Well my day has just been ruined...


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Antidrall said:
Bob to me is an extremely biased nintendo fanboy. I believe that does who have played Metroid: Other M and saw his episode of game overthinker on it can honestly say this. He praises the game as being nearly flawless while the controls were clunky, the gameplay at times frustrating with leaps of faith, and a frankly ludicrous story. He goes on saying that giving Samus characterization was brilliant. First of all, she already had character, just take a look at Extra Credits' most recent episode. Second, just because she had character, doesn't mean it was good, nor does it excuse everything else wrong with the plot. Also, I see some posts about Halo on here, so I don't think I need to go into much further detail than; The marines were more culturally and ethnically diverse than the covenant, whose army is made up mostly of races that they conquered. Also, they want to DESTROY humanity, not conquer them.
not to mention that the game was broken (I think)

but yeah its not the fact that samus talks at all but its what she says/does thats completley retarded

as I said in another post It would be like if they finally charachterized master cheif and made him a camp gay who was nuts about fashion, you could (unconvincingly) argue that theres nothing in thr games that says he CANT be like that

but its just common sense to anyone, love or hate halo that master cheif is not into fashion


Aug 5, 2009
I'm not sure it's dead (or dying) so much as it is changing. It's a bit overkill to say that PC gaming is dying or to even say that the desktop itself is dying. As I see the desktop computer in every day use it has been replaced by cheap laptops and netbooks. However for gaming I think they're still pretty prevelant. Not only that but the desktop is evolving into something awesome!

I imagine a future where my desktop computer is as portable as a console. Or where I can have it hooked up to any monitor or TV in my house. I imagine the gaming computer will move from the desktop and into the attic or the basement. It's not going to die anytime soon, just change. There will always be a market for PC gaming because there will always be PC games and PC gamers.

MovieBob has put out a fair bit of flamebait lately; but this seemed like a genuine overshoot.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
I am just about to buy this.

Now tell me this is anything other than awesome. It will contain components more powerful than any PC I have previously built and will be used for many things including PC gaming on my monitor as well as 42" tv, streaming digital tv and internet to the tv. Not to mention work, video editing, architectural design etc. The only use I have for a console is split-screen games.

I can't see PCs and PC gaming being any less important in the future. If this were the case why would companies be pushing the power of CPUs and GPUs as much, if not more, than ever?

AA further note on laptops. I honestly don't see the point. Are the current line of large 'desktop replacement' laptops missing the point? They aren't as powerful as a desktop and have limited portability due to weight and low battery life. I do have a netbook for portability but this is extremely light and has over 9 hours of battery. Then there are tablets such as the iPad. Where exactly is the niche for laptops?


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Triangulon said:
I am just about to buy this.

Now tell me this is anything other than awesome. It will contain components more powerful than any PC I have previously built and will be used for many things including PC gaming on my monitor as well as 42" tv, streaming digital tv and internet to the tv. Not to mention work, video editing, architectural design etc. The only use I have for a console is split-screen games.

I can't see PCs and PC gaming being any less important in the future. If this were the case why would companies be pushing the power of CPUs and GPUs as much, if not more, than ever?

AA further note on laptops. I honestly don't see the point. Are the current line of large 'desktop replacement' laptops missing the point? They aren't as powerful as a desktop and have limited portability due to weight and low battery life. I do have a netbook for portability but this is extremely light and has over 9 hours of battery. Then there are tablets such as the iPad. Where exactly is the niche for laptops?
other than awsome its......WHOOAA!!!

anyway In regards to laptops as far as portability goes You can pack it up and take it somwhere, or mabye change where you play your games in the house, or even play on the couch (a mouse actually works pretty well on a couch even without a mousepad) thats what portability means for me sure its kinda big (not huge though) and you have to be plugged in to play (in my case)

you can find laptops that can run current games (like mine) which I guess is convineiet and its like Bob said PC gaming is so that you can do other things on a computer other than work, since most people have laptops as a home computer..

to be honest in my case If I couldnt have a gaming laptop Id rather have a console than a big rig, it suits my taste in games fine (except FPS thats just fucking retarded)


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Vault101 said:
Triangulon said:
I am just about to buy this.

Now tell me this is anything other than awesome.
other than awsome its......WHOOAA!!!

anyway In regards to laptops as far as portability goes You can pack it up and take it somwhere, or mabye change where you play your games in the house, or even play on the couch (a mouse actually works pretty well on a couch even without a mousepad) thats what portability means for me sure its kinda big (not huge though) and you have to be plugged in to play (in my case)

you can find laptops that can run current games (like mine) which I guess is convineiet and its like Bob said PC gaming is so that you can do other things on a computer other than work, since most people have laptops as a home computer..
Thats a fair point, but I still wouldn't go for one. I move my rig around the place and take it to mates' for LAN parties reasonably often and it really isnt that much effort. Also I'm pretty sure that a desktop will end up being cheaper than a comparable laptop.

You are totally right about playing on the couch! The main positive for consoles in my opinion used to be the comfort of being able to play in the living room. This isn't unique any more. You can do the same with a PC. You can even use a controller for action games if you so wish and get out the keyboard/mouse for your FPS. You're dead right about PC gaming and being able to do other things though. PCs are all about flexibility without compromise and I can't see that changing anytime soon.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Internet Kraken said:
MorphingDragon said:
Internet Kraken said:
MorphingDragon said:
Internet Kraken said:
MorphingDragon said:
Internet Kraken said:
Movie Bob tried to compare Halo to fascism. He's hardly a credible source. The Escapist only gives him two shows because his ridiculous opinions attract attention.
Except Halo does have Fascist undertones. Hell, we even studied them in SMST319 (Game Media).

Though they weren't about models, but rather the actual story line.
If you're getting facist undertones from Halo, you're overannalysing the game way to much. It's as simple as that, and I think almost anyone who has played Halo will agree.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
I'm getting derp undertones from your post.
How mature. Can't think of a proper response? Resort to insults.
Why should I?

You refuse to think a game might have political undertones. Most media has political undertones. What, games aren't mature and serious enough to have any sort of serious political themes in them?

I didn't say that about games. However, claiming that Halo has fascist undertones is a clear indication of overanalysing a relatively simple story. From what I can recall from the books the UNSC (I think?) definitely had questionable morals but I don't recall them having fascist qualities. Even if they did you'd only get that from the books so it doesn't really count. The Covenant does have fascist qualities, as the Prophet of Truth disposed of the council and his two governing brothers to become the sole source of authority in the Covenant. However, Movie Bob did not focus on this and actually painted the Covenant in the positive light due to their diversity, ignoring the dictatorship and ethnic cleansing of the Elites. He argued that the humans in the Halo story promoted the fascism aspect.

So you could get fascist undertones from the Covenant, but bring that up is pointless when I was talking about how Movie Bob analyzed the game. Claiming the UNSC is fascist based solely on the games, as Movie Bob did, is just ridiculous and my post meant to point that out.

Either way you insulting me wasn't necessary.
Again, we weren't using BS attempts that Movie Bob were using.

We were analyzing the Covenant and what aspects of their political system shown to us has its roots from Fascism.