Update: Microsoft CEO Confirms New Xbox 360 Next Year?


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Bet 10 bucks it'll be delayed 3 times before it finally comes out and then it will be buggy and everyone will get a depreciated refund.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Ashbax said:
Gah, Curse those bums.

I dont want to spend all my $$$ on buying a new xbox and all the games. If they announce it soon we will be able to plan, I guess.

If it DOES come out as a new system, and they dont have 1943, Im shoving Steve Balmers head up bill gates ass.

Hopefully its just an upgrade.

But if it is a new system it will shut the Ps3 fanboys the fuck up. Finally...
Now, now, don't start a flame war.


New member
Nov 5, 2007
scotth266 said:
Er, this is a suprise how?

I mean, I think that this was sort of a standard announcement. This seems to confirm what I had already thought: they're not making a entirely new Box for Natal, just bundling it with a 360. It'll be like a new 360 Elite. Hopefully they fix them red rings while they're at it so people can stop complaining about 'em.
RROD have stopped being an issue, but the "complaints" from PS3 users (LOL IRONY NO GAEMS) will still go on. You know, PS3 NO GAEMS, XBOX RROD's and WII CASUAL. This will last forever.

But yes, sounds like a bundle to me (wow?)


New member
Jun 24, 2009
I don't like the idea with this whole Natal thing, I'm used to feeling a controller in my hand. Its the only way I've known to play since my classic NES days, even the Wii still requires its controller. This might present a new problem for people, instead of accidently throwing their Wii controller at the $700.00 flat screen, it will be people accidently kicking or punching the sucker! ha ha! Think of the lawsuits microsoft!