Villains you hate


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
So, there's a topic about villains we love, so I decided to create a topic about villains we hate! And not hate as in "Oh you baddie! I hate you and heroes will defeat you!". No, I mean villains we hate as in "Are you supposed to be scary or funny? Because I sure do find you funny". Basically, villains that we think fail as villains.

Now, without further ado, Moriarty from Sherlock! HOLY SHIT DO I HATE THAT GUY! Now, don't get me wrong, I see why people love him and I definitely see an appeal, but I just CANNOT take him seriously! All I see is a kid who tries to show off and wants to be scaaaaary. "Oh hai Sherloooock, how you doing handsome? I WILL KILL YOU AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS!!! Ok bai I have to go kiss ya". I just want to slap his back and send him back to his room.
This gif perfectly summarizes the way I see Moriarty
<img src=>
<img src=>
I actually see Vaas from Far Cry 3 the same way. Suddenly YELLING SOME of your WORDS will NOOOT make you scary. OKAY!?!!?!


New member
Feb 3, 2010
The Governor from The Walking Dead (television show). Such an inept, non-threatening villain. Absolutely whiffs every single time he attempts anything, eventually settling for killing a one-legged septuagenarian shortly before succumbing to his own incompetence.

Also, Littlefinger: Television Edition. A devious master of the game in the book is reduced to a penultimate mustache twirler, smarmily informing anyone who will listen of all his nefarious plans and insane rationalizations.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
In the sense of "villains failing as villains", I can think of a whole slew of them from the Marvel/DC movies. Although I kind of fancy some of his dialogue, Bane from The Dark Knight Rises underwhelmed me. The voice felt like it was dubbed on and in a bad way, felt like they should've cast someone other than Hardy (taller, stronger, whatever, it's not like you need a great actor in the role). Not to mention the final fight was anticlimactic.

Loki is a textbook case of Much Ado About Nothing. He fails to live up to the title of Trickster God. He gets his ass handed by everyone - even Coulson, for crying out loud. It took him 3 movies to achieve anything and I might argue he's not a villain anymore. The character just rides the fanboy wave on autopilot.

IllumInaTIma said:
Now, without further ado, Moriarty from Sherlock! HOLY SHIT DO I HATE THAT GUY! Now, don't get me wrong, I see why people love him and I definitely see an appeal, but I just CANNOT take him seriously! All I see is a kid who tries to show off and wants to be scaaaaary. "Oh hai Sherloooock, how you doing handsome? I WILL KILL YOU AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS!!! Ok bai I have to go kiss ya". I just want to slap his back and send him back to his room.
I was so disappointed when Moriarty showed up for the first time. He's kind of grown on me though. They could've gone for a classier portrayal like Jared Harris in the RDJ movies, which was as appropriate as it was forgettable. At least BBC's Moriarty has a distinct characterization going on. He has this goofy diva thing going on, it's eerily magnetic.
I liked Sherlock's season 3 Magnusson, shame he's only in one episode.


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
BloatedGuppy said:
The Governor from The Walking Dead (television show). Such an inept, non-threatening villain. Absolutely whiffs every single time he attempts anything, eventually settling for killing a one-legged septuagenarian shortly before succumbing to his own incompetence.
OH GOD YES The Governor! But I hated him for a different reasons. I think he fails as a villain because he had such an amazing potential! The first time we see him he's rational, charming and very capable leader. "Wow, I sure do want to know what will make him fight Rick's group! Is there going to be some incident that will put two groups against each other? Will it be a simple fight for resources with good people on both sides?" Nope, he's just a fucking psycho.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
IllumInaTIma said:
OH GOD YES The Governor! But I hated him for a different reasons. I think he fails as a villain because he had such an amazing potential! The first time we see him he's rational, charming and very capable leader. "Wow, I sure do want to know what will make him fight Rick's group! Is there going to be some incident that will put two groups against each other? Will it be a simple fight for resources with good people on both sides?" Nope, he's just a fucking psycho.
Hahahahaha yeah that was our reaction as well. 2nd time around wasn't any better than the first. "Ah, they're spending more time with his group, to build them up as individuals and create some interesting shades of gre....whoops, nope. They're mad dog killers."

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Who else? Joffrey Lannister from Game of throne! (Do I win?)

Ok other than him, I guess the other villain that I hate would be Spandam from One Piece. He was such a pathetic weaklings and yet he had cause so much grief and suffering to Robin and Franky!


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Two words: Yuki Terumi.

Blazblue took things to the limits of tolerance and good taste with that freaky troll-boy. Of course, as it turns out (NOT EVEN A SPOILER, REALLY), he's a rather inept kind of villain.

(Note: This is talking about a fictional troll, Mods.)
Sep 14, 2009
this one will probably rustle some jimmies, but it is honestly how I feel


the guy is a complete joke, there isn't a single time that I remotely think of him as the villain, more of just an annoyance and an immature pain in the ass, which is weird considering how many villains I like that are immature or do end up being a pain in the ass...

idk, different strokes and all that, like how the OP doesn't like Moriarty, while he is probably my favorite villain in the past few years if not longer, his actor hits the role spot on.
while I liked season 3 as a whole, I thought magnusson was a real bore compared to Moriarty, both as the actor played the character and the character overall.

lord canti

New member
May 30, 2009
The slender man. I cannot figure out why people think this creature is so scary all he does is stand there....MENACINGLY.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Overpowered villains like Sosuke Aizen from Bleach and Madara Uchiha from Naruto. They're overpowered, manipulative assholes that stupid fangirls keep fawning over for some stupid reason and won't just fucking die already!


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Harley Quinn is the epitome of this, to me. She has the lightheartedness of the Joker, but with none of the gravitas or originality.

I really like Paul Dini, but not his most famous creation.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
I always despised Majin Buu. I thought he was as terrible in concept as Cell was awesome in concept.


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
IllumInaTIma said:
Moriarty from Sherlock!
But... He was my choice for villain I loved >.<

OT: Unalaq from Season 2 of The Legend of Korra. One of the best things about season 1 was Amon - a calculating, menacing and intimidating bad guy with a dark history. Then in season 2 we get Unalaq, someone with the most intense little brother jealousy ever.

Korra should have been able to mop the floor with this guy, yea he had spirit powers, but they don't help in a fight in the physical world. He was just your average water bender, a very skilled one true, but Korra is supposed to be a master of fire, water and earth.

Plus he was so boring. Your basic "I want to rule the world and I will use any means necessary to do so!". Snore. Varrik was a much more interesting character in season 2, hopefully he shows up again. In a series known for good villains (Azula, Ozai, Amon) Unalaq was very disappointing.


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
Drummodino said:
IllumInaTIma said:
Moriarty from Sherlock!
But... He was my choice for villain I loved >.<

OT: Unalaq from Season 2 of The Legend of Korra. One of the best things about season 1 was Amon - a calculating, menacing and intimidating bad guy with a dark history. Then in season 2 we get Unalaq, someone with the most intense little brother jealousy ever.

Korra should have been able to mop the floor with this guy, yea he had spirit powers, but they don't help in a fight in the physical world. He was just your average water bender, a very skilled one true, but Korra is supposed to be a master of fire, water and earth.

Plus he was so boring. Your basic "I want to rule the world and I will use any means necessary to do so!". Snore. Varrik was a much more interesting character in season 2, hopefully he shows up again. In a series known for good villains (Azula, Ozai, Amon) Unalaq was very disappointing.
And it was thanks to you that I decided to create this topic! :D

Yeah, Unalaq was really underwhelming. But then again, so was the whole second season.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
IllumInaTIma said:
Suddenly YELLING SOME of your WORDS will NOOOT make you scary. OKAY!?!!?!
...unless you're Brad Dourif. :D

OT: The Takers from Geneforge baffle me in a bad way.

OK, so, you'll give me unlimited power if I ally myself with you, and help you kill... everyone like me except me?


And you're going to constantly menace me every time I show up?

I took the Taker ending of Geneforge 2 out of pure curiosity once... it ended exactly as I thought I would. What a strange and stupid faction. o__O


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
IllumInaTIma said:
And it was thanks to you that I decided to create this topic! :D

Yeah, Unalaq was really underwhelming. But then again, so was the whole second season.
Haha, fair enough then. Season 2 was indeed disappointing on many levels. It still had some good moments though.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I'm going to be "that guy" and say Sephiroth. I cannot fathom why this guy is so goddamn popular, he's an overblown nutcase with a Oedipus Complex, and not a terribly compelling nutcase either. I like to call him Sephiroth Bates (as in Norman Bates).


Elite Member
Feb 22, 2012
Totally agree with you, OP. I love Sherlock, but I was deeply disappointed with Moriarty.

Other than that,

I know he seems to have a bit of a cult following, but I'm sorry, no. Just no.

To be fair though, superhero comics and their adaptations have produced far more "villains" that fit the bill for this thread than I can count, particularly if you go back a few years.


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
Daniel Vogel from the last season of Dexter. Ending the show with such a horribly written character as the main villain makes me sick to my stomach.
And having this little ***** with mommy issues be the one to kill Debra Motherfucking Morgan was downright insulting to the character. If she had to die, she at least deserved a good character as her murderer.


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
The Titans...

...I'm out.

They look too human. Pull too many stupid faces. And the worst part? I don't even know if they're villains, yet.