Verlander said:
Similarly, I believe that while many of the "notmyshield" types are legitimate, they are a minority in the minority, and are used by non-"minorities" as a way of saying "well this girl doesn't agree, therefore feminism is wrong". It's a handy tactic.
Two things:
1. On what basis are you making this claim? Have you performed a survey amongst minority gamers who are aware of gamergate and painstakingly extrapolated the average opinion via detailed statistical analysis? Or are we making wild assumptions here based on nothing other than personal opinion? I'm not saying you're necessarily wrong, I can't say that because I haven't donned my lab coat and goggles to run any numbers on the matter myself.
2. Do you think someone is cherry picking them? They seem to be coming forward themselves. I'm not sure how you can relate them to a closed environment like Fox in which someone is pulling strings and wants to find a specific token for their cause. Do you believe that these individuals and their opinions do not matter? Don't you think it's a little bit wrong to marginalize them just because they disagree with you?
The fact is, many of us aren't upset over anything regarding SJW issues specifically. It just so happens that the particular form of corruption has unfairly benefited individuals that are disproportionally seen as the SJW crowd. Hence people existing who are upset that social justice shields are being used to support a corrupt environment.
Frankly, this environment has harmed all causes, including legitimate feminist causes. Zoe was only able to harm those innocent groups because of the corrupt system that favored the select groups of friends over all outsiders. That's not appropriate regardless of where you stand in the SJW crowd. It is unfortunate that the in-crowd appears to be SJW proponents specifically such that it seems like an attack on SJW. And sure, some people ARE using this to attack SJW stuff specifically. But it isn't only that and I think these notyourshield people have recognized that truth and are asking people to stop avoiding the issue of journalistic integrity by using social justice topics as a shield.
Having ethics in journalism shouldn't be something that anyone is against. Should I like Fox News just because I'm white? No, f*%k them. They're not real news and they serve no value to me because they're not real news. If I want biased opinions served to me as fact I'll go into a bar and listen to an old drunk white guy ramble about how times used to be better.
See, now I would be totally on board with you, except that view is what I'd call "screenshot reality".
You mean "current consumer market reality"? Sure. I'm not certain how you basically used a term "screenshot reality" which is basically a term meaning current factual demographic as a negative? That's how companies do business and make decisions. They don't do it on "screenshot dreaming", they do it on reality. If they expand the bounds of their product then it's typically due to a perceived demand that isn't being met which I think you and I generally agree exists. My wife was particularly happy when they had female avatars in COD for example. And why shouldn't that exist? Wasn't hard to do and it doesn't hurt me any that other people get to play with body armor that has two lumps up top.
If, today, you look at the audience and see that 80% is male, then it makes sense that 80% of money and focus is spend on that audience. The problem with the screenshot is that it tells you nothing about who this situation came to be, and the potential in the future. Other industries don't look at the present and plan that way, they look at the future in context of the past, and make strategic decisions based on that.
What does "how this situation came to be" impact business decisions? That's what's known as a sunk cost in business. Something that has already happened and is irrelevant to your next decision because it cannot be undone.
As for the potential in the future. That is something to consider, but wanting it to be the future really bad doesn't mean you invest in it now when it's not the future. Your audience forecast should include demand. If demand for something catering directly to females is high enough, then you cater to them. Please make no mistake, these idiots at the top of game publishing powerhouses aren't dismissing female money. They're going to take money wherever they can get it. What they've done is enough research to tell them whether or not it's a target market going after.
Does a stocking company sit around and wonder why they don't make more ball friendly stockings to attract male stocking wearers? Used to be a time where all genders wore stockings regularly and now it's overwhelmingly female. Styles change. They aren't going to produce a line of ball-friendly stockings if their customers are overwhelmingly female.
However, there are men who wear stockings, it's true. So if that number proves to be significant enough or if enough demand is expressed then maybe they'll start to make a separate line of stockings for them specifically while keeping their main line consistent with the largest demographic.
If you want to know why companies cater to one group or another, just follow the money. If a company thought they could make the most money by catering to cannibals and rapists then they'd cater to them. Maybe I have a jaded view of businesses but that's really what I think they'd do if they thought they could make a buck and wouldn't alienate their mainstream market. Or, if they thought they could make more money on a niche market then they'd do that even at the cost of the less profitable mainstream (like Dead Space 3 which moved away from niche to mainstream and ended up alienating everyone by not doing horror or action very good).
So believe me, if they felt the demand was strong enough to turn an excellent profit on female-centric AAA titles other than Just Dance or what have you, they'd be all on it. Like they are on those games.
The games industry has a unique past, in that the business of computer games was largely created by games developers. In the first instance, the business acumen was questionable, and the audience was targeted at the perceived audiences (their peers, 1970's computer nerds, and young kids who were still crazy over the moon landing and suchlike). This is where the original "gamer" stereotype grew. Those guys grew up to be games devs and continued this trend, something that doesn't happen in other industries. Nowadays the industry is so big (although not massively profitable) that actual non-gaming CEOs and similar are set to be appointed, and they're waking up to the fact that this is an industry that has been for decades (intentionally or not) exclusive to more than 50% of their potential customers.
Given the situation, it's not unfair for focus to shift, especially given that the games industry needs to build upon it's customer base in order to continue growth. You can argue equality from a focus perspective, as you have done, but it's reasonable to argue from a product perspective - nearly all games are male oriented, or can be made "girl friendly" in a cosmetic sense only.
Have you considered that females and males express differences in preferences in game genres the same way that males and females have different preferences in all other forms of media from movies to literature to everything else?
Assuming that we would ever be equal consumers of all games is to assume that we're going to have equal interests when this just hasn't been the case. Don't get me wrong, my wife loves FPS and was one of the 9% of girls that owned a PS3 as their primary console in 2010 compared to the 80% that owned a Wii. So I'm absolutely sympathetic to women who enjoy AAA action games like my wife but I also understand that this isn't necessarily the norm.
For example, women are in the vast majority of casual video game players. They outnumber males by a significant margin there. However, casual gaming as defined by the NDP Group is the amount of time spent gaming.
The core gamers are significantly more male and the heavy core gamers are not only the most male by far but spend twice the money the rest spend. In this study, to qualify as a casual gamer they had to play only non-core games.
So keep in mind, if you're a AAA developer you're not even looking at the casual gamer market. They aren't going to buy you're game. However, you might make a side project and develop a casual game to cater to that market. Which is actually what these companies are doing.
Note that women seem to express the same sort of genre preferences in games that they do in literature/movies. This should have been expected by everyone who is aware of these gender differences.
Note also that these are current gamers and their preferences. Given a sufficient sample size these percentages and gender differences should remain similar and this particular study had hundreds of millions of users being studied.
Some day we're going to live in a world where the real differences amongst genders may be recognized and even celebrated. Pretending like we as a sexually dimorphic species aren't different isn't being forward thinking or good. It's throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Men and women each have their own strengths and weaknesses and that sort of specialization only benefits us. We've avoided this truth for fear of people using those differences to claim superiority. But if something is true, it shouldn't be avoided. Those who stand up and misuse the truth are the ones that should be dealt with. Not avoidance of truth. Women like RTS games more than me. OK, let's work with that.
What we should be advocating for here are entire games catering to women rather than emasculating games. I think that there are entire genres in video games that haven't been tapped that can now be tapped thanks to a larger presence in gaming by women. Romance, Drama, and all other forms of games that the run of the mill action games aren't hitting properly and that our industry hasn't quite figured out yet.
This is what Sarkeesian is arguing about, regardless of whether you agree with her delivery or not (personally I don't). A games producer isn't going to listen to her videos and march out and do what she says, but the fact that her voice exists (as do many others) will make them rethink their strategy. It's worth noting that the film industry went through a similar (although not as extreme) change, but it's never stopped us from getting amazing films that suit our needs too.
Sarkeesian only bothers me in that she uses dishonest tactics to convey a point that is not necessarily valid due to her need to use falsehoods to make it stand. For example, she confuses the grammatical object of a sentence with Objectification.
She says that damselling a female makes her the object being acting on and says that's objectification. Which is false. The object of a sentence is not objectified. "I am talking with you." Is a sentence about what is going on here where you are grammatically the object of the sentence. I am not objectifying you anymore than a doctor saving your life would be. Objectification is treating a person with disregard for their dignity. Not the same thing. It is an extreme absurdity to try to make the object of a sentence the same thing. To be true, any action that is ever taken for any person or group is objectification. Such as "Anita defends feminists" would make her an objectifyer of all feminists.
As for video games, the villain objectifies the damsel and the point of the game is to rectify that fact. The entire damsel trope is basically a hero giving the agency back to the victim after a villain takes it away. In a world where women are the most common victims of kidnapping and sexual assault is it not a noble lesson to tell young gamers that they need to be the ones to stand up against that? Anita treats the developers as if they're the villains of the story and it simply doesn't follow.
Next, my problem is that she is not advocating against these things, she is only saying it is wrong because it's aimed at women. She has stated in one of her videos that it is not wrong to damsel a male because doing so does not perpetuate a stereotype even though she spent previous videos trying to claim that damselling is objectification. So we have a scenario where she's not advocating for equality. She's advocating for females to be treated better than males. A fair approach would be to ask for more males to be damselled rather than demanding females not be unless she really does believe that there is something wrong the damsel trope in general.
She also states opinions as fact. For example, women who serve as attractive decoration isn't an objective negative. You'd have to believe that all forms of sexualization is bad from porn to the cover of most romance novels with their Fabio-esque bare chested paragon of men right there. Since most people are generally OK with it in at least some forms of media then it is difficult to objectively claim why a ban on it should be enforced in gaming or why it is more evil in gaming than in movies or TV.
So it's easily possible to have criticisms of Anita without it having anything to do with equality aside from one criticisms pointing out Anita's sexist tendencies that find performing the same actions against men that she decries against women. It is entirely possible for a person who thinks equality is a fantastic thing, like myself, to think she's full of crap. I get that you likely agree with her but please don't put all dissenters in the same box. These notyourshield people aren't against social justice. They just have other reasons for why they dislike media corruption and don't think that you or anyone else should use social justice as a mask to hide behind.