Interesting. But how does it compare to the Smart Table?
Which is basically the same thing, but from an established interactive whiteboard manufacturer, leveraging a variant of their existing IR-based back projection / screen overlay tech... which ordinarily wouldn't be the best, but they've somehow turbocharged it to do 128-point multitouch recognition.
And built it tough as it's meant to be going into elementary school classrooms, not staid, low-impact meeting rooms.
Oh and if it costs HALF that $12000-some then I'd be surprised. A consumer grade data projector, a trick short throw lens, mirror, translucent plastic tabletop, and the sensor array itself (which if bought to fit onto a generic LCD TV, is in the low $1000's). Oh yeah, and a sturdy, wheeled, solid-sided but hollow table to mount it all to.
Do hope that Settlers is available for THAT as well (if Surface is windows based, then why not?), because it'd be just the thing for a youngsters classroom if the teacher can come up with suitable activities. Plus one of the tutors at my work has splashed the cash to get one in, and I'd like to learn how to play
(No, I'm not trying to shill for Smart here - for a start, I haven't got my own name on here so it's pointless, I won't get any kickbacks - but have you any idea the kind of ass kicking wall-mount, multitouch IWB I could get for that money? Or in fact, more likely, what PAIR of them I could get? MS Surface AND Smart Table are basically the same thing, or more accurately the self contained, back projection mobile types which we're busily junking as fast as we can because they're yesterday's news ... but turned on their backs. Woo. I can see it would be impressive to someone who's never experienced this sort of thing before, but... well, it's my job. I know how it works. It's pretty much standard classroom teaching-tech nowadays, and you can tell a cash-strapped school by how they DON'T have one in every room. It ceased being a wonder some time ago, and whilst I still think both the wallmounts and tables are pretty cool things, they are really just variants of each other. And the stuff we're chucking away is like 6-7 years old and wasn't that expensive to start with.)