Utah Man Jailed For Alleged Wiimote Rape


New member
Apr 15, 2010
-|- said:
This thread is full of crazies. People who want to kill other people, or see them killed are mentally ill and need help.
That happens a lot in general when it comes to topics like this. Personally for me I'm just fine with the rapist going to jail and the kid getting whatever sort of help he request. It's doesn't feel fair on an emotional level given the trauma this may cause but we can't exactly deal with controversial situations on the ambiguous nature that is feelings. It has to be approached clinically.


New member
May 27, 2010
Hitchmeister said:
DarthFennec said:
Earnest Cavalli said:
Though KSL claims that "object rape" is the key crime Parry is being charged with, the state of Utah defines that act [http://corrections.utah.gov/community/sexoffenders/76-5-402.2.html] as only technically possible with a victim "who is 14 years of age or older."
... why would anyone define a law like that ... you would have to explicitly decide for the age limit to be 14, which means that you would have to explicitly say, `if the victim is like ten or whatever then it doesn't count,' or something along those lines ...
The only justification I could think of would be if there were another crime warranting a far worse punishment if the victim was younger.
Yeah I thought of that too, and that's probably it, but in that case you would think that the worse law would be the one they mention, rather than the one that doesn't apply anyway ... But I don't know much about Utah, so ...


New member
Apr 10, 2011
emeraldrafael said:
LobsterFeng said:
emeraldrafael said:
Out of curiosity, what's the scariest thing you're talking about? *lives in Utah*
The <url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Under_the_Banner_of_Heaven>situation involving the mormons where two brothers brutally murdered one of their brother's wife and infant daughter because God had told them to.

the depravity of it, especially if you read the book, for no real reason for it to happen is just sickening. While yes, that pales in comparison to something someone else can probably think of, to me thats been the most horrible I've heard.
Those weren't Mormons, they were FLDS (Fundamentalist Mormons.) They're a break off of the regular Church, and they're also crazy.


New member
Sep 28, 2011
FelixG said:
A LargePlatypus said:
...this is why the Wii is bad. Why else would Nintendo design the Wii-Motes like that? Also,what kind of 12 year old boy owns a Wii?! Get a manlier system.
I laughed.

If the parents had bought the kid a real system this never would have happened!

Next thing you know the family will sue Nintendo for making an anally insertable controller, just like people sue toy companies for making parts small enough for their kids to swallow!
Thats a pretty terrible excuse. Thats like saying that if your friend asked you to meet him at the movies, and you got hit by a bus on the way there, its your friends fault you got hit by a bus! And im pretty sure you have to agree to something that says nintendo isnt responsible for any damage caused by the system, and small toy parts have warnings on them as well.

A LargePlatypus said:
...this is why the Wii is bad. Why else would Nintendo design the Wii-Motes like that? Also,what kind of 12 year old boy owns a Wii?! Get a manlier system.

Are you suggesting Nintendo designed the Wii-mote like that for that specific purpose? Or am i just reading that wrong? And who said the wii isnt a "manly" system?

Sir Shockwave

New member
Jul 4, 2011
Earnest Cavalli said:
Nicholas Parry is currently being held by authorities who allege he forcibly sodomized a 12-year-old boy with a Wiimote.

...someone send this off to Nash on TGWTG ASAP! The world must know of this dickery!

(I made a bad pun there didn't I?)


New member
Jul 7, 2010
drizzt102 said:
I would argue, I believe sex criminals (rapists or child molesters) should be a zero tolerance death penalty crime, along with premeditated murder. It just makes sense. If you do that kind of stuff, as far as I am concerned you have given up your right to be treated as a human being. There is no excuse in saying 'I'm sick, I need help'. A nice injection of Pottassium Chloride will clear that right up. I say kill them. Its at least a lesson. And it sets a precedent. At least then we know then that we don't need to worry about the Idea of ppl like serial killers, or serial rapists, somehow coming out on parole (it has happened). This is just my opinion, and note, In this case, I believe you have to prove beyond reasonable doubt, the person is guilty. ALL TWELVE JURORS should have to vote for this penalty before it is used.
Wow, when did this forum become inhabited by a lynch mob. So much for the house of cards 'eye for an eye' basis to the death penalty. Now any crime that people find objectionable that does not involve death is fair game for the death penalty. Nice to see civilisation is advancing.....


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Dec 7, 2007
ph0b0s123 said:
sumanoskae said:
Lono Shrugged said:
Fawxy said:
Makes perfect sense to me. What would you do with him, might I ask?
Might sound the cop out answer but I am not really qualified to make that decision. If I figured out how to successfully punish/rehabilitate a child abuser I guess I would publish a paper on it. I DO know however that satisfying my own selfish need for revenge and satisfaction while blindly missing the inherent irony of that is a bit childish.

Look for at least the last hundred years child rapists are generally reviled by most people and have the toughest time in prison and out of prison. For me it's a case of eating chickens but not eating cats because they are cute. I am fucking certain that if this was a woman who suffered this that people would not get so worked up about it and that disgusts me the most about this case. So I find it hard to swallow when a woman gets raped and there is an element of "she deserved it" and when a child gets raped morality goes out the window and it's ok to want them dead. Yeah it's a child. But so fucking what? I don't see anyone crying about the kid soldiers in Uganda or the 8 year old girls being sold as wives to old men.
This prick obviously didn't care about human rights, why should he be given what he denied everyone else?.

People talk about revenge like it makes you just as bad as the person you're getting revenge on, but their crime were against innocents and unprovoked.

Let me harp on this whole judgement thing.

The ability to judge is a function of survival, it's not about making assumptions, it's just about being smart.

Being able to analyze a person and/or situation is not malicious, it's just useful. Not being able to do so does not make you an understanding or compassionate person, it just makes you confused about your definitions of right and wrong, or stupid.

You could say that you simply value all people equally, but "Judging" works both ways, if you can't think of anyone differently, you can't value anyone above anyone else, regardless of how blatantly different the two people might be.

If the parent of this child wanted this man dead, could you really blame them?. Anger isn't an unnatural poison, it's just as real an emotion as any other. Yes, it can hurt you, but so can love. Wanting to hurt something because it harmed something you hold dear is one of the most natural thing on earth.

They want revenge?, who could blame them?. As far as I'm concerned, if you have no regard for someones well being, they have no obligation to be merciful towards you. They want to use him as a punching bag, he's got no right to complain.

Yes, it has a component of selfishness, it could even be a little bit crazy, but so the fuck what?. If we should all act selflessly all the time then we better get started on the extermination of humanity, we've sure as hell done a lot more harm to the planet then help, who's to say we're more important then every other living thing, polar bears for instance.

We better hope we have a right to be selfish within reason, because lord knows we've been doing a lot worse then that in the time we've been here.

And don't even get me started on crazy, I've yet to meat anyone I wouldn't call crazy.
What you are advocating with having punishment enacted as revenge, is the same system that had families killing each other off in a spiral of revenge killings off the back of one murder a long time ago. Wars have started over this behaviour. This is why we have a justice system for better or worse that punishes rather than goes for revenge.

A justice system where the victims don't choose the punishment because they are obviously going to be biased. And where the punishment is no worse than the original crime.

To do anything less is to bring back lynch mobs who can decide anything is worth killing over from being the wrong skin colour to being accused of being a witch. Welcome to the civilized world.
Need I remind you that the aforementioned lynch mobs were often started by police?.

Are you honestly suggesting that our justice system is untouched by corruption and prejudice?.

Those things still happen in parts of the world, even here every now and again, and the civilized world we live in comes at somebody's expense.

Going back to the old west would in no way shape or form fix this problem, nor would staying here.

I never said we should just let it happen, that would be dangerous, but we certainly shouldn't wag our fingers and go on about selfishness when we live and breathe on blood by just functioning within the modern world. I'm not gonna lecture a parent for wanting revenge on this scumbag when I'm unwilling to part with convenience for what's right.

The entire system is dysfunctional, chances are we're both part of it, and we're ultimately out for ourselves and our ilk before anything else.

The "Civilized" world is pretty dark, and it's about as light as they come. I sincerely doubt anyone is going to change that, trying to carve out a little section of brightness is all there is to do.

Milo Windby

New member
Feb 12, 2010
Fawxy said:
Dr. wonderful said:
dagens24 said:
Good. I hope he gets raped with a shiv in prison; a little ironic justice.
No. That is both stupid and wrong.

He should just be taken to jail. That's it.
Oh really? Any more stupid and wrong than the fact that he raped a child?

I said it in the other thread, and I'll say it here;

This fucker deserves nothing better than death. Anyone willing to brutally violate the basic human rights of a CHILD has no place in society and deserves to be eliminated.

Fuck him, fuck all the ******s who will come to this thread to defend him/say the incident is funny, and fuck the U.S. legal system for the fact that this guy will get off with minimal punishment.
Just to go totally right of topic... I love how you say that with the avatar you have. (I also kind of agree with you as well though... but still... "dat ass"? oh dear...)

Cyrus Hanley

New member
Oct 13, 2010
Fawxy said:
Zulnam said:
You know, Fawxy, there was another group of people who hated a certain bunch of people and thought that the only way to clean up society was to exterminate them. You know what they were called? Nazis.

No, I'm not making a joke here. This is exactly the way they worked too. Oh sure, you'll say "how can you compare innocent jewish people with child molesters". Pretty simple: they viewed the jews as the corruption of society as well. You have the same view on this person. If they are similar examples should not be the problem here since no man should have the power to decide if another man deserves to live or die.

I'm saying it's the exact same (final) solution. So unless you want to be ruled off as expendable whenever the younger generations grow up and think your method of opening a soda can stains society, I suggest you take a step back, look over your method of thinking as to how situations like this can be resolved and try to find a better solution. This man is sick. Yes, he should be punished, but he should also be helped.

Exterminating the corrupt ones is only fun when you're not YET considered corrupt.

First off, you invoked Godwin's Law. Towards me no less, and the moment you compare me to Hitler is the precise moment I stop giving even the slightest damn about you.

Second off, we could have continued this conversation, however [insert negative expletive] your arguments might be; but since you compared me, an individual fighting for what "I" perceive to be justice, to the one of the worst human beings of all time, that isn't going to happen.

Have a nice day.

EDIT: Also, I'm saving that first sentence for posterity. A comment as horrific as it deserves to be preserved as a monument to Godwin.
I'm not sure what's worse, his comparing you to the Nazis or comparing child molesters to the Jews. o_O