Welcome To Xbox Live. Bring Money!!!


Guardian Of Forever
Oct 15, 2009
rabidmidget said:
We don't even get Hulu in Australia, are they seriously going to overcharge us another $10 (which better be in Australian dollars) for features we will never see?

As far as I can see, Australia wont be included in the price increase, at least not at this stage anyway.

An for every complaining about the small price increase, Xbox Live hasn't had a price increase in all the time it's been up and running. When you think about it, they could have been charging this increase every year, but they haven't, because they are not the evil money grubbing monster that everyone makes them out to be.

Although I am slightly miffed that we Aussies pay more than our Yankee counterparts for less features.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
rabidmidget said:
We don't even get Hulu in Australia, are they seriously going to overcharge us another $10 (which better be in Australian dollars) for features we will never see?

I'm pretty sure the Gold cost is only going up for the US and Canada.

But seriously, you Americans get you games at a bargain, while others like us Aussies have to pay $90 USD worth for our new games. Do you honestly think you're getting it tougher than anyone else?

And can people stop repeating this thread. Please?


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
TheSkaAssassin said:
anybody that compares Xbox Live to PSN is retarded.
Let's face it people, Xbox Live is the best multiplayer service out there, and it costs money to be the best.
Nothing is free my friends.
I can honestly say that even though I'm a 360 fanboy, I don't agree with a single thing here.

1. People have been comparing PSN to Live for years. If all those people are retarded then you're stating that most Escapists require medication.
2. Whist Xbox Live is damn good and also looks nice, it's quite similar to PSN. PSN is better at Live in some ways and vice-versa. I can see why some people love PSN, but because I have a 360 I have no choice. But I'm not complaining and I sure wouldn't trade Live for PSN. No offense.
3. Plenty of things are free, you just have to have the common sense to figure out how to get what you need.

I can't believe people are having such a cry over this. A new update is scheduled to improve voice chat over Live. I can imagine something like that won't be cheap. Live is only getting better and better, so is it too much to ask to have a one-time price increase?


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Man, PSN sure feels nice right about now. I'd make a joke about Microsoft but I'm not a fanboy, and PSN isn't perfect either. It's just a shame that a company can still get away with selling (and over-pricing) what is basically the equivalent of air at this point


New member
Aug 16, 2010
For me, the user, Steam (and a few of the games on it) is free. Combine that with free Skype conference calls and I'm not paying anything for on-line gaming except of course my internet service. Yes someone has to rent a server or set one up them selves, but it's also a much better service for the user, as dedicated servers are actively moderated. I'm fine with donating a few ? for their trouble once in a while when I can afford it, though I'm happy that they aren't expecting me too. At least I get something for my money.
I don't see how Xbox Live could ever compete with that without making gold subscriptions free. The worst thing about Live is that only people in the US gets all the extra "free" stuff when everywhere else you pay more.


New member
May 16, 2009
HG131 said:
TelHybrid said:
They could start using online game servers perhaps? Usually paid online gaming services have those.

Peer to peer incurs no costs to the company. they should not be charging for it.

Before anyone tells me it goes towards demos and videos and hosting live arcade games... they're all available to silver users anyway, not to mention the point about live arcade games is stupid. Paying for the privilege of being able to buy games basically.
WRONG! Not everything is there for Silver (for example, the following). Netflix Instant Stream alone has to be a terabyte, with everything from Buffy The Vampire Slayer to Ghost in The Shell on it.
Yes because I really bought a games console to watch Buffy.


a Taffer
Jun 19, 2010
Dexter111 said:
It's basic stuff, a few server farms spread around the world containing of mostly database and content servers and a few others specialized to handling other stuff. I've studied computer sciences and did my fair deal of both programming, hosting and support to know that it comes nowhere near the cost of their revenue.
You are, of course, entitled to your opinion that it's basic stuff dealing with the operation and maintenance of the XBL network. Especially since you studied computer science and did your fair share o---you know what, I somehow doubt the extent of that, as anyone with knowledge in the field is able to scratch past the surface of the service and see the complexity that lies beyond.

Do they need the revenue from XBL that they make with the subscriptions? For the services they are providing right now, and for the continuous expansion of it... yes. Does all of it go into XBL? No. Of course not. Any company not wanting to make a profit off their product is a bad company. And we all know that MS is having an easy time there.

To think anyone would even complain about that pizza with a drink (the cost of a monthly XBL sub) is just, well, unnecessary.

They make somewhere around 625 million $ out of membership fees a year at 12.5 million "Gold members" and will increase that to over 750 mill with this price increase. Furthermore only by selling "virtual items" like clothing and similar bullshit they rake in another 600 mill a year. And those numbers don't even include the profit on the initial game sales and "DLC" + bonus content etc. they get a ~15% cut out of and advertisements either.
I'm beginning to think you just don't like Microsoft and them making money. That's not necessarily the best base for a discussion, good Sir. That's like me mouthing off on having to pay for the VISA for a 2 day trip to the US because I don't like funding their dep of home-whatnot.

Steam for instance is so nice and has a list of stats related to their content servers around the world and their bandwidth usage (they have somewhere around 25 million+ total accounts) and most of the games on there are usually download only including free updates, new content and the likes: http://store.steampowered.com/stats/content/
STEAM does by no means offer the same functionality as XBL has. Not trashing STEAM here, mind you. I love STEAM. I'd still love it if they ended up charging me, though their focus will hopefully not shift into the direction that would require that.

We're not talking a private firm that has a server rack in a datacenter somewhere and has to pay out of their ass for bandwidth and service either, but big corporations with lots and lots of earnings and benefits on having lots of servers and mass bandwidth (and I don't know what software they use for basic hosting but could get a lot of licenses even in-house) and there's been enough examples of similar services that are operating for free or still make profit out of advertisement e.g. Battle.Net, Steam, GameSpy, Impulse, PSN... and there's dozens of free "Social platforms" that basically do the same and require a similar constellation of hardware and support staff too.
No. We are not talking about a private firm. Though if you think MS is getting their hardware, staff and network connectivity for free (which I know you are not, however it had to be said), then you are.. ah, I leave it hanging there.

.. At that note though I can't for the life of me think of another social gaming platform thats free and offers the same functionality. I mean. Sure. STEAM gets pretty close. But it doesn't have the bells and whistles that XBL is trying to sell. What am I saying. Is selling. And will continue to sell. 'cause really now, their price tag is ridiculously low. Unless you don't earn money. Then you shouldn't be playing games anyway, but tending to school instead or finding a job. Or get money from your parents.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Brent Allen said:
I don't need to tell you that the economy is not as good as it could be, so why is it that everything is costing more. On November 1 the subscription to Xbox Live will go up a couple of bucks but the only question i have is why. Microsoft says that they will continue to provide the best service on the market but if you ask me competing with PSN's free service is hard to do but Xbox has managed to do it up til this now. I have a really bad feeling that the price increase is because of Kinect which i could give two shits about. What do you think? How could Microsoft use the price increase to benefit us, the users?
They use the money ,at least, at first to improve the online experience as for the price hike,
They're milking us for what we got seeing what they can get away with aslo i'd pay for xbox live(original price) if it means i could mute white supremecists (ps3's online can't apparently)


New member
Jan 10, 2008
What they really need to add imo is an option to search for games by location and I don't just mean by continent but country. This has been part of PC game browsers for probably 15+ years and still hasn't made it's way to the Xbox (I don't own a PS3 so can't comment on that). Narks me right off connecting to a game hosted on the other side of the world and seems like such a simple thing to implement.

Would be nice to see an actual latency/ping figure too, not just a red/yellow/green bar which means nothing...although I would guess that this is to mask the actual acceptable number (example being, 150ms or below = green)...which is actually pretty shocking, ideally these days I'd say you would want it at 50ms max, for a shooter anyway. I guess it doesn't really matter too much for other genres.

Ah well, one can live in hope :p


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Kalezian said:
Fisher321 said:
Let us have more than 100 friends..... -.-
People on XBL are not your friends, the people on your 'friends' list are nothing more than people that happen to have the same games as you, so you have people readily available to play with instead of hitting up matchmaking.
Seriously you think that? So when I add a friend who I have known for over a decade, he becomes nothing more than someone who happens to have the same games as me? Makes sense.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Kalezian said:
Fisher321 said:
Let us have more than 100 friends..... -.-
people on XBL are not your friends, the people on your 'friends' list are nothing more than people that happen to have the same games as you,
~_* huh? like 20 people on my friends list are people I know in real life, and are my real friends...


New member
Jun 1, 2010
It isn't the price increase I mind, it is the way they call certain things a "service". Like Netflicks and Hulu Premium. If I have live I already have an internet connection, and I presumably have a computer, so buying live in order to get Netflick and Hulu is an extra step. Don't try to obfuscate.


Good news everyone!
Jun 9, 2008
godofallu said:
Here is an idea, don't buy Xbox live then.

Me I'll pay 5 dollars a month gladly.
This. I like XBL because it works. I have all three platforms, and my PSN connection is absolute shit. Half the time the network has problems and simple updates for games can take forever or just fail outright and have to retry. Plus I can't voice chat will multiple friends playing multiple games, and I do that every night. Some of the other features of XBL can be found on PSN (netflix, just no disk on XBL, which is kinda nice). I have found the number and general quality of XBL arcade games to be better than the average PSN, but that is a matter of opinion. I like my PS3 and I like my Xbox, but I think XBL service is far superior to PSN.

So me, a 33 year old gamer with a good sallary, don't mind at all a $5 a month price tag for a service I use everyday with simple features PSN does not have and it WORKS.