By that logic, many of the digital-download games on PSN, Xbox Live, and Steam wouldn't be able to make a profit either. But they do, and many game studios make a living providing games at that level.Tom Phoenix said:Anyway, I question how smart this project really is. Not necessarilly beacuse of the control scheme, but beacuse I don't think Epic is going to be able to recuperate the costs of development by selling it for 10$.
Most games released this way are much smaller than a full-fledged retail title, and because of their smaller screens and lower resolutions, the art doesn't need to be as detailed. Both of those things can serve to bring the cost of development way down.
It's not like the future and entirety of Epic is being devoted to an iPad game. For them, this is primarily to show off their iOS engine port to potential licensees. While I'm sure Epic is intimately involved with the project, the game is actually being developed by Shadow Complex developers Chair Entertainment.
Yes, it's a new addition to our news system. It's actually still in testing, so only a few people are using it right now; Funk being one of them.Ironic Pirate said:Is that little gallery type thing a new feature? I've seen them on a few recent articles...