Valve Drops the Hammer On Infringing Dota 2 Mace

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Since I don't cheat, don't plan on plagiarizing other people's work and calling it my own and won't be suing Valve in a class action lawsuit, I don't ever have any fear of losing my games that I bought on Steam.
You know too many people get away with dumb shit and keep doing it again and again because they don't get proper punishment. Sometimes a heavy hand is a better deterrent than just slapping them on the wrist. You may not agree with it, but then again you may not repeat that guy's mistake either.
Is it equivalent to stealing? not in my opinion. At least not as bad as what this guy was attempting to do, profit off the hard work of someone else... Professional plagiarism. Zynga is just as bad btw.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
5ilver said:
This is why I would never use Steam, no matter how convenient it is. Just the thought of having hundreds of games you've payed for stolen/erased is enough to make my hands shake.

Also, LOL at "everybody loses". Pretty sure valve is going to keep ALL THAT MONEY, including what was supposed to go to the banned guy.
If you think the company that was defrauded is gonna let that happen without a flurry of expensive lawsuits you need to realise how protective people are of their copy righted material? Remember scrolls from mojang and Skyrim fiasco? Yeah this time they have a real reason to be pissed. Valve is gonna have to cart all that money their way or face crippling llegal attacks for making money off someone elses work their fault or not.

Guy made a lot of money by stealing and selling someone elses intellectual property. He is lucky he hasnt been arrested. Losing his games is the least of his worries.


New member
Dec 3, 2011
I can't believe anyone is even supporting this guy for plagiarism. I'm not the first to say it, but whole sale ass has been taken to court for a lot less then this and had pretty much their entire life ruined for copying a few lines of information without giving credit where it's due. He's lucky all they did was take away his games. and good for steam for sticking up for the rest of their legitimate community. As they say one bad apple can spoil a bushel.

Get real guys.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
CriticKitten said:
SacremPyrobolum said:
Well, there is a difference between being fired and being fired and then stolen from.

The person in question presumably had a library full of games that he paid for taken away. Now, in this case you could justify it slightly by saying that the money he lost was the equivalent of what he earned with the weapon and with some other fines put in but that depends on the value of his library.
I'm somewhat doubting that the total value of his Steam library is anywhere near the costs to Valve and Aion for the legal costs incurred during the process. The item has made somewhere around $60k on the market. And that's without getting into the mess caused by having to replace the art at the last second and all the dissatisfied players.

In the case of the forum you mentioned that is completely out of hand. From what I gather if I was to refer to a games existing art and say that something like this would go well in your game, I could be banned and have the game which I payed for taken away. Not for actually doing something, mind you, but for posting a suggestions which the company might and might not (probably not) use. Art is usually inspired by similar art and sometimes people mix things up and do not realize that that awesome sword you saw on deviant art actually belongs to an obscure South Korean MMO. For example, the Beatles tasked Ringo to create a song. He comes back and shows him his idea only to find out that it is actually a real song by another musician. I should not be held accountable for the company not checking on whether my ideas are original or not.
Let me get this straight:

You want to be able to suggest ideas that open a company up for potentially massive lawsuits and reap the monetary rewards for stealing, but when caught in the act, you want to blame the company for not having the time to perform extensive searches through the thousands of other games on the internet? And you don't believe you should be punished at all, beyond returning the money?
I was not aware of how much money the Mace had garnered and yes, i believe in that case the Steam games are compensation enough, even though the games, which are software, do not really have any real life value. To this end, they should have just charge him money.

If I am suggesting something on a company forum chances are I am not a draft artist or anything of the like, and therefore cannot provide my own concepts and ideas in a visual for other than that already represented in existing art. For example, if I was to say that I want a piece of clothing in the game that reflects something from a popular TV show or movie, like ruby or crystal slippers, then I would probably provide a picture of the shoe and say that something like this would compliment your game well. I am not saying that they should put the ruby slippers in the game whole-stop.

It should also be remembered that sometimes artist just happen to be influence by other art and end up making something that looks very similar to or exactly the same as the original, like the Ringo story I alluded to or, more relevantly, the whole C&C Generals controversy with some of the tanks looking a lot like the Warhammer 40K Baneblades. Many people thought that EA did it on purpose, inclueding me, because they are EA, but upon reflection it is much more likely that such and icon from nerd culture could have unawaridly influenced the artist and therefore prompt him making the tank.

CriticKitten said:
And you believe this is a reasonable point of view, do you?
First of all, no need to be rude, and yes, I do. I, a random forum dweller, do not influence the internal decisions by the company to not do further research into a random forum dweller's suggestion that they are implementing into a game, which they know can come from anywhere, which might have copy written content, and therefore should not have any legal responsibility thrusted on me should the company get into hot water. I do not see how that cannot be seen as reasonable.


New member
Apr 27, 2011
SacremPyrobolum said:
Arent instances like this common on third party sites though? I know I've seen a few plugsuits in Fallout and even Oblivion and don't get me started on this.

[youtube] watch?v=WCP9Jn2Q0cQ[/youtube]

Fuck, I am really bad at tags...

Fine, here is the boring old link...
The difference is mainly that no one is making money on that MLP Skyrim Dragon mod, so it is simply equivalent to any kind of fan art, the guy who got banned for that mace was commercially selling it.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
So instead of getting sued and possibly ending up with a huuuge fine, he gets his account banned. And people are against this..why exactly?
Get a fucking grip. You can't compare this to your own personal fear of losing all your games "because of a mistake". This is a man deliberately trying to earn money off of others hard work. In real life, the punishment would be much harsher. Tbh he got off easy.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
The scale of the crime was exacerbated by the popularity and scale of the game.
And thus, so was the punishment.

Apart from that, the only other thing I see in this topic are people getting a cold reminder that Steam is still a service, and only pretends to sell products.

(no, do not quote me to "correct" me about it always being a service. I am quite well-versed in the legalese of the matter, and repeating it will just be a waste of your time.)


New member
Apr 17, 2010
I'd be fine with him getting sued, whether he'd owe a bunch of money would be up to a court if that was the case. And he almost certainly would. What I don't like is this "service" talk regarding Steam, when clearly their service is presented as a digital retailer selling a product. I've bought boxed copies of games only to be redirected to Steam. The fact that they can take away games I own the disc for is bullshit. And anytime Valve does it to someone I'm going to call bullshit.


New member
Dec 3, 2011
SacremPyrobolum said:
Well, there is a difference between being fired and being fired and then stolen from.

The person in question presumably had a library full of games that he paid for taken away. Now, in this case you could justify it slightly by saying that the money he lost was the equivalent of what he earned with the weapon and with some other fines put in but that depends on the value of his library.
"equivalent" is not the correct term for this situation; the word u seek is Punishment. It is quite impossible for the value of his library in any way resemble the amount of money he would have to pay in a court case. The court fees alone would run into the tens of thousands. Never mind lawyers, mandatory minimum fines, and the inevitable settlement for copyright infringement, plagiarism, and damages valve will face in the fallout. Once you are out of the safety of the warm little hole you carve out of the internet and enter the real world, these are very serious charges.

Losing the games was an entirely fair trade off. It seems we have all forgotten the days of Napster lawsuits in which the lowest settlements resulted in multi million dollar, life ending fines that today, are probably still being paid off. it is obvious that steam holds blame in not catching this before it went to release because people are paid to do so, however the account holder plagiarized resulting in the situation. To allow him an entitlement is to allow the offense to continue. He screwed up and he damn well knows it now. There are some things you can't say sorry and make all better.

Face the consequences of your actions.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Andy Chalk said:
Call me old-fashioned, but I equate this with, say, EA sending a guy over to your house to take away all the games you legally paid for because it caught you making copies of one you didn't. I don't think any of us would stand for that, so why is it okay for Valve to take away legitimately-purchased Steam titles for an unrelated matter?
The way I see it, the guy essentially faced two possible outcomes. Either:

A) He loses access to his Steam account, which may not even have been his main account, and anywhere from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars worth of games.


B) He gets to keep his Steam account but gets slapped with a $25,000+ fine. Paid to, likely, both Valve and NCsoft.

Now you tell me. Which of those options sounds more harsh?

Stormz said:
Yeah and he spent who knows how much off games on Steam. Ban him from ever playing the game again and prevent him from making money off the item , but losing 1000s of dollars worth of games is not fair. I'm never replacing my discs if getting banned is this easy.
That's quite an assumption.

For all you know, the account that was banned may have been an alternate account. As in, separate from his main account and only containing a handful of games. Hell, it may have even only contained free-to-play games. Meaning he actually lost nothing.

For that matter, his account may have only been VAC-banned. The article isn't very clear on the details, so the "guilty party" in this may only be banned from the multi-player components of his games.

Besides, even if he did lose a thousand dollars worth of games, it's still better than the amount of cash he'd lose having to pay a hefty plagiarism fine.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Perfectly justified. Copy assets and getting money from them on top of wasting time=eat shit space cowboy.
Deserved what he got.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
Stormz said:
Wonderful, glad to know me not supporting steam anymore is valid. He does something as small as this and gets banned for it and loses access to all the games he paid for.
Yeah, that's not that small, making money from someone else's design. That would be like downloading a new game from Pirate Bay and then selling it on the streets for $10. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who pirates constantly agreeing with that practice, let alone law abiding people.

It does seem small though. I mean, I would stand to lose a few thousand if my account got banned, and if that happened because I thought it would be cool to remake an asset from one game into another, it would suck. Selling it is definitely the sticking point though. I just can't think of a reason why that could pass as OK, even as a parody/tribute.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
infinity_turtles said:
I'd be fine with him getting sued, whether he'd owe a bunch of money would be up to a court if that was the case. And he almost certainly would. What I don't like is this "service" talk regarding Steam, when clearly their service is presented as a digital retailer selling a product. I've bought boxed copies of games only to be redirected to Steam. The fact that they can take away games I own the disc for is bullshit.
They can't, legally speaking, take away your games, They can, however, prevent you from using their service to access them... but then, so can your ISP. In fact your ISP can effectively 'ban' you from every game you have with online DRM.

And anytime Valve does it to someone I'm going to call bullshit.
You do realise that Valve deleting accounts isn't exactly rare, right? If they terminate accounts for instances of what they believe to be abuse of the gifting system what do you think they'd do to someone who used IP they didn't own to earn money through Steam?


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2009
Mr.Mattress said:
Wait, Dota 2 isn't even officially out yet, at least not according to everything I'm hearing. How can 25,000 people have it if most people can't have it yet? I don't understand...
It's in beta.

Andy Chalk said:
Call me old-fashioned, but I equate this with, say, EA sending a guy over to your house to take away all the games you legally paid for because it caught you making copies of one you didn't. I don't think any of us would stand for that, so why is it okay for Valve to take away legitimately-purchased Steam titles for an unrelated matter?

Probably because he agreed to the terms of service, like everyone else using Steam.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Other then the "You know this was a giant warning in both Steam and in the Workshop right?" they didn't remove his games, they stopped him from re-downloading and because of this it is more of a "don't do this again" then a straight out ban.

Also, what Scotth266 says is 100% right.

scotth266 said:
Andy Chalk said:
I would never condone plagiarism, but that's an awfully harsh punishment and one that I don't think necessarily speaks well of Steam. Transgressions must be punished, but stripping someone of games he's rightfully paid for is a little too heavy-handed for my liking.
The guy stole assets from another game and used it to make money. Thus, he should suffer a monetary penalty: the loss of his Steam games is a tidy way to do it without dragging in an army of lawyers and trying to sue him for money he likely doesn't have.

If someone like, say, a writer were to plagiarize work in real life, the penalty for that would be getting blacklisted by publishing houses for the rest of your life. Even the accusation of plagiarism can be enough to ruin many people's careers in the creative arena. And that's BEFORE the lawyers get involved.

By comparison, the loss of this dude's Steam games is a slap on the wrist.
I really hate this site sometimes because people just say stupid shit. Its really dumb that people don't understand that Plagirism carries much harsher penalties in real life. Just be glad this person still has a roof over his head and got away with a slight punishment. He can just make another Steam account and get his games back again.

Sure, that sucks but it is his just deserts for ripping off more talented people then he is and trying to make money off of it.

Andy Chalk said:
Call me old-fashioned, but I equate this with, say, EA sending a guy over to your house to take away all the games you legally paid for because it caught you making copies of one you didn't. I don't think any of us would stand for that, so why is it okay for Valve to take away legitimately-purchased Steam titles for an unrelated matter?
If I was caught making money off of copying books, in full and just changing the characters names I would be glad I did not get a couple thousand dollar fine and the ability to never publish anything at a publishing house again.

Loosing your games over plagiarism is a lot nicer then going bankrupt because of it.

The Preened Mr. Fust said:
As others have said, Plagiarism in real life contains MUCH harsher penalties.

Good grief people, this man abused the trust of Valve and 24,000+ other people.
Thank you for this.


Apr 28, 2008
I didn't even know there were chests and keys in DOTA 2. I haven't played it in a long, long time.