HT_Black said:
ALSO: Why in the name of all that is good and holy would you fork over $140 for that?
I was wondering this too. For that kind of money you could just get two or three BRAND NEW games every week. Even more of you go for used games. That said there's probably some other services that are being charged for there, but it still seems like a lot.
I'm a little divided on the debate; I have a personal dislike for Brownrigg and McKay due to the whiney 'think of the children' crap that seems to me like a 'straw-man' argument, but at the same time I do agree that getting outside once in a while is pretty helpful.
At the same time, though, summer camp or anything else like this is only beneficial if it's fun. I think it was pointed out earlier here, but if nothing else the 'Arcade Bunker' could be a good idea to let the kids learn how to socialise better. If they're anything like me, they could do with it.