Valve's Gabe Newell Says Piracy Is a Service Problem

The Virgo

New member
Jul 21, 2011
Let's face it: Gabe Newell is a fucking genius.

But that doesn't change the fact that they completely bungled the Half-Life 2 episodes. Not in terms of the games themselves, but because of the fact that, over three years later, we know pretty much nothing about Episode Three ... except the "weaponizer" that was mentioned in the rumor section of PC Gamer magazine ... but it was labeled an "idea". How long has it been an "idea"? If it is still just in the idea stage, we're pretty much fucked if we ever plan on seeing this game. Either way, I've lost all interest in it.

VALVe is gonna have to do something really fantastic with the game for it to be worth my $59.99.

Also, great job Greg Tito on luring the Half-Life fans to your article with what sounds like steamy Ep3 news only to deliver nothing. >:-[


New member
Apr 17, 2009
boag said:
Doesnt the Chinese Goverment have some really strict rules about videogames?

I mean, Consoles are outright banned in china.
Having lived in China for two years I can happily say this: In China, most people play PC games because most people can't afford their own game machine and/or their parents won't buy them one as study and work is more important... However internet cafes are extreemly popular with games like CS and WOW being played contantly.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Greg Tito said:
"We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem," he said. "If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate's service is more valuable."
Oh Gabe, where were you whole my life ? ;)


Oct 5, 2011
United States
I don't care that much for Vavle (In my personal opinion they've spread themselves a little too thin), but I'm glad to know that their CEO understands what so many on this site alone fail to.