Video game genre you grew out of .


New member
Mar 22, 2008
So simple question , what vidoe game genre did you just grow out of ? Genres you enjoyed in the past but now you have little to no interest in them ? Not really because you feel they are getting worst, just genre that , you don't play anymore for what ever reason .

For me it's fighting games, years ago i used to love playign fighting games, i used to practice, play agaist friends, play in arcades, crank up the difficulty to max and play and have fun . Nowadays i can't stand them , for no particular reason, i don't think the genre is bad, i just don't like them anymore, i don't even like to play the old ones i used to love, it's a genre i just dismissed as time whent by .

Your Turn.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
The JRPG. It takes a very special one to hold my interest now. I can only think of five that I can still enjoy:

Chrono Trigger, the Fire Emblems for Gamecube and Wii, Tales of Symphonia, and Chrono Cross. And I've still yet to beat Chrono Cross.

EDIT: Take note, I don't count any of the Mario RPGs, all of which I love, as JRPGs. Legend of the Seven Stars being the only possible exception. I don't really know why, but it is what it is.


New member
Oct 14, 2007
ZeroMachine said:
The JRPG. It takes a very special one to hold my interest now. I can only think of five that I can still enjoy:

Chrono Trigger, the Fire Emblems for Gamecube and Wii, Tales of Symphonia, and Chrono Cross. And I've still yet to beat Chrono Cross.
This to a million.

The JRPG has, quite simply, grown stagnant along with the rest of their turn based brethren. Both in the plot, mechanics, and combat system department.

So far the higher examples of a well thought out combat system for a JRPG have been, imho, found in the Grandia series and it just fucking took a nap after that and stopped evolving. Hopefully someone can pick up the torch someday.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Whilst it's not exactly a genre, I am tiring of Pokemon. I used to be addicted to it, but now it's boring me.


New member
Aug 31, 2011
Platformers and fighters have a real lack of appeal anymore. Been there done that ad infinitum, or so it feels...


New member
Nov 22, 2010
Jump'n Run and Platformers, RTS, most FPS Shooters and Action Adventures

besides on occasional Retro-gaming sessions i prefer my games now with a slow pace, turn-based gameplay mechanics are always a big plus


New member
Aug 5, 2011
Definitely JRPGs.

I don't know if it's because JRPGs have gone "bad" like everyone has been saying, but I personally don't have the patience to play them anymore. A lot of them are up to 30+ hours long, include a ton of level-grinding, and are generally long and slow-paced games. When I was younger I had no problem with it (I loved Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, Skies of Arcadia, and several other JRPGs), but now... I don't think I could ever have the patience to play those kinds of games anymore.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Adventure games. I neither have time nor patience to find one and only solution - and honestly, there's no need for that anymore. Thank you Uncle Google !

Fast paced games. I am simply too old and my reflexes can't match modern challenges. :)


New member
Aug 23, 2010
I'm gonna hate admitting this, but probably JRPG's as well. As a kid I absolutely loved the genre. Now I can barely force myself to sit and play through any Final Fantasy game. I have a large collection of RPG's in the style, things like Infinite Undiscovery, Nier, a few others, that I haven't even touched because I simply cannot sit and devote 30+ hours to that style of game anymore, I get bored.

That was hard to type, I never thought I would be admitting that any Final Fantasy type game, ever, would bore me, but, well, there it is.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
I'm with the JRPG crowd on this one. I remember spending hours upon hours with my friends and alone at times beating various JRPGs but now I can't seem to take the time to spend beating them. I think I just want something faster paced.


New member
May 22, 2010
ZeroMachine said:
The JRPG. It takes a very special one to hold my interest now. I can only think of five that I can still enjoy:

Chrono Trigger, the Fire Emblems for Gamecube and Wii, Tales of Symphonia, and Chrono Cross. And I've still yet to beat Chrono Cross.

EDIT: Take note, I don't count any of the Mario RPGs, all of which I love, as JRPGs. Legend of the Seven Stars being the only possible exception. I don't really know why, but it is what it is.
Actually, I'm going to say that this is me, too. Not because I no longer enjoy the genre, though; I just don't have time for 40 hour epics anymore. I'm lucky if I can get a couple of hours of FPS time in a week, spread out over a few half hour sessions.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
ZeroMachine said:
The JRPG. It takes a very special one to hold my interest now. I can only think of five that I can still enjoy:

Chrono Trigger, the Fire Emblems for Gamecube and Wii, Tales of Symphonia, and Chrono Cross. And I've still yet to beat Chrono Cross.

EDIT: Take note, I don't count any of the Mario RPGs, all of which I love, as JRPGs. Legend of the Seven Stars being the only possible exception. I don't really know why, but it is what it is.
I'm the same to a certain degree. Though I only really played Kingdom Hearts, tried Final Fantasy but didn't like it due to the CTB, ahem, combat which just bored me. Then again, I was, like, 14 when I played it!

I didn't think Mario was RPG at all, lol. Also, nah, I wouldn't count the Zelda series as your typical JRPG. Not enough angst! Lol. Then again I did only really enjoy "Link to the Past". The other games are just... weird to me, lol.

BakedAlaskan said:
Platformers and fighters have a real lack of appeal anymore. Been there done that ad infinitum, or so it feels...
I keep playing platformers completely by accident. Mind you, they do my absolute head in. Especially whenever it's taken me ages to get to a certain point, "THANK. GOD." I barely nudge the analog stick and then I fall off. *SIGH*



New member
Jun 15, 2011
I've completely fallen out of fighting games. I must have gotten really slow as I've gotten older because I got STOMPED HARD for an hour straight when I tried the new Mortal Kombat online.
Feb 14, 2008
Anything that doesn't have a really friggin interesting world-building gig or plot-gig or character-development gig. I play games for the literary finesse, not because they're neat and look good.

Also, present-day/present-tech shooters. I play games to escape from this horrid world and war is the most horrid part of it all.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
RTS because I haven't found a game to replace BFME2. I played some of Brood Wars, CnC, and WC3, but I just can't get into them.


New member
Sep 3, 2011
I have come out of the fiery addictive arcade games which I spent much of my change for, such as Metal Slug, Pac-man, Tekken, Mortal Kombat. Man, those games were so badass.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Any game with gameplay that relies on hack n slash and/or grinding. I used to be able to bear it, but now I get bored quickly when I feel I'm repeating the same content ad infinitum in the off chance I'll walk out with slightly better loot. For this reason, I've never gotten into MMORPGs and probably never will, barring a radical shift in gameplay.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Shooters.... I know that sounds wierd but.... I spent so much time into Halo 2 and the older call of duty games. Now all of them that come out just feel so....bland. It's made me turn more to RPG's than ever before.