VGA Response.


New member
Nov 26, 2010
Well, with the VGAs over, everyone has had a moment to gather their thoughts. And to say this year was a fucking embarrassment would be putting it mildly.

Jason Schreier posted this on his blog, and it sums it up perfectly.


Dear Spike VGA Producers,

I get it. You've got obligations. You have to appeal to a broad audience. Your references can't be too niche or obscure. You have to keep people watching. You have to appease advertisers and wrangle exclusive deals out of game publishers. I don't envy your jobs.

But after watching the 2011 Spike TV Video Game Awards this Saturday night, I can't help but wish you'd try a little bit harder not to embarrass the people you're trying to entertain.

It's not hard to find the root of the problem here: You think we're dumb. You think your audience is so stupid that they'll be amused by YouTube rants and health potion gags. You think we get our jollies out of watching girls bite cupcakes off conveyor belts. You think videogame references make a good substitute for humor.

Worst of all, you couldn't care less about what you're showing us. You don't care about the games or the people who made them. As Joystiq's Justin McElroy pointed out on Twitter, "If they don't give a shit about the awards, why on EARTH should we?"

When you dedicate minute-long segments to the likes of and Kevin Jonas while breezing through 10+ award winners in a 20-second montage, it's hard to believe you care about your videogame awards show. When you parade around more actors than game developers, it's really hard to believe you care about your videogame awards show.

I can deal with the unfunny jokes. You want to make tired Alec Baldwin references or force host Zachary Levi to say things like "Your urine is magical," OK. I don't need to laugh.

But half of your show was dedicated to slapstick. When you weren't showing game footage, you were shoving nonsensical gimmicks down our throats. You were putting the spotlight on D-list celebrities and YouTube stars. You were making fun of "social gamers" for being anti-social. You were keeping a cow backstage so you could reference FarmVille.

You had a grown man in a military outfit pretend to put his balls in a Call of Duty developer's mouth because he took too long on stage.

So maybe you don't care about quality. Maybe you want to stop by, show your exclusive trailers, earn some ad bucks, and then crawl out, leaving slime on the walls and bile in our throats. Maybe you just want to show five or six awards and spend the rest of the time filling space with as many cheap gags as possible.

Except you've proved that you can do things right. Your gorgeous, fluid Zelda montage was deftly presented and properly treated. Not only did you give us a lovely cameo by the venerable Shigeru Miyamoto, whose appearance can wrest a smile out of even the most jaded gamers, you showed him the respect that he deserves. You guys totally nailed it.

Then you had Charlie Sheen come out and ask where the chicks were.

Is this really how you see us? If you think gamers are tuning in to watch Charlie Sheen make lewd comments, you're both completely naive about your audience and totally out-of-touch when it comes to celebrity relevance. The fact that Charlie Sheen was available to present at the Spike TV Video Game Awards should have probably tipped you off.

I am a male between the age of 18 and 30. I know many other males between the age of 18 and 30. We all fall into your key demographic. Trust me when I tell you that not a single one of us thinks it is funny or entertaining to watch Felicia Day slice fruit hurled by the cast of Workaholics. Not a single one.

Why can't we see developers talk about the games they love? Why can't we watch industry auteurs celebrate their craft? Why can't we hear from people who are more interested in honoring videogames than resuscitating dead TV careers?

Here you were, Spike VGA producers, on national television, with the opportunity to show the world that the videogame industry is not solely composed of profane 16-year-olds and humorless manchildren. Here was your chance to demonstrate that videogames are culturally significant, artistically important, worthy of an awards show that lauds what gaming can do and what it can become.

Instead you just shoved your balls in our mouths.


Link to the original

So, what do we have to do to get the point across to Spike that they need to shape up and stop being a detriment to our entire industry?

I just wrote a long email to Spike TV's Vice President of Digital, Media & Events detailing my disappointment in this year's VGA.
You guys should do the same, here's the email:

[email protected]


New member
Nov 7, 2010
I didnt watch this years but after last years I swore I would never watch it again. That said my opinion may be a bit off since it was formed from pervious years.

That said, I think the best thing you can do is stop watching. The spike VGA's are a positive thing in itself showing the need for great games to be recognized but the structure of the show is IMO so absolutely terrible that it can not be taken seriously by any gamer, developer, or publisher. I believe the people that make this show make it to appeal to teenagers, not actual mature gamers that are in their 18-30 demographic or even the old school gamers that are 30+


New member
Nov 26, 2010
True, Spike doesn't seem to care about games at all. All they care about are celebrities.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
The best thing you could do for the Spike VGAs would likely be to take the VGAs off of Spike TV. That's just a shot in the dark though as I didn't watch this years, last years or, really any VGA coverage on TV. I just lack interest in general and don't care about Spike TV.


New member
Jul 26, 2010
I hated that show so much i felt the need to hit somthing after it was over. That said i dont belive we have a wide enough appel to hold a show just on people from the gaming comunity, most people dont know who makes games and the sad thing is most people dont care, however i do belive its time to start brideing the gap for example: its fine to have celebs on the show but only if they have something to do with gaming eg vin desel but have him shown the same amount of respect as the game producers and desingers. P.s sorry for the bad spelling :)


New member
Jan 7, 2008
From what i've seen and heard, the VGAs are no different than the "Scream Awards": Honoring the great great sponsors of the channel while presenting a bunch of A to C-list celebrities trying to be "edgy".

What i'm trying to say is: Don't take it personal, Spike TV doesn't really disrespect gaming as it disrespects itself.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I shook my head when Arkham City won "Best Xbox 360 Game" when its available on PS3 and PC. Shouldn't the winner of that category be something you can only play on the 360?


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
It just sucks that Spike TV got in on this first, and now people think that they're the real legit awards grouping out there.

And that show was beyond horrible


New member
Mar 25, 2010
raptor1181 said:
I hated that show so much i felt the need to hit somthing after it was over.
Games are making you violent!!! O wait, VGA awards, they were crap best pc game wasn't a PC only or a pc centerd game


New member
Nov 25, 2011
Every major awards show is a joke at this point. Stands to reason that once games got a major one that it would be ruined also.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I read a blog about the event, lets say that it read more boring then a blogged review of Manos the Hands of Fate. And if you ever watched that movie you know what I mean with boring...or surreal bovine excrement.

Anyhow yeah really an award show where most of the awards are given out BEFORE the main show because we don't have enough time. What? You got enough time to bring out some sports team.. but not enough time for giving an award. Nice done...

You gotta say one thing as an advertisement show it works.. but I don't watch advertisements. i have a Mute button you see ;)


New member
Mar 23, 2004
Well obviously CoD and it's "frat boy" fan base are the only people who would tune into the VGAs, right? ....right?


Yeah, I don't watch them. I don't exactly have Spike TV, but I also have seen/heard of previous VGAs and it just seems terrible.


New member
Nov 26, 2010
The gaming community needs to shift focus to DICE's Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences and their Interactive Achievement Awards, which are held every year at the D.I.C.E. Summit.
They're at least being done by actual Industry Professionals and not just a bunch of lowly critics.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I didn't watch them, nor will I ever watch them. When a hundred people run screaming by about an awards show I don't know about and how much it sucks (like they did a year or two ago), I don't tempt fate.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
This is Spike TV we're talking about. Their target audience is drunken frat boys; do you expect them to take an awards show seriously? We'd be better off not even acknowledging VGAs existence, I sure as hell don't (unless I happen to stumble upon a thread about it)


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Shoggoth2588 said:
The best thing you could do for the Spike VGAs would likely be to take the VGAs off of Spike TV. That's just a shot in the dark though as I didn't watch this years, last years or, really any VGA coverage on TV. I just lack interest in general and don't care about Spike TV.
What he said, by a long shot. Spike TV will kill, and keep killing any pretense of trying to validate the industry and its fans with toilet humor. They can't help themselves.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
All I can really say is 'It's Spike, what more can you really expect?'

Anyway, I've only seen the VGAs once (last year, and that was only for BioWare's reveal trailer for Mass Effect 3), and it was just so unbelievably stupid. But again, what did I really expect?

Do I think that people's complaints will make the people at Spike realize that they need to redo the award show? No. But it's good to know that pretty much everyone out there does hate how it's done.