Argument from ignorance fallacy. Even if there were no known instances of this happening, it would hardly prove the problem to be "non-existent". However, I've posted a clip above showing that there's at least one example of this in the movies, and since apparently I need to, I'll post it again.Ukomba said:The issue is,Olas said:Look, I was just trying to illustrate why hand protection would be nice. Whether that one specific example would have benefitted from a cross guard isn't really that important, clearly you can see the value in having something to protect your hands (and the hilt of your weapon) without me needed to present anecdotal cases?Zachary Amaranth said:Except Luke's saber blade was out in a direction where a cross guard wouldn't have helped, so that's not correct.Olas said:And then you don't have to worry about this:
What about that scene suggests Luke would still have a hand if he had a cross guard?
1. the cross guard is a solution to a non-existent problem as there has never been a case where one blade has slid down and cut the hand or saber of anyone.
But even ignoring this, simple common sense would indicate the need for some sort of guard, why would it be useful for swords but not lightsabers? The fact that the issue hasn't come up in previous films should itself be seen as a flaw, not the fact that the new movie appears to be trying to rectify it.
Yes, I know, I already said this myself. The design is flawed, unless, like you said, it's made of something impervious to lightsabers. However, assuming Mandalorian iron isn't cheap, I can see why you wouldn't make an entire guard out of it.2. The cross guard, as shown, wouldn't work to protect the hand anyways unless the hilt is Mandalorian iron, at which point you don't the saber part anyways.
At best this argument is highly exaggerated. Ignoring the obvious fact that Jedi and Sith are trained swordsmen somehow capable of deflecting lasers in mid air, and therefore can probably handle this, what motions would this actually prevent? Even if it would limit motion in some ways, it's something that needs to be balanced with the advantages of having a cross guard.3. It prevents certain weapon motions due to danger of self inflicted wounds. (There's a reason rl swords don't have spiked or edged guards)
Maybe he's just a "true fan" of the Star Wars movies, and not every other piece of media someone has created that happens to be set in the same universe. And maybe he wants to expand on the universe by adding things of his own rather than just recycling already existing ideas the way fan-fiction often does. And maybe, just maybe, he wants to appeal to general audiences and therefore doesn't want to build his story on stuff from the EU that most people haven't heard of.Hand and weapon protection would be good, but it's done wrong. The sad thing is, the EU had perfectly reasonable things that could have been used in it's place, if he'd been a true fan of Star Wars he could have grabbed a number of things from KOTOR that would have been functional and looked better. I would have loved to see a live action Echani Dueling Shield.
That would be my guess.