We gamers are a cruel bunch.


New member
May 21, 2008
connall said:
Yes we defend our video games tooth and nail from the media band together to fight that monster but where we truly falter is in our own community ONLINE GAMING. If you haven't told from the writing I am 14 I play online I am a good team player I follow instructions to the T but when I use my mic I am met with such hate towards myself OH I SEE the tone of my voice is what matters not the fact that I am a good player I don't TK no no no It's the voice yes I understand we kids can be pricks online but not all of us you stereotype us as you stereotype nerds gangsters women you hate us because we are young granted we are young but what would you rather have a good 14 year old or a TKing asshole who is 25, 30 or whatever some of you greet us with open arms in games you don't care as long as we play by the rules but others can hate us they can be as cruel as any asshole child on xbox live well. Why this sickens me, people like me are the next generation of gamers why seclude us you only send us into there camp and have more problems for yourself if we are being dicks fine but if not let us in on the strategy and make us feel welcome.
There was ONE period in that entire paragraph. You're not helping yourself much.

On topic, I pride myself in not having had an annoying voice at the age of 14, so I never really went through this when I was your age (I'll be 16 in a month now, so it's not a huge gap). I never really prosecuted anyone with an annoying voice unless they insulted me or another team mate, then I would use that as my main weapon in the ensuing brawl.

Unless they had squeaky voice AND British accent.

That's too much.

Not that I have anything against British accents but the combination was usually horrible. Also, people tended to have a habit of narrating their game, which is something no one but them cared about.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
There is almost ZERO PUNCTUATION in that thread starter.

I don't mind playing with kids if they are mature and respectful gamers (the same qualities I like in adult gamers too). But about 95% I have encountered throw endless barrages of insults, complain, ragequit when they don't win, whine, feel they NEED to use a microphone, witter on about nothing, complain some more, etc. I don't have THAT much of a problem with a high voice (they can't help it, right?); my problem is what that voice is used for.

The main point however is YOU ARE TOO YOUNG FOR THIS GAME! Now, I don't care if 18+ games are being played by 16/17 year olds (they are sometimes a bit more mature), but any younger and, as fun as multiplayer is, stick to singleplayer if you MUST play the game. You obviously aren't of the maturity to interact properly with adults online if you act this way (that is not to say adults can't be dicks too).


TheLefty said:
Unless they had squeaky voice AND British accent.
By which you mean an *English* accent. Scots, Irish, Welsh are generally well-accepted in the online community :)

MarsProbe said:
imagine the following said in a really nasally English accent - ("Are you Scottish? Are you Scottish? You skirt wearing prick! Do you like a roll and sausage?") and the like.
Firstly, roll and sausage = win. Secondly, a guy I was playing with on L4D2 (now a Steamfriend) said something to me along the lines of "I am in *love* with that accent! It's fucking great!" - made my day :')


New member
Jan 3, 2010
So tell me, how am I suppose to listen to you when your voice gives me a headache? And isn't most games for xbox live where you actually can TK at least 16+? So what are you doing online to start with?

Also; dots are your friend!


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Skeleton Jelly said:
godofallu said:
Look kid, you aren't even supposed to be allowed to play the damn game.

I don't care if you are good, you will never be as good as me and your skill isn't the problem anyways. It's that ear piercing voice.

I will mute you if I dislike the sound of your voice. I am not your friend just because you have the same game as me.
Internet tough guys, fuck yeah.
God I think I hate your kind as much as I hate the kids that screech on xbox live.

OT: IF your voice is annoying, I'll mute you. I don't care if you're good or not. Same goes for older people. If they're acting like douches or their voices are annoying, I'll mute them.
Um... You just repeated what he said.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
As someone who's voice is actually way too deep for his age, I have to say that the posters in this thread are seriously assholes. I mean as long as he isn't screaming or anything, his voice shouldn't matter that much. And the whole "18+" argument is nonsense. You would NEVER guess I'm under 18 from hearing me talk, by content or intonation, but that doesn't bother anyone when I'm playing.

Grow up.


New member
May 30, 2010
godofallu said:
Look kid, you aren't even supposed to be allowed to play the damn game.

I don't care if you are good, you will never be as good as me and your skill isn't the problem anyways. It's that ear piercing voice.

I will mute you if I dislike the sound of your voice. I am not your friend just because you have the same game as me.
Totally agree...

Also: Learn to puberty ;) When I was 14 most people would mistake me for a 18-20 year old guy when I spoke to them. *Fuck yes*


New member
Mar 29, 2010
godofallu said:
Look kid, you aren't even supposed to be allowed to play the damn game.

I don't care if you are good, you will never be as good as me and your skill isn't the problem anyways. It's that ear piercing voice.

I will mute you if I dislike the sound of your voice. I am not your friend just because you have the same game as me.
Yep, this sums it up pretty well.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
I don't give shit too 14 year olds, however don't expect me to give you open arms.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
godofallu said:
Look kid, you aren't even supposed to be allowed to play the damn game.
I though America didn't enforce the age restrictions? Uh, this gets so confusing.

OT: When you start writing coherently, I'll get back to you. I was 14ish when I mostly played CS:S (CoD is for pussies!) and no one ever said anything to me when we were chatting on mic's. I was also mistaken for my Dad when I answered the phone several times at 14 though, soooo...

kebab4you said:
So tell me, how am I suppose to listen to you when your voice gives me a headache? And isn't most games for xbox live where you actually can TK at least 16+? So what are you doing online to start with?

Also; dots are your friend!
Ignore posts like these by the way. 95% of people on these forums were not bound to bloody age certificates on the front of boxes, so why they'd expect you to be is beyond me.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
MisterM2402 said:
MarsProbe said:
imagine the following said in a really nasally English accent - ("Are you Scottish? Are you Scottish? You skirt wearing prick! Do you like a roll and sausage?") and the like.
Firstly, roll and sausage = win. Secondly, a guy I was playing with on L4D2 (now a Steamfriend) said something to me along the lines of "I am in *love* with that accent! It's fucking great!" - made my day :')
You're telling me! That's the thing - I've never understood the reasoning behind using a roll and sausage as an insult. I'm also quite partial to a roll and sausage. I also quite enjoy wearing a kilt, so I don't get that one either.

I've got to say to Hairetos though, I'm sorry, but the 18+ "argument" isn't nonsense. I don't know what it is like where you're from, but here the ratings on the games are absolute (or at least they should be). As I said earlier on, there shouldn't be any under 18s on COD and the like.

It's the kids that have the real growing up to do, of course. Come back once you've had a visit from the puberty fairy! :p


New member
Jun 15, 2010
It's because most of us kids are very immature and I must say, it's the most annoying thing ever as I have to deal with those kids everyday. Really, most kids online constantly use profanities, racism, sexism, and just general stupidity. Also, kid's voices are usually pretty annoying to adults.
Also, use some punctuation, that was painful to read.
Apr 19, 2010
godofallu said:
Look kid, you aren't even supposed to be allowed to play the damn game.

I don't care if you are good, you will never be as good as me and your skill isn't the problem anyways. It's that ear piercing voice.

I will mute you if I dislike the sound of your voice. I am not your friend just because you have the same game as me.
Lets continue the trend of quoting this guy.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Hairetos said:
As someone who's voice is actually way too deep for his age, I have to say that the posters in this thread are seriously assholes. I mean as long as he isn't screaming or anything, his voice shouldn't matter that much. And the whole "18+" argument is nonsense. You would NEVER guess I'm under 18 from hearing me talk, by content or intonation, but that doesn't bother anyone when I'm playing.

Grow up.
Thank you, I'm glad I'm not alone in this train of thought!

At the end of the day, if the young person in question isn't making a nuisance out of themselves by swearing or attempting to sing to irritate others like I've heard a lot then what exactly is the problem?

I've heard tales of girl games getting the mickey ripped from them as a few nasty egotistical males proclaim themselves to be superior somehow. Someone's voice/gender/age shouldn't be the judge of character, it should be in their style of play and general attitude surely?

I remember playing Resident Evil 5 one day on mercenaries only to have some kid join my game with a deep scottish accent and I heard this one line mid game:

"I donno if your a boy or girl but you are really skilled!"
"Thanks!" said Jill Valentine
"You're welcome mate" he replied

(hell it could have belonged to anybody above 18 who actually bought the game and he just happened to be playing it at the time, I don't know)


New member
Aug 9, 2009
The Procrastinated End said:
godofallu said:
Look kid, you aren't even supposed to be allowed to play the damn game.

I don't care if you are good, you will never be as good as me and your skill isn't the problem anyways. It's that ear piercing voice.

I will mute you if I dislike the sound of your voice. I am not your friend just because you have the same game as me.
Lets continue the trend of quoting this guy.
For being a bit of a prick meanie? *raised eye-brow face*

The bit in bold speaks volumes about him. Honestly I'd much rather play with the incoherent OP as it stands.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Hangaround said:
Well what do you expect? It's the bloody internet, what little manners people have in everyday life is restrained and chained up in a basement. In a couple of years you'll see that people is still bashing you; by then you'll probably have understood that people are generaly just dirtbags - especially when there's no risk of getting punched in the face by the people you offend.

Besides you can't really blame others for using stereotypes. Without setting stadards and using simple/few words in order to describe them everything would be unecessary complicated. Just as we categorize the different human races as negroid/caucasian or mongolic we categorize 14yo in our(you know, we, the target audience) internet games with equivlantly short terms. You may differ from your fellow shitkids on the internet, but you'd be the exception rather than the rule. You're not doing yourself any good by claiming to be a good gamer.
My thoughts exactly.

EDIT: Woodsey makes a good point as well.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
For someone who is trying to show that they're not hyper and screechy, you sure don't know how to use any kind of punctuation...