Video Game Hoarding. I think I may have a problem.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I have to admit, it took a ton of willpower to stop myself from buying so much in the recent Steam sale, it's just so damn easy..
I must have like 160ish games on there now, 20 of which I've completed and easily 50 I've never even booted up once.
I also have around 150 games between the consoles in my house and the same number of CDs.
Really need to exercise some self control before it turns into a problem..but I can't help it when they're all just so good D:


New member
Oct 12, 2010
PC gaming looking pretty good right now, huh? A desert, with the occasional oasis and oilfield.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
A few years back my collection was getting out of hand so I sold them on eBay and traded them in for newer games. Nowadays a majority of the games I buy are bought via trade in. I have about half a dozen games on PS3/X360 that I want to keep, but the rest get traded. I know a lot of people complain about the povo trade in prices but the way I see it is I'd rather get something for them than have the games sitting in my cupboard collecting dust, convincing myself that 'one day' I may play it, but deep down I know it's a load.