Vigilo, Confido - An XCOM RP (Open/PM for Entry) (Started)

The Critic

New member
Apr 3, 2010
This is my first time making an RP thread, so please, any help, advice, and constructive criticism would be more than welcome.

The RP is now started. If you wish to join, PM me, and we'll have you set up in no time.

Also, I may be unavailable for some of the weekend.

Also, we have a new rule regarding characters. Be sure to read the Character Submission section!

In the past several decades, sightings of unnatural phenomena called "Unidentified Flying Objects" began to be reported to governments around the world. In the past few years, the number of sightings has risen. Dramatically.


February 19th, 2015
Undisclosed Location in Central Africa

In a dimly lit office, Lucas Attano sits at his desk, doing his best to stave off boredom.

His mind is distracted, he is wondering just what his superiors are expecting him to accomplish in such a remote facility.

He, of course, is quite well aware of his purpose, and the purpose of his entire organization; but despite having been assigned to his post 8 months ago, he still can't help but shake the feeling that he was given this position to get rid of him. He had, after all, been something of a rising star in the French military previously.

On a whim, he checks his computer. Two new reports have come in; one from a NASA observatory in the United States, and one, weirdly, from the Phillipines...


It soon became apparent that the rise in the so-called "UFO Activity" was no accident, nor was it any natural phenomenon. No human explanation could account for it, no of experimental aircraft performing test flights, no un-authorized satalite launches, nothing. The governemnts of the world, then, were left to face a terrifying possibility: Mankind may very well not be alone in the galaxy.


Attano could barely believe what he was reading from the Phillipine report. A remote island community, numbering just above 70.... Evidence of a battle taking place.... Residents attempted to defend themselves.... Evidence showed use of firearms in self-defence by locals, but bizarre scorch marks indicated that they had not been attacked with bullets.... Eyewitnesses report seeing something moving at the edge of the jungle of the small island the night of the attack.... Casualty assesment indicates that there were 10 dead bodies of the the locals recovered (45 were still alive), but a full 22 had somehow gone missing....

Attano sat back, his mouth agape. Acompanying the report, which stated that the Phillipine military had swept the island nad had found nothing to indicate just what had hit the island, was a photograph of the only bit of evidence that was able to be recovered: A small knife, unremarkable save for what was on the blade. What appeared to be blood, green and sickly. Non-human blood.

His mind was racing now, awash in both worry and wonderment. Still, he attempted to focus his newfound excitement into a productive course of action, and he quickly opened the NASA report.

Inside was a single image, taken by the Cassini probe in orbit around Saturn. While the planet itself was the focus of the shot, a small portion in the lower left had been helpfully blown up, showing what could very well be a meteorite, save for the fact that, even with the grainy image, it was far too uniform in appearance to be one. A single straight-edged, conical nosed object. Not very big by the look of things, but nonetheless, worrying.

"Unbelievable..." he breathed.

Suddenly, the door to his office slid open, and in dashed a familiar face. Central Officer Brit Hagen.

"Luc, you'd better come quick." she said, Attano making not of the fact that, in all the years he'd known the Norwegian, he'd never seen her this...anxious.

"What is it?" came the reply as he rose from his chair, though he had a feeling that he already knew what she was going to say.

"Secure transmission in the Situation Room. It's for you."


Faced with a threat unlike any they had ever encountered before, many of the governments of the world quietly formed a Council of Nations, a collection of the countries that had agreed to help support a multi-national effort to face any possible extraterrestrial threat, whether through funding, resources or manpower. Soon, mankind's prepared defence against the threat of extraterrestrial invasion lay in the hands of one organization....


Both Attano and Central Officer Hagen raced to the Situation Room, thankfully only a short distance from Attano's office.

Upon entering, Attano quickly took his place in front of the massive screen in the room.

"Transmission on-screen."

On cue, the image of a bald man in a well-tailored suit sitting in the shadows appeared. A simple nod was the only gesture that he gave. Both participants knew that this would be a one-sided converstation.

"Hello Commander" a gravel-filled voice uttered "In response to the recent extraterrestrial incursion, this Council of Nations has convened to approve the activation of the XCOM project. You have been chosen to lead this initiative, to oversee our first, and last, line of defense. Your actions will have considerable influence on this planet's future; we urge you to keep that in mind as you proceed."

"Good Luck, Commander" And the image faded, and disappeared, just as quickly as it had shown up.

It was quite a bit to take in at once, but Attano was back on track in admirable time; the enormity of what had just occured having been relegated to the back of his mind for a short time.

"Brit" he said, turning to face the Central Officer "the base is still running on a skeleton crew, right?"

She nodded "Unfortunately, yeah. We can have nearly all stand-by personnel here within a week, but that still leaves us badly under-manned in a few areas, namely our ground teams and our tactical planners."

"We need to remedy that. Quickly."

"Thankfully" she said, as a small smile found it's way to her face "I do have quite the list of Dossiers of qualified people that would fit the bill."

"Get those Dossiers sent to me right away, I'll need to look those over. In the mean time, call up all of our stand-bys, and get back to Mission Control. I feel that this may be getting very interesting, very soon."


This RP is based on the new XCOM game from Firaxis, and will stay close to it in terms of tone, themes, and general atmosphere. That said, there may be some elements from the original Microprose XCOM here, as well as some very slight influences from broader sci-fi in general

All regular Forum rules apply. This is a Free-Form RP. We're all on the same side here. As usual, no Mary Sue characters, no godmoding, and no Trenchcoating (it doesn't really lend itself well to this setting, anyways. Labcoating, on the other hand, I will accept :) )

Just a tidbit, though. While I have participated in Forum RP Threads before, this is my first time starting one, so any help and constructive criticism is quite welcome.

Character submissions are to be given in the form of a Dossier, so here's what you need:

Name: (Last, First, Middle)
Nickname(s): (If any)
Experience/Qualifications: (What has you character done in the past that would bring him to the attention of an organization looking for the best and brightest?)
Physical Appearance: (Height, Weight, breif description of appearance)
Personal Bio: (This is optional)

Remember, XCOM is in serious need of soldiers, tactical planners (essentially Mission Control personnel), pilots (for both our Skyranger transports and our Interceptors), and the like. We also need scientists and engineers to support our more action-oriented branches.

As of now, I'm allowing secondary characters for everyone if they want them in order to fill in the science, engineering, and tactical planning positions.

Here's two sample character sheets, for the Commander and Central Officer, respectively.

Name: Attano, Lucas
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Nationality: French (born Italian)
Position: Commander
Experience/Qualifications: 17 years of service in the French Army. Reports by superior officers indicate that he has acceptable (though unremarkable) tactical sense, but does have a gift for strategic planning. Has served as a liason on various Military R&D Projects, and has as of late become something of a troubleshooter for NATO. Has commanded troops on a U.N. Peacekeeping deployment. Has never personally been in combat, though his troops did on the aforementioned peacekeeping deployment.
Physical Appearance: 171 cm, 77.1 kg. Relatively thin, tan-skinned, jet black hair, dark brown eyes.
Personal Bio: [REDACTED]

Name: Hagen, Brit
Nickname(s): "Sunny"
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Nationality: Norwegian
Position: Central Officer
Experience/Qualifications: 15 years of Service in the Norwegian Army. Substantial background in counter-terrorism. Has both planned and executed operations, and has served as a liason in NATO. Forced into medical leave from active service due to injuries sustained in the Oslo Crisis of April 2014. Noted for being a gifted tactician.
Physical Appearance: 177.5 cm, 72.5 kg. Somewhat thin, Pale-skinned, blonde hair, green eyes
Personal Bio: [REDACTED]

Firstly, this is my first RP that I've created (not the first I've participated in), so please, any help from you guys would be very welcome.

Secondly, This is freeform RP. No one's here to win, we're just here to have a fun time.

Thirdly, my idea for this RP is for it to sort of develop a rythem. The initial posts are going to be the new recruits arriving and settling in, then the first mission. My idea is that after each mission, there's a bit of an interlude that allows people to develop their characters before we move on to the next mission or plot point. To accomplish this, we may need to use time-skips. As such, most posts will have an in-universe date-stamp to show how time passes. I know that sounds like a bad idea, so if anyone has a better idea on how to work this in, please let me know. As always, I'm willing to listen.

Lastly, let's have some fun with this, alright?

Anti-American Eagle

May 2, 2011
Name: Bracken, Cole
Nickname(s): Black
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Nationality: Canadian
Position: Skyranger Pilot
Experience/Qualifications: Seven years of piloting in the RCAF. Six years of which have been exclusively combat drops.
Physical Appearance: 6'0", average weight, thin build, pale skin, brown hair, and green eyes.
Personal Bio: [REDACTED]

Interesting idea

Name: Nathan Black
Nickname(s): Smith
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Nationality: English
Position: Sniper
Experience/Qualifications: Experienced SAS Sniper
Physical Appearance: 5'9", average weight, muscular build, tanned skin, black hair, and blue eyes.
Personal Bio: [REDACTED]

The Critic

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Ryans Solution said:
Name: Bracken, Cole
Nickname(s): Black
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Nationality: Canadian
Position: Skyranger Pilot
Experience/Qualifications: Seven years of piloting in the RCAF. Six years of which have been exclusively combat drops.
Physical Appearance: 6'0", average weight, thin build, pale skin, brown hair, and green eyes.
Personal Bio: [REDACTED]

Interesting idea
Thank You!

Current Roster:

Name: Bracken, Cole
Nickname(s): Black
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Nationality: Canadian
Position: Skyranger Pilot
Experience/Qualifications: Seven years of piloting in the RCAF. Six years of which have been exclusively combat drops.
Physical Appearance: 6'0", average weight, thin build, pale skin, brown hair, and green eyes.
Personal Bio: [REDACTED]

...Young for a pilot, but his reports do indicate a rather impressive set of skills. Still, though, I am concerned over how he will adapt to the Skyranger, it is a far cry from the helicopters that he is used to.

Name: Nathan Black
Nickname(s): Smith
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Nationality: English
Position: Sniper
Experience/Qualifications: Experienced SAS Sniper
Physical Appearance: 5'9", average weight, muscular build, tanned skin, black hair, and blue eyes.
Personal Bio: [REDACTED]

...His personnel file mentions a prediliction towards high alcohol consumption. I'll have to ensure that I place a limit on how much each soldier is allowed to consume per day, and amend the on-duty/off-duty drinking rules. I'll also need to secure my own private stock...

Name: Yates, Baxter
Nickname: Joker
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Position: Corporal
Experience/Qualifications: 4 years as a Marine medic, seen several combat scenarios, decent with tactics.
Physical Appearance: 5'11, average soldier build, fair skin, black hair, brown eyes.
Personal Bio: [REDACTED]

...The American Navy sends me one of their Corpsmen. How fortunate, we're in need of a good medic. I merely hope that he can control himself, I don't need some brash American cowboy causing problems. His humor may also be an issue, I fear. judging from his recordings and his former Commanding Officer's notes, I can only hope that his squad has a tolerance for bad jokes...

Name: Hill, Thomas
Nickname: Blitz
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Nationality: Australian
Position: Ground Team (Assault, Sergeant if I have to give rank)
Experience/Qualifications: 9 years within the Australian Army, 6 of them as an SAS operator. Performed several high-class operations & served 4 tours.
Physical Appearance: 5' 10", Alethic build, tan skin, brown hair with blonde highlights, blue eyes.
Personal Bio: (would supply one but skipped for sake of ease)

...An Australian, and another poor soul who has only known the soldier's life. It appears to be a growing trend, so many of our troops joined their respective armed forces at the age of 18...

Name: Makhuba, Kwame
Nickname(s): -none-
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Nationality: South African
Position: Ground team
Experience/Qualifications: South African Army, Special Forces; trained in a variety of combat, survivalist and tracking expert. (Not sure what class, support or sniper, depends on the need)
Physical Appearance: 186 cm, 103 kg, muscular, short black hair.
Personal Bio: [Redacted]

...It would appear as though we have found ourselves a true professional in Makhuba. He rarely seems to speak, and comes off as stoic when he does (perhaps it's best that he stays quiet. His South African accent makes English sound almost as incomprehensible as when I try ans speak it). Aside from his personality, he appears to be rather gifted with a rifle, a skill that I'm sure his squadmates will be thankful for...

Name: Schmidt, Axel
Nickname(s): -none-
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Nationality: German
Position: Support Staff, Science department
Experience/Qualifications: Doctor of Engineering, years of experiences working on weapon systems.
Physical Appearance: 181 cm, 87 kg, lean, short greying hair.
Personal Bio: [Redacted]

...Asnother German scientist, as if Dr. Vahlen wasn't enough already. At the very least, she'll have someone with which to communicate with in that horrendus excuse of a language. Also, I'm sure that Dr. Shen will be pleased with his qualifications. I am hopeful that the two will work well together...

Name: Campbell, Colina, Flight Sergent

Nickname(s): Firebird

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Nationality: Scotland

Position: Interceptor pilot

Graduation full honers from RAF Halton
4 years RAF flight experience
2 years RAF experimental aircraft pilot

Physical Appearance: 5'4" tall with a sturdy frontierswoman type build. Hair is a bright shade of red cut short with spiky tendencies. Left ear missing top edge.

Personal Bio: [REDACTED]

Name: Razvan Marin Tanase

Nickname(s): Eagle

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Nationality: Romanian

Position: Interceptor Pilot

Experience/Qualifications: 6 years experience in the Romanian Air Force. 5 years of MiG-21 LanceR experience. Fought during the Afghanistan War leading bombing runs as well as close combat support.
Has decent marksman training and basic first aid in case he gets shot down.

Physical Appearance: 1.8 meters tall, he has brown hair and eyes. He is of a slight muscular built weighing in at 90 kg. He is clean shaven with no visible scars.

Personal Bio: [Redacted]

Name: Summers, Pvt. Alexander

Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Nationality: Canadian

Position: Ground Team

Experience/Qualifications: Two years served with the 8th Canadian Hussars Armoured Reconnaissance. Two years served with the Royal Canadian Regiment, 2nd Battalion.

Physical Appearance: 172 cm, 73.9 kg, lean, short blonde hair, blue eyes

Personal Bio: Field service in 8th Hussars is unremarkable. Trained in communications and reconnaissance tactics both armoured and infantry.

Field service in RCR. Twenty-three combat actions have reports filed of Pvt. Summers reacting to threats not yet identified by radar, communications arrays and other reconnaissance equipment. Several reports filed during debrief of soldiers claiming to have seen Pvt. Summers reacting to weapons fire that had yet to be discharged. Medical testing has proven unsuccessful in determining cause.

Exerpt from Debriefing of Operation: Razorback

"...I don't know, sir. I just hear what's going on and this flash and my stomach churns something awful. I just know something bad is gonna happen."
"So, Private, you would call it a gut feeling?"
"I s'pose so, sir."
"So what about the numerous reports of you taking cover before any contact has been made?"
"I told you already, sir, that my squad must have been mistaken. I heard those shots fired and reacted appropriately..."
Evidence is inconclusive of anything other than blind luck. Further study is still recommended.

-Attached to the file is a small note-

Pvt. Summers has been put forth as a candidate for the XCOM project due to unnatural physical and mental conditions. We hope, in time, that answers may be found.

[Signature of Colonel Craig Atchison]

Colonel Craig Atchison

Name: Vanson, Daryl
Nickname(s): Fuse
Age: 35
Position:Ground. Heavy.
Experience/Qualifications: Olympic level weight lifter and served in the U.S army for eight years. Earning the rank of Staff Sargeant.
Physical Appearance: Six foot seven. 295 pounds of bulk. Short black hair. Blue eyes.
Personal Bio: (Redacted)

Name: Labelle, Corset Boulian
Nickname(s): Countess
Position:Combat Support/Scout Or Assualt
Experience/Qualifications: Served three years in the Troupes de marine fresh out of high school and then transferred to GIGN where she spent four years doing counter terrorist and other special operations as well as she took a degree in psychology.
Physical Appearance: 6'1 190 pounds she looks like your typical brown haired french girl whose kept herself fit and you can tell she wears a uniform by how fit she keeps herself and her posture.
Personal Bio: (details of this can be role played out)

Name: Larson, Adam, Jacob
Nickname(s): 'Fire'
Age: 20
Gender: M
Nationality: American
Position: Sniper

Experience/Qualifications: Advanced Sniper in the United State army, under the 'Land Warrior' project. 'Land Warrior' is a technology developed by the United States to Virtually connect all the soldiers together, while also giving them new intel and orders in real time.

Adam is skilled with his Sniper Rifle, which he named 'Maria'.

Physical Appearance: 6'0", 190 lbs, slender build with a black and white trim suit of body armor, with black helmet.

Personal Note: Awww hell yeah! Alright, real talk, me and my bro are some of the finest mofos' you'll be looking at all year. Fire and Ice baby, Ice keeps the Fire in line and steers it where to go, and Fire burns their asses! Oh yeah!

...The Americans must think me a fool, or a miracle worker. They expect me to achieve victory when they send me over-eager children? I must speak to the Council about this, and about the anomalous items on this dossier. Barely 2 years of military service, if that! Mon Dieu...

Name: Mastick, Daniel, Lee
Nickname(s): 'Ice'
Age: 20
Gender: M
Nationality: American
Position: Technical Support

Experience/Qualifications: Advanced technician in the United State army, under the 'Land Warrior' project. 'Land Warrior' is a technology developed by the United States to Virtually connect all the soldiers together, while also giving them new intel and orders in real time.

Daniel is skilled with different technologies, his main pride and joy being his prototype of Land Warrior's Aim-Assist Overlay/HUD features, which he uses to help Adam in the field.

Physical Appearance: 5'10", 200 lbs, slender build with a white and black trim business suit.

Personal Note: Greetings. I hope you consider my associate and I for positions in your program. We've solid teamwork between us, with over forty confirmed kills by my brother.

...At last, we have technical support staff to assist Hagen in Mission Control. Though, like his "brother", I am rather concerned with this young man's lack of experience (40 simulated kills count for nothing in actual conflict against an enemy we know nothing about) and his age (this appears to be a trend, we don't recieve many university graduates or academy-educated officers, I can only assume that the Council wishes to keep such personell in their own national forces). Nonetheless, at the very least this one appears to be more collected than his collegue...


New member
Jun 29, 2011
Cool, though I haven't played the game yet... Screw it.

Name: Yates, Baxter
Nickname: Joker
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Position: Corporal
Experience/Qualifications: 4 years as a Marine medic, seen several combat scenarios, decent with tactics.
Physical Appearance: 5'11, average soldier build, fair skin, black hair, brown eyes.
Personal Bio: [REDACTED]

Yay, no need for bio :D [sub]Suck at those...[/sub]


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Name: Hill, Thomas
Nickname: Blitz
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Nationality: Australian
Position: Ground Team (Assault, Sergeant if I have to give rank)
Experience/Qualifications: 9 years within the Australian Army, 6 of them as an SAS operator. Performed several high-class operations & served 4 tours.
Physical Appearance: 5? 10?, Alethic build, tan skin, brown hair with blonde highlights, blue eyes.
Personal Bio: (would supply one but skipped for sake of ease)

This would be first RP I've tried to do.


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Would it be possible to have more than one character? Seeing as you want to include engineers, scientists and all the other support staff as well. So many options! :D

But this is my submission for now:
Name: Makhuba, Kwame
Nickname(s): -none-
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Nationality: South African
Position: Ground team
Experience/Qualifications: South African Army, Special Forces; trained in a variety of combat, survivalist and tracking expert. (Not sure what class, support or sniper, depends on the need)
Physical Appearance: 186 cm, 103 kg, muscular, short black hair.
Personal Bio: [Redacted]
Name: Schmidt, Axel
Nickname(s): -none-
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Nationality: German
Position: Support Staff, Science department
Experience/Qualifications: Doctor of Engineering, years of experiences working on weapon systems.
Physical Appearance: 181 cm, 87 kg, lean, short greying hair.
Personal Bio: [Redacted]

The Critic

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Havegun, as of now, yes, I'll allow a second character (at the very least) for the support side of things. This applies to everyone.

And Tyranid, glad to have you along. If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask. Here to help.

Alright, let's see if we can get a few more before we start...


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Random Question; Should we be expecting a situation like this:

Edit: As the image doesn't want to load for me, I'll assume the same for others & suggest that you either right-click the 'image' and go 'view' or head to the web-address:

The Critic

New member
Apr 3, 2010
TyranidXX said:
Random Question; Should we be expecting a situation like this:

Edit: As the image doesn't want to load for me, I'll assume the same for others & suggest that you either right-click the 'image' and go 'view' or head to the web-address:
Hmm, is it the Chrysallid one? Expect them to show up for sure, but as for any aliens showing up in the base (that aren't dead or captured)? Well, it seems rather unlikely.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
TyranidXX said:
Random Question; Should we be expecting a situation like this:

Edit: As the image doesn't want to load for me, I'll assume the same for others & suggest that you either right-click the 'image' and go 'view' or head to the web-address:
But she's too cute to die :X


New member
Feb 17, 2010
The Critic said:
I figured that Chrysallids would show up but I was more asking about Base Defense missions. I just figured I'd ask because I've played both the old & new enemy unknown

The Critic

New member
Apr 3, 2010
TyranidXX said:
The Critic said:
I figured that Chrysallids would show up but I was more asking about Base Defense missions. I just figured I'd ask because I've played both the old & new enemy unknown
Like I said, it's unlikely, as I was trying to keep things more similar to the new Enemy Unknown. That said, I will not rule it out as impossible, though it may not be a massive event like it was in the original UFO Defense (I had actually considered this, and I do have an idea on how to work this in. Hmm, now I'm kind of interested in this idea...). We'll see...


New member
Sep 26, 2011
So, you want to wait for more troopers, or should we maybe try an 'easy' first mission?

The Critic

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Havegun said:
So, you want to wait for more troopers, or should we maybe try an 'easy' first mission?
Let's start this. The RP will still be open, so anyone is welcome to join up.



February 21st, 2015
XCOM Headquarters, Undisclosed Location in Central Africa

Attano looked over the scene in Mission Control, impressed at the sheer amount of activity taking place.

"I must say, Brit, you've done an amazing job at getting everyone working. -Ow are things coming along?"

The Central Officer, currently overseeing the activation of Mission Control's central display, looked over at the Commander.

"Accent, Luc." she chimed, punctuating her words with a smile and a friendly shove on the shoulder "Heh, everything's coming along just fine. Base Power is running at 100%, the Engineering and Research Labs are online, and all ships in the Hanger are 100% All that we need now are just people to actually use all of our toys."

The Commander nodded "I recieved the dossiers you sent me. I -ave already approved several of them for recruitment. With the orders I sent, they should be hear by the 25th, no later...And what did you say about my accent?"

"Nothing, I just figured that a Sorbonne graduate that took four semesters worth of English, and liased with the Royal Army, would have lost the French accent by now. Anyways, you want to put any special orders in for getting the new recruits here? Anonymous helicopter drop out here, pick them up in the Skyranger at the Airport in Lagos, what'll it be?"

"Hmm, Have the Skyranger pick them up from the Airfield, but do it from Bangui instead of Lagos. It's closer, yes? In any event, It would probably be easier to get them out secretly by night from Bangui. Make it a night-time pick up from our shed..."


"...-anger there. They should arrive in Bangui by the 25th. Factor in an hour-long flight, and they should be -ere by about 22:00, local time. When they get -ere, get them settled in, then have them report to the Situation Room. We'll brief them there."

Hagen nodded. "I'll see to it, and I'll also forward to you any more dossiers that cross my desk." She turned, heading back to the nearest console, intent on getting Mission Control's main holo-projectors running.

"Right. I'll be in Engineering if you need me. Call if anything comes up." And with that, the Commander started towards the elevator. Things were rapidly falling into place at XCOM; new recruits were arriving, the veritable army of stand-by personell had been called up, and every day more and more engineers, scientists, technicians, mechanics, and various other support staff were arriving. At the rate things were headed, the base would be at full readiness on schedule, by March 1st.

But even with everything moving along as planned, both the Central Officer and the Commander were all too aware of the fact that the organization was badly under-manned. They didn't have enough soldiers, nor enough pilots. Without the new recruits, XCOM would stand no chance.


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Kwame had landed in Bangui with no other instructions than a hangar number. After quickly consulting with some airport staff, he discovered the hangar to be in the farthest corner of the airfield and he had no means of getting there, except his own two legs. Thankfully, he'd travelled light and prepared for such an event, his luggage consisting of only a sole backpack, containing an extra uniform and a few personal items.

He set off in search of the mysterious hangar, following a dirt trail running alongside the runway in the general direction he had been. When he got to the end of the runway, at first he thought he had gone the wrong way or that it was an extremely elaborate joke; as there was no hangar in sight. There was a runway and then it ended and that was it.
He stood for a moment, looking around, before he finally saw it, shrouded in darkness, about fifty yards into the nothingness surrounding the runway. 'Hangar' was flattery, to say the least. Kwame didn't know what aircraft it was meant to store, but, looking at it, his first guess would have to be 'kite'.

He walked over looked around, finding it devoid of any signs of life... or anything else, for that matter. The elaborate joke-theory entered his head again. If only he wasn't sure that none of his friends would bother with that much planning (or expenses), he might have left the very same instant. But he decided to stick around, see what was gonna happen. He'd give it an hour.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Thomas had arrived in Bangui at around 2100 local with instructions consisting of only a Hanger number. A few quick questions to the airport staff & he was pointed towards a hanger at the far end of the airfield. Making sure he had his duffel bag, containing spare uniforms & small personal effects, he began his slow stroll over.

Following the dirt path near the runway, he examined the surrounding area for things such as vantage points, anything classed as good cover, etc.; he knew he shouldn't need to but a healthy paranoia ran in the family & was cultivated due to games like Dark Souls. Nearing the end of the path, he caught sight of a building fifty yards off shrouded in darkness. He figured that he probably passed the intended hanger until he saw the numbers on the building. Sighing at what might be someone screwing with him, he moved off towards the building with his first real thought of the evening "Hanger... more like a fraking shed if you ask me."

At around thirty yards away, he noticed a man milling about the area. The guy was about the same height as Thomas, give or take a few centimetres & had short black hair. A little closer and he saw the guy also had more pronounced muscles then himself. Once more, a little closer and he could tell from the uniform's beret that he was South African Special Forces. Having the sudden need to fix up his own beret a little, he moved close to the ten yard range before making his presence known. 'Evening.'

Anti-American Eagle

May 2, 2011
Cole arrived at the airport and asked around for a couple of minutes before finally being directed towards a hangar in the distance.

He followed a dirt path before noticing that someone had been following him. He turned around and the man walked past him. Cole sighed and continued towards the "hangar." He saw some people standing there already and he walked into the "hangar."

Nathan had a similar experience except he was drunk. He saw some wierd guy ahead of him stop and give him some funny looks, but he walked past him. He saw some people standing around a shed and wandered towards them.


New member
May 11, 2012
Razvan arrived at the airport at 2200 hours. The flight was a tiring one as he was unable to get any sleep. Being squashed between two fat people on an airplane can do that. Getting off the plane he stretched quickly and looked at the piece of paper which contained a hanger number.

Asking the airport security they quickly pointed him to the hanger. As he walked towards the hanger he wondered at what awaited him. As he neared the hanger he saw some other people which had arrived before him. Approaching carefully he lit a cigarette and greeted them, "Gentlemen..."

The Critic

New member
Apr 3, 2010
21:00 Local (UTC +1)
February 25th, 2015
Bangui, Central African Republic

Hagen waited in the darkness of the Hanger's interior. Behind her, it's presence only revealed by shadows cast from what little moonlight found it's way through the few windows of the building, lay the Skyranger, the craft that would be taking them to Headquarters.

She did admit to herself that this was a stupid thing to be doing: the Central Officer should be in Mission Control, helping run things and keeping watch over any situation that arose, not going well out of her way just to make sure that some new recruits made it to base alright. But she had practically begged the Commander to let her do this, to let her just get a little bit of time off-base. She needed time above-ground, she said.

The Commander had been nice enough to give her this one, if only because she asked as a friend rather than a subordinate. She knew that he hated not having Mission Control under a careful watch. But....

Brit's train of thought was derailed when the rear door to the hanger opened, and in stepped in one of the recruits. Quietly, without giving away her presence, Hagen rose from her seat atop a crate and started towards the new arrival. She winced as she stood up, pain flaring from her left leg, a reminder of her experience in the Oslo incident. She moved silenly towards the recruit, whom she had tentatively identified as Cole Bracken, the Canadian pilot whom they'd pegged as a prime candidate for flying one of XCOM's Skyranger transports.

"Nice evening, ain't it?" Hagen said, her voice lacking any distinguishing accent, sounding rather American. The Canadian turned to face her, and Hagen's ears caught wind of conversation just outside the hanger's rear door.

"You were told to come out here, right?" Hagen continued, before the pilot could respond to her greeting "Funny collection of people meeting here, isn't it? Listen, you can pick them out by voice. A South African, an American, an Aussie, a Scot, a Romanian, an old German, and an Englishman." As if on cue, the rather distinct sound of a man tripping and falling was heard outside "A Drunk Englishman, by the sound of it. Here, why don't you help me out? Go outside and tell all of those...uh, 'recruits' to come inside and get on that plane over there?" Hagen said, as she gestured towards the now slightly more illuminated Skyranger.

"Would you mind doing that for me?" Hagen asked again, favoring the Canadian with her warmest smile "Please?"


New member
Jun 29, 2011
[OOC: Oh, crap this started. I had no idea o_O]

Baxter slept quietly on the wall of the hangar. When people started with their pleasantries, he awoke.

"Hello all." he mumbled, half awake. He got up with a slight frown, taking note of everyone there. "Anyone got water?"