Valve Began Development on Portal 2 as a Prequel

Doktor Sleepless

New member
Jan 4, 2011
The Combine Overwiki reckons that Chell leaves Aperture at the end just in time to bump into Gordon etc. Despite the computer saying that Chell had been in cryo for at least "Nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-ni-" days, the wiki thinks that "the presence unrotted paper, wood & upholstered furniture throughout the game's environments would seem to support a timespan of decades (ex: 9999 days, or 27 years) rather than centuries." Which brings her out in about 202-.
So I'd say the story's just starting.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Doktor Sleepless said:
The Combine Overwiki reckons that Chell leaves Aperture at the end just in time to bump into Gordon etc. Despite the computer saying that Chell had been in cryo for at least "Nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-ni-" days, the wiki thinks that "the presence unrotted paper, wood & upholstered furniture throughout the game's environments would seem to support a timespan of decades (ex: 9999 days, or 27 years) rather than centuries." Which brings her out in about 202-.
So I'd say the story's just starting.
I do think the "9999... days" people are taking it too literally. I agree this could be a possibility although not for MANY years (mainly because the world will end before Episode 3)


New member
Aug 3, 2009
I loved gong through Apature Sciences past with Cave Johnsons growing insanity.

That said, im glad Glados was in the game. Much much love for her <3


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Im not sure it wouldve worked with just the paint

(hey anyone want my portal 2 preorder code? (skins for coop 360 version)


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Doktor Sleepless said:
The Combine Overwiki reckons that Chell leaves Aperture at the end just in time to bump into Gordon etc. Despite the computer saying that Chell had been in cryo for at least "Nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-ni-" days, the wiki thinks that "the presence unrotted paper, wood & upholstered furniture throughout the game's environments would seem to support a timespan of decades (ex: 9999 days, or 27 years) rather than centuries." Which brings her out in about 202-.
So I'd say the story's just starting.
There were actually six nines, and it was continuing into at least the seventh, maybe more, but it gets cut off.

It wasn't 9999 days. It was a computer malfunctioning (or Chell not aging).

The Bandit

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Feb 5, 2008
Doktor Sleepless said:
The Combine Overwiki reckons that Chell leaves Aperture at the end just in time to bump into Gordon etc. Despite the computer saying that Chell had been in cryo for at least "Nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-ni-" days, the wiki thinks that "the presence unrotted paper, wood & upholstered furniture throughout the game's environments would seem to support a timespan of decades (ex: 9999 days, or 27 years) rather than centuries." Which brings her out in about 202-.
So I'd say the story's just starting.
Chell meeting Gordon Freeman has to be the absolute worst idea I've ever heard by anyone ever. It just screams shitty fanfiction.


The Lone Wanderer
Jun 4, 2009
I loved Cave Johnson, both in the adverts and the game itself. Great work by J.K Simmons.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
In the aftermath of Portal 2, however, I actually wouldn't mind playing a prequel installment because I absolutely love the Cave Johnson character. He's probably one of my favorite characters in games (of course, Wheatly did an amazing job as well). Now that we have a taste of where GLaDOS game from and what happens to Chell in the end, I think more than a few of us can agree we'd like to see more of what Aperture was like from a first-hand experience rather than just wandering through its ruins. Am I right?

EDIT: Not saying, per say, that it NEEDS to happen, but that the idea would be rather fascinating.


New member
Sep 23, 2008
Well, protal allready has a prologue =D

Portal Prelude! Great stuff, any Portal fan should try out that exccelent mod!


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Proteus214 said:
I think there is still some potential for a prequel considering how much lore they could expand on with "Old Aperture Science" and the idiosyncrasies of Cave Johnson. There is a game there I think; not a big one, but there is something.
A standalone expansion for Steam or the next Box anthology? I'd buy it if it came like that.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
The Bandit said:
Doktor Sleepless said:
The Combine Overwiki reckons that Chell leaves Aperture at the end just in time to bump into Gordon etc. Despite the computer saying that Chell had been in cryo for at least "Nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-ni-" days, the wiki thinks that "the presence unrotted paper, wood & upholstered furniture throughout the game's environments would seem to support a timespan of decades (ex: 9999 days, or 27 years) rather than centuries." Which brings her out in about 202-.
So I'd say the story's just starting.
Chell meeting Gordon Freeman has to be the absolute worst idea I've ever heard by anyone ever. It just screams shitty fanfiction.
HLep3 WILL feature Aperture though, if the presence of the ship and the subsequent need to get there carry through from ep2. So maybe not Chell, but definitely Aperture tech, will be meeting Gordon (hopefully) soon.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Doktor Sleepless said:
The Combine Overwiki reckons that Chell leaves Aperture at the end just in time to bump into Gordon etc. Despite the computer saying that Chell had been in cryo for at least "Nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-ni-" days, the wiki thinks that "the presence unrotted paper, wood & upholstered furniture throughout the game's environments would seem to support a timespan of decades (ex: 9999 days, or 27 years) rather than centuries." Which brings her out in about 202-.
So I'd say the story's just starting.
This sounded too much like a glitch to genuinely have been trying to say something. It's even audibly cut off in mid-speech.


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
Micalas said:
So a Portal game without Portals. This seems like the greatest idea ever. I'm glad they decided to change it to a sequel.

Though with enough work they probably could have done something cool. Think of it like watching Cube 2: Hypercube and then watching the prequel Cube 0. Was it more primitive? Yeah. Was it still a death cube? Hell yeah.
Actually no portal gun, but they did have plans for a portable portal machine. So there would be portals. There are icons of a person wearing the machine in Portal 2 just before you go into the first alpha test chamber.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
They should totally go back and still use the idea, have more people in it, how Aparture worked and consequently fell apart,...

But finish Episode 3 first.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
These sort of stories sort of make me want to actually play Portal. I'm tired of getting crap from my friends for not having played it.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
They could now make a prequel and not call it Portal if there are no portals. Call it the Aperture Sciences something clever.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
Proteus214 said:
I think there is still some potential for a prequel considering how much lore they could expand on with "Old Aperture Science" and the idiosyncrasies of Cave Johnson. There is a game there I think; not a big one, but there is something.
Indeed.Cave Johnson is such a great chr and the development of Aperture is such a great part of the game it needs expansion.
My suggestion is this:(spoilers ahead)

Remember in 'The Part Where He Kills You' at the 'Pit Boss' achievement,Wheatley tries to tempt you to jump with among other things,'The 3 Portal Device'? I know Valve said they tried a Portal gun that stops time but players found it too confusing.Well,all you'd need is Chell to find it ONCE & fire it to go back in time.Then you could have Chell back in 1958,trying to stop one of Cave's madder schemes.Then once she's done it,(through use of the regular ASHPD), she finds another in 1958,& it takes her back to her present day.Or to another point in time. That way you can have Cave,Glados & Chell in the game without ruining Portal 2's happy ending.Maybe Glados asks for her help.This is a crude idea,I know,but what I'm trying to say is that if used economically,as long as Portals are used,a prequel based on time travel is possible that includes all our fave chrs.