the problem with smartphone games are..they only come in two main flavours...
crap...and crack.
they ether last you a half hour before they smack you in the face with a paywall, or you get so bored that you cant play them....unless they are the crack type, in which case the paywall passed you by 40 hours of play ago, and you are walking about like a zombie, but muttering 'crush' instead of brains...while flicking your fingers over your phone, playing candy crush saga.
(seriously. i was in line for the bus with one of these players. even getting off the bus, they were still playing candy crush, that stuff is crack for phone users)
while i can understand their desire to get into the app buisness, they realy would be somewhat better off trying to gain some from their back catalogue of decent games. they did it with OoT on 3ds, why not give us majoras mask, goemon 64...hell, pokemon stadium 1 and 2, with a bit of tweeking to allow for the new get pokemon would make fantastic party style games. we KNOW a 3ds can comunicate with a wiiu, we have used their system to port over your miis and copy our accounts to and from wiiu and 3ds (i know i have since i wanted to be able to use both to buy stuff on the online e store)
they could let players use the wiiu and their 3ds with a pokemon 3ds capable cart in, to connect to the pokemon bank to allow for trading and so forth.
and there are a fair few snes games i know i woul buy for virtual console...secret of mana, secret of evermore, lord of the rings the fellowship, terranigma, illusion of time...and i allready OWN those for snes. but, since i cant take a tv, a power supply and my snes with me on the train...*shrugs* would be nice to take them with me on 3ds/have em on wiiu catalogue too.
and if they removed the bloody region locking, even just on the 3ds, it would help some as a LOT of games dont make it to my region (uk) for years. or at all. with whats happend with rune factory 4, i dont expect the UK to ever get a release for that. nor hometown story. i personaly would have imported (or rather, give the cash to the bf and got him to import, since i cant buy off the net)both those games from the us when they released, had there been no region lock on my 3ds xl (yes, i know the work-around of a usa or japan 3ds, but thats out of my price range)
if the DO make some mobile games,i hope for their own sake that they DO NOT release their main characters or them, in new main character games...minigame ones will work but lets face it. mobiles are for short, quick games you can pause and put down hen your stop arrives, or when your dinner break is up. not for 4 hour grand sagas like mario galaxy or windwaker ect