Update: Valve Fires Hardware Guru


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Blimey, night of the long knives in Valveland? That came out of nowhere. I do hope we get the details sooner or later.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
The minute I saw the article header my first knee-jerk thought was:

'Uh-oh Valve's having financial trouble!!'

Then I came to my senses and I laughed and laughed.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
rhizhim said:
its a company, they also can fire people for some reason.
i dont get all that "SHE GOT EXILED FROM THE HEAVENS" shock that is in this thread.

maybe she got fired because they dont want to continue a project and her job is redundant?

so just wait and see.
You're right. There's an old saying about working at a company, any company:

Last hired, first fired.
She was only at Valve for about a year. Sounds like a business being a business.


New member
May 16, 2010
Something clicked, if it was failed project/s or just simply cutting costs in a general down gaming market who knows.

at lest until they announce something is dead and gone soonish, like steambox or the vr goggles or half life 3.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Why do I have a feeling that the end of the world just got delayed by two months?


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Jesus jumped-up Christ are people flipping shit over this.

Valve's a business, people. Businesses hire AND fire people on a regular basis; for any number of reasons.

Valve laying off these people (most of which are still unconfirmed, and only Ms. Ellsworth mentioned the word "fired"), isn't some odd, out-of-place occurrence. These things happen all the time; for any number of reasons.

This news isn't ringing the death knell of Valve, Steam, their game development, nor even their hardware development. It also doesn't mean Gabe Newell has suddenly flipped his lid and is going on a "firing spree". It simply means there were a few employees whose positions, personalities, or talents either became redundant or no longer meshed with the companys direction or structure.

Can we all relax a bit? In the very least until we get solid confirmation on what's actually going on?

Frostbite3789 said:
As per pretty much every post in this thread, I guess Valve is an invincible company with pure white armor that can never get dirt on it. They can never do wrong. It was obviously all her. She obviously did something horribly wrong.

I'd say all those posts were before the update saying a bunch of other people were let go too, eh?
As opposed to people like you that make a point of finding a negative connotation to anything Valve related?

Overreaction and hyperbole work both ways, my friend.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
What confuses me is that none of these developers walked out, or voluntarily left. They all got fired. If it was just one or two individuals, I'd put it down to them just not fitting in the work environment, but twenty five? Twenty five high profile, experienced employees who've worked on everything from Half-Life 2 to Left 4 Dead? I mean, one of the people fired was one of the developers who worked on Narbacular Drop. You know, the game that Valve created Portal from?
My guess is there's been a massive restructuring within the company. A shifting of priorities, especially on the hardware front. Not that they're cancelling development but perhaps changing direction and their end goals.

As such, several lay-offs from the hardware labs isn't that big a stretch.

Regardless, it's all speculation at this point. Until more solid details come out, we have nothing more to go on than Ms. Ellsworth's tweet and Valve's employee list changing.

In between this and his recent comments about players in single player games being 'retarded and autistic', part of me is wondering if Gabe isn't quite the swell dude gamers make him out to be. Could very well be wrong, but he wouldn't be the first guy to disappear up his own arse as soon as he starts making his millions.
He didn't say players were "retarded and autistic". People have been misquoting and misinterpreting that statement since he made it at the University of Texas.

What he actually meant was, in the context of a game attempting to tell its story in a fashion similar to film, the main character in the game, as controlled by the player, would look "retarded and autistic" from an outside observers point of view.

Or, as an article from Storify put it:
"..,what Newell actually was referring to was that single player games try to be like films, however since the player is in control of the main character, they can do whatever they want. It would be like Luke Skywalker banging his head on the wall while Darth Vader is talking to him."

But the internet being the internet, people immediately took the quote out of context or misunderstood his meaning; much like they do with comments from any high-profile speaker. Since then, it's been a veritable shit storm of nonsense.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Vigormortis said:
As opposed to people like you that make a point of finding a negative connotation to anything Valve related?

Overreaction and hyperbole work both ways, my friend.
I HATE Valve so much I use one of their characters as my avatar.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Frostbite3789 said:
I HATE Valve so much I use one of their characters as my avatar.
To be fair, I took that as an act of irony. Especially given the usual fiery vitriol you bring to discussions on the topic of Valve. (though certainly not to the degree Baahlspawn likes to) <.<

I probably seem the same way in regards to EA; even if it's not purposeful.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
I am well aware of the context of the quote, thank you very much. And I still think it was in poor taste. It doesn't matter what Gabe was trying to say about the nature of player autonomy in games, making the comparison to and explicitly using the terms 'autistic' and 'retarded' was in incredibly poor taste. That's the sort of language I'd expect from a 4chan user, not a high-profile developer giving a high-profile speech.
My apologies. I meant no offense. There's no need to get riled up.

I understand where you're coming from. I really do. Still, I think far too many are taking the comment out of context. Many going so far as to feel personally offended. It's as if they think he was personally insulting fans of single-player games.

Something he most certainly wasn't. Especially when put into the context of his speech.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Half-Life 3 is done. They needed a hardware specialist to make something to plug into the USB port to increase system power for the might of HL3. It is now complete. They will release a teaser tomorrow.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Only one possible conclusion to make here....

She done gone and sexually harrased all the boys... call in the panda!



New member
Aug 9, 2009
rhizhim said:
its a company, they also can fire people for some reason.
i dont get all that "SHE GOT EXILED FROM THE HEAVENS" shock that is in this thread.

maybe she got fired because they dont want to continue a project and her job is redundant?

so just wait and see.
It's odd because Valve have a very fussy hiring process, which involves picking people who have particular strengths as well as broad ones - the idea is that people are able to move from one project to another as and when they see fit, whilst retaining core strengths specific to themselves. They've also said they have no problem with things going wrong, as long as the person(s) involved learn and move on from it. Added to that the whole "no boss" idea, where performances are analysed by peers, and it would seem a pretty difficult place to get fired from.

It's irritating to see people act as if Gabe's turned around and started twirling his moustache, but it's not surprising that there's some surprise around the whole thing. You hardly ever hear of people leaving Valve, let alone getting fired. Now apparently there's 25 of them in one fell swoop.

EHKOS said:
Half-Life 3 is done. They needed a hardware specialist to make something to plug into the USB port to increase system power for the might of HL3. It is now complete. They will release a teaser tomorrow.
Perhaps they've had to instigate a mass exodus to contain it within the building. Gabe'll be the last to walk out, and with the only copy.

And then the world ends.