Video game charicters you truely care about


New member
May 28, 2010
I loved Ghost from Modern Warfare 2 and the way he went...I'm sorry I was like


Seriously epic. But another choice would have to be the Lone Wanderer from Fallout 3. I mean he went through a lot, no matter how you play three moments stand out for me as just plain pull at your heart strings.

Leaving the Vault for the first time, you feel many emomtions as you step out into the light. The death of your father just after you met him, I cried that day. And finally the choice at the water purfifier, but if you picked to go in it yourself...I was just....yeah just awesome


New member
May 28, 2010
Lizardon said:
I really liked Joker in Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. He doesn't do much and has no character development, but he's just so likeable and funny.

<spoiler=Mass Effect Spoilers>I was really worried that he was going into a suicide mission when he attacked Soverign, and again when the Collectors blew up my ship. I have a sinking feeling he won't survive Mass Effect 3
No way, he won't leave that easily, at least not without bringing a couple of them with him LOL


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Everyone in The World Ends With You, with the possible exception of the Ram-Crotch guy and the Iron Maiden woman. It's less RPG and more interactive novel but that at least means there's good characterisation.

Martin Septim from Oblivion, because he's voiced by Shawn Bean.
And James from Fallout 3 because he's voiced by Liam Neason.


New member
Dec 8, 2007
Most of the major characters in Planescape: Torment. That game did a damn good job of tugging on your heartstrings.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Dad from Fallout 3.

Why? Because he's Liam fucking Neeson, that's why.

Eleanor - the best thing about Bioshock 2.

Lots more too...

Issun and Ammy (Okami)

Yorda (Ico)

Ezio's dad and Leonardo (Assasin's Creed 2)


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Sev(Delta 1207) from Republic Commando.
When he died I was really shaken up. I mean, come on, he was so badass.
Scorch(Delta 1262) from the same game. He's just awesome.

[when setting a demo charge]
Scorch: Was it "red-red-green" or "red-green-red?"
Sev: And he's supposed to be the demolition expert?

Scorch: Man, this place gives me the creeps.
Sev: Ah, Scorch... Nothing better than a jungle hunt. Hiding in the bush, putting a plasma bolt through a hostile's cranium... makes me feel... alive.
Scorch: Okay, now Oh-Seven's giving me the creeps.

Zack Fair from Crisis Core. One of my favorite main characters of ANY game I've ever played.
I had to sit there for maybe 30 minutes after he died, just repeating to myself "It's only a game" about a thousand times. I mean, you knew it was going to happen, but it was just, so sad.

Also, Garrus from Mass Effect. Hey, someone had to say it. He's so badass.

And Tali, because she was a very well-developed character. In my opinion, that is.


New member
May 11, 2010
The entire cast of the Mass effect games(yes, even Jack). Mostly because they all feel so human to me(especially the Alien ones).

I also really cared for Atlas in Bioshock
But of course they had to mess that up with that stupid plot twist


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I deeply care for John Marston. He has just the right amount of ugly that his super personality fills in the blanks on his face and makes him just all around gorgeous. I appreciated his morals in a gaming world so devoid of them, and was further surprised because it was a Rockstar creation. Also, he has kind of been immortalized, so it's harder to forget him even after you finish playing. He instilled a serious cowboy fetish in me.

Oh, and Gwen from Guild Wars. She looks like a childhood friend of mine, so I always made sure she was alright.

As for Leon, well that's purely aesthetic >:3.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Alyx Vance. she tries so hard to please everyone around her, living in an oppressed and doomed world. not to mention the fact that Gordon rebuff's her advances, that heartless bastard.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Sir John The Net Knight said:
AvsJoe said:
Aeris Gainesborough, FFVII.

Yup, I'm a walking cliche.
No, you'd be a walking cliche if you were one of those people who went around screaming about how awful a character she is without being able to back it up. I've heard at least 1000 people in the last 13 years tell me how she's the worst character ever made, and is horrible and awful and destroyed FFVII. Not one gave me a legitimate reason why.

So the cliche people are her haters. I've never seen someone who liked Aerith making that kind of annoying noise.
If you're the one who is to decide whether a reason is legitimate...well I can see why it takes a long time then. Don't make the mistake of assuming that you are being objective while the rest is being subjective.
Sep 14, 2009
AvsJoe said:
Sir John The Net Knight said:
AvsJoe said:
Aeris Gainesborough, FFVII.

Yup, I'm a walking cliche.
No, you'd be a walking cliche if you were one of those people who went around screaming about how awful a character she is without being able to back it up. I've heard at least 1000 people in the last 13 years tell me how she's the worst character ever made, and is horrible and awful and destroyed FFVII. Not one gave me a legitimate reason why.

So the cliche people are her haters. I've never seen someone who liked Aerith making that kind of annoying noise.
Fair enough. They annoy me as well, though I share their opinion of her being less useful in battle compared to Tifa or Barrett.
she is pretty fuckin beast if you build her up...but as we all know..whats the point in that.

i will agree that she was a great character and really drove the plot in that game, and that yes 99% of the people out there hate her just to be rebellious and say they hate her and the game with no reason at all behind it.

OT: name just about any bioware character and i will come in like a wilderbeast to protect them


New member
May 29, 2010
my team in baldurs gate :kalid,minsc,(good dwarf with unpronouncible name),myguy,garret,(anti-hero ranger guy with unpronouncible name)

the banter that formed from that made me lauph so much...

Achievment Relocked

New member
Aug 18, 2009
I liked the Warden from Dragon Age because you can pick his motivations, backstory, and who he does the horrizontal-happy-dance with. And now he's being replaced in the sequal by a human who's always in lothering. Awsome.

My other favorite is Norman Jaden, from Heavy Rain, because like Yahtzee said: He's a time traveling FBI Agent. How could that not be good?


New member
May 17, 2010
I really love Sander Cohen (Bioshock)
His insanity is only matched by his awesomness.


New member
May 14, 2010
I am deeply emotionally attached to all the civilian characters in Saints Row 2, the Grand Theft Auto series and also to the marines in Halo. I mourn, I mourn... will my suffering ever end? Every time I close my eyes I see them, all the millions... I cared so much! Why did they stand in front of my vehicle, why did I swerve to hit them deliberately... WHY!!