US Champ Talks Super Street Fighter IV


New member
Dec 17, 2008
dudeman0001 said:
ToonLink said:
vampirekid.13 said:
everything he said is voided because he said SSB is a family game.
Everything YOU say is voided because you go against the TOP SF4 player IN THE WORLD. If anything you should be bowing down and kissing Justin Wong's feet, because in all actuality you will NEVER be as awesome as he is.

(I also agree with what he said about SSB, even though i am a fan.)
Pretty sure that Daigo's at the top, or maybe Iyo. Anyways I saw her Ultra and I think it looks cool, but it would get incredibly annoying if you're trying to finish her hard trials.
Because he stopped being good at making them, obviously. He can't make a balanced roster of characters, he can't do online play worth shit, and he lost the ability to make a game that can be played both casually and professionally (Random tripping pretty much meant you had to play a casual match every time).


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
Random argument man said:
Smash bros as a family game eh?......I always thought of it of a party-fighting game.
Same here.(im the only one in my family who likes it sniff sniff.)
Street fighter to me is a good technical fighting game but i like Crazy, wild fighters like Marvel VS Capcom.

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
Eh....SFIV is nice, and SSFIV looks like Capcom is going to continue Capcom's "umptine bazillion prefixes" release scheme for the series, but I still don't care really. DoA has always been my fighter of choice.

And if Team Ninja don't get on with making DOA5, someone is going to die.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
nilcypher said:
Smash Bros. is more like a family game."
Credibility = Gone. I swear man he should know far better than to say something like that. When was the last time you saw aunt Linda perform a wavedash?


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Quadtrix said:
dudeman0001 said:
ToonLink said:
vampirekid.13 said:
everything he said is voided because he said SSB is a family game.
Everything YOU say is voided because you go against the TOP SF4 player IN THE WORLD. If anything you should be bowing down and kissing Justin Wong's feet, because in all actuality you will NEVER be as awesome as he is.

(I also agree with what he said about SSB, even though i am a fan.)
Pretty sure that Daigo's at the top, or maybe Iyo. Anyways I saw her Ultra and I think it looks cool, but it would get incredibly annoying if you're trying to finish her hard trials.
Because he stopped being good at making them, obviously. He can't make a balanced roster of characters, he can't do online play worth shit, and he lost the ability to make a game that can be played both casually and professionally (Random tripping pretty much meant you had to play a casual match every time).
Who? Sakurai? And that thing needed dedicated servers, they should have known better. I mean Soul Calibur IV's online (and others such as Tekken 5 DR) is horrendous and that's just between 2 people.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
ChromeAlchemist said:
nilcypher said:
Smash Bros. is more like a family game."
Credibility = Gone. I swear man he should know far better than to say something like that
i couldn't agree more myself. didn't Yahtzee say something like all fighting games have the same flaw of a person being able to know all the moves and still be beat by a button masher? I've actually done that! Not the first thing but beat a pro by button mashing. Afterwards he called me a cheat. This "champ" im sorry, "chump" reminds of me the douche from the transformer movies who said "fuck the wii".

Kurt Horsting

New member
Jul 3, 2008
For those that acctauly have meet Jwong, you'll know that hes a fucking monster of a player. He can counter your counter before you thought of pressing the buttons. He is super safe and if you leave yourself open for a second, you will loose. Right then and there. Although Umehara and Santhrax beat him at evo, he is still a champion. Hes a nice guy too, but rather simple. But i dont think his comments about Juri are that deep because he hasn't seen much from her, and most of the stuff that matters would just go over the heads of most people (frame advantage, zoning, etc)
shadowstriker86 said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
nilcypher said:
Smash Bros. is more like a family game."
Credibility = Gone. I swear man he should know far better than to say something like that
i couldn't agree more myself. didn't Yahtzee say something like all fighting games have the same flaw of a person being able to know all the moves and still be beat by a button masher? I've actually done that! Not the first thing but beat a pro by button mashing. Afterwards he called me a cheat. This "champ" im sorry, "chump" reminds of me the douche from the transformer movies who said "fuck the wii".
Also, anyone how thinks button mashing will work is a fucking moron who knows nothing about fighting games. And even the people who claim to know how to play dont know shit about the importaint things. They dont know anyting about mind games, mix-ups, resets, character match ups, footsies, spacing, yomi, or half of the shit that makes you a good player. There is much more to the game then the game itself.
Also, when it comes to SSBB, he does play a bit, he just doesn't like the game that much. Not that big a deal.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
dudeman0001 said: that a typo? Because I watched the evo tourny finals and Daigo won the match. and calling it a match seems pretty generous, because was a slaughter.
Yeah, I read it after I wrote it and realized it was a typo. I was just too lazy to fix it. :/


New member
Feb 12, 2009
Kurt Horsting said:
For those that acctauly have meet Jwong, you'll know that hes a fucking monster of a player. He can counter your counter before you thought of pressing the buttons. He is super safe and if you leave yourself open for a second, you will loose. Right then and there. Although Umehara and Santhrax beat him at evo, he is still a champion. Hes a nice guy too, but rather simple. But i dont think his comments about Juri are that deep because he hasn't seen much from her, and most of the stuff that matters would just go over the heads of most people (frame advantage, zoning, etc)
shadowstriker86 said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
nilcypher said:
Smash Bros. is more like a family game."
Credibility = Gone. I swear man he should know far better than to say something like that
i couldn't agree more myself. didn't Yahtzee say something like all fighting games have the same flaw of a person being able to know all the moves and still be beat by a button masher? I've actually done that! Not the first thing but beat a pro by button mashing. Afterwards he called me a cheat. This "champ" im sorry, "chump" reminds of me the douche from the transformer movies who said "fuck the wii".
Also, anyone how thinks button mashing will work is a fucking moron who knows nothing about fighting games. And even the people who claim to know how to play dont know shit about the importaint things. They dont know anyting about mind games, mix-ups, resets, character match ups, footsies, spacing, yomi, or half of the shit that makes you a good player. There is much more to the game then the game itself.
Also, when it comes to SSBB, he does play a bit, he just doesn't like the game that much. Not that big a deal.
footsies? really? thats just sad if you have to defend something called footsies. the only thing that makes a person good at fighting games is timing. whether or not they'll be able to time the correct move to the other persons attack. thats it, theres nothing special about it. and yes button mashing does work, not 100% of the time but its fun to watch people go berserk cause they dont know whats comin, and if you played or even knew what mugen was, you'd know that

Kurt Horsting

New member
Jul 3, 2008
If your someone who thinks mugen is a legit fighting game, then your a fucking retard. Period. And Footies is where your opponent is at a range in which you attempt counter attack their pokes, or bait their attacks and poke them during recovery.
The only thing button mashers have to there advantage is that they are unpredictable, but in a way that usually hurts the person doing the mashing. Since predicting becomes pointless (since any attack my arbitrarily come out at any time for any reason) the best counter is either spamming high priority attacks (uppercuts, supers, etc), spam throws (since they are mashing, they wont tech or reversal your throws) or just zone and they will kill themselves off the spam.
The best example of this are the trap teams in MVC2 (Clockw0rk, Duc, Blackheart teams, etc...) They are basically a team that is designed around making an overwhelming amount of projectiles that force the to block in order to chip,to control the space on the screen, build super meter, and mix-up while they are locked down. Because the team is designed around doing a lot of chipping, if your opponent just blocks and waits for you to stop, you'll win since you dont need to stop. You can just keep doing the attack pattern till they are chipped to death.
Once you know the basics of a trap team, and you will just outright curbstomp a button masher since they dont know what is happening, they will not know how to correctly defend against it, and if they start hitting buttons (which is what they will do anyway), they will kill themselves trying by being hit by the overwhelming amount of projectiles. And if they react by blocking until the opponent stops, they will get chipped to death. A real player can get around the trap by looking for the right openings, counter calling assists, push blocking, and other things that a new player would have not even thought about.
Arguing that someone ignorant of how to play will beat someone who has proven to be one of the best in the world just by sheer luck simply based off of your ignorance the genre, and a real player will take a masher to school every fucking time.
To be fair, most people who "know what they are doing" are just mashing with moves that require execution to pull off. There is still no rhyme or reason for them doing the moves that they do, they have no plan aside from doing specials, they are basically a glorified masher that can do specials and maybe do shitty combos.
The point is that your arguement is that Jwong isn't good cause you beat a random shithead in Mugen while mashing, doesn't make any fucking sense what-so-ever. But i do have to admit, with all my hating mashers and basics on why mashing doesn't work; watching someone getting scrubbed out by a masher is very funny to me. But in a sad way. Its like watching your friend getting kicked in the nuts. Its Hilarious to watch, but you feel sad that he had to endure that pain.
Anyway, if your still reading here is a link that can show you what I mean when I talk about the depth of fighting games.
Its a REALLY deep look at how blackheart works in MVC2 and about the execution, mechanics, and mind games of the character.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
xscoot said:
SSBB is a party game. Sakurai himself even said that when developing it, he thought of it as a party game, not a fighting game.

If you put the fighting games in the world into "schools" Brawl is kindergarten level. Dead or Alive is elementary school, Street Fighter is high school, Tekken is university.
So does that make Rival Schools 8th grade or Freshman HS year? Wish we could get a sequel for that. A Capcom fighting game designed for a 4 button face controller.

The Chaos powers of a button mashing 10 year old child is real.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
ToonLink said:
vampirekid.13 said:
everything he said is voided because he said SSB is a family game.
Everything YOU say is voided because you go against the TOP SF4 player IN THE WORLD. If anything you should be bowing down and kissing Justin Wong's feet, because in all actuality you will NEVER be as awesome as he is.

(I also agree with what he said about SSB, even though i am a fan.)
in the US, not the world.
Daigo kicks his ass.

Kurt Horsting

New member
Jul 3, 2008
Funny thing you mentioned Rival Schools, cause that was Jwong's first game that got him onto the fighting game scene.

Kurt Horsting

New member
Jul 3, 2008
He is still one of the best in the world, and THE BEST in america. His Rufus is no slouch, but Daigo is still the best.