Chill man, download Ubuntu and at the very least try it. The only difference between Windows and Linux is that they're based on different kernels. Other than that, the rest really is for the geeks. Oops, that's actually a big difference. I don't know that much about kernels.
But, if you need a list, here:
-Linux is processor efficient. Someone said this already and its a big deal for games.
-Linux has software equivalent to Office and Visual Studio for free. In case you need examples, the LibreOffice suite and CodeBlocks.
-Linux will run on any pile of shit that can handle 2000/XP. Good for reinstating computers without pirating Windows (I still don't support piracy)
-Ubuntu, what Valve's experimenting with, is really user friendly. Think Mac file system with Windows navigation and the dock on the left.
-Speaking of Ubuntu, there are different distributions (distros) of Linux that range from user friendly to geek friendly.
-Linux is not as bloated as Windows. Again, see kernels along with only the bare essentials on installation (office suite, software center, and computer tools)
-Linux is open source. Free, but often, like the many perks PC gaming has, supported by a strong userbase.
-Anyone can support it. The fact that it's open source means that anyone can create fixes without being legally harrassed.
So that's all I can think of. I also have nothing against geeks. Annnd, I Don't Support Piracy.