to go that far


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Eternal_Lament said:
...so court fees doesn't seem to be the issue.
Honestly, court fees are quite possibly entirely the issue. A case like this can chew up a lot of money before going to trial, but once the trial itself begins the fare meter really starts rolling. It can be very expensive to go to trial.

Additionally, you never really know what a jury is going to decide.

All of this means a trial is a big expensive roll of the dice, and most civil suits don't go to trial because of that.
Jun 7, 2010
French Henchman (played by Jean Dujardin): "Monsieur Kotick! brise-glace de projet a été révélé au grand public!"
[Kotick brings up the thread about icebreaker we had last week]
[shakes fist, camera zooms out window of volcano lair]

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Honestly this is still a pretty good result.

Activision settling twice sends a big message that they're 0-for-2 in this sort of thing. They have zero leeway any more if something like this happens again. It may not even go to court, just insta-justice from the higher ups.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Not that suprising really though it would of been interesting to see what would of come out if it did actually go to trial.

Lets face it Activision was in a lose/lose situation. Evan if they won everything that came out about them and how they handled the situation poorly would of been bad PR and may of cost them more than they could of gotten from West/Zampella in terms of other studios refusing contracts and maybe evan certain Activision games not selling as well because Activisions name is what goes on the box not the names of the studio heads.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Eternal_Lament said:
The fact that they settled has me curious. Considering all the press that came out about what Activision was doing (such as Operation Icebreaker) it would make sense why Activision would want to settle right away, but why then would West and Zampella settle? They could have ridden the case for so much, it makes me wonder if there was something more that both parties didn't want coming out. Alas, we probably won't know anytime soon.
Finally someone sees the other side of this.

You do not settle if you are confident in your case. All this evidence against Activision that everyone sees comin out would have easily swayed the courts to their side (despite them bein unrelated to the whole contract issue which is the actual issue).

It isn't proof positive that they fucked up, but you damn well know that they did somethin that made them wary of an actual trial.

Dead Seerius

New member
Feb 4, 2012
shintakie10 said:
Son of a ***** Activision. Were you so afraid that people couldn't look at the god damn facts objectively? Now everyone is goin to keep thinkin that West and Zampella were the good guys when they were most definitely not.
Thank you! I'm no fan of Activision, but I looked in to this a while back and it didn't seem like West and Z were exactly wearing halos throughout the whole ordeal.


New member
May 16, 2008
>"Strickly Confidential" no one will ever know, and we'll sue anyone who spills the beans
>Shareholder monies [should] not be affected

Paranoia further confirmed.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Given Activision's press release, I would say a lowball estimate would be 150 million dollars paid to the two, or at least their legal team.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
Finally someone sees the other side of this.

You do not settle if you are confident in your case. All this evidence against Activision that everyone sees comin out would have easily swayed the courts to their side (despite them bein unrelated to the whole contract issue which is the actual issue).

It isn't proof positive that they fucked up, but you damn well know that they did somethin that made them wary of an actual trial.

As someone whom has been party to a lawsuit (car accident) even when you have a great case you could easily settle.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
shintakie10 said:
They, as people, are misogynistic pricks. As business men they went out of their way to fuck over Activision in order to get fired to avoid breakin their contract so they could go to EA. They played it off as somethin that would have been a dumb move to do, but they fuckin did it and its sickenin that people take their side.
Sorry to be naive here, but this doesn't really explain it. Misogynistic? Did they pick on female work colleagues or make a couple of anti-woman remarks?

How did they 'fuck over Activision'?


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Well damn. I'll be dead when the information on this will be cleared.

The recent information really seemed to hammer a nail in Activion's coffin and that's only the stuff that made it out in to the media. I bet there was more juicy details that I for one will never know :(

Oh well, Activision paid up and they're shoddy and nefarious business practices have been partially exposed again.