Westboro Baptist Church is thwarted!

May 5, 2010
Irridium said:
I'm torn.

On one hand, beating someone isn't exactly the best way to deal with this.

On the other hand, I can think of no other group of people who are more deserving of a good beating.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Still, I like this solution better:


New member
Nov 23, 2010
I'm still hoping for the day I wake up and that the news will say that the WBC's church has been blown up on a sunday morning and that there may be no survivors, Amen


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Excellent job, I can only hope it happens continually. These WBC folks are misled to the extreme.

Bento Box

New member
Mar 3, 2011
Saltyk said:
Admittedly, my understanding of the legal system is limited, but I'm pretty sure the WBC would have a strong case. Also, if they could file a suit in civil court, the requirements for proof are almost laughable. I'm not saying they could since this would involve a government, but I wouldn't put it past them to sue individuals.
Wouldn't put it past them? It's how they make damn near all their money!

Step 1: Exercise your rights as enumerated in the Constitution.
Step 2: Incur the wrath of law-ignorant fucktards who trample all over your rights.
Step 3: Sue the pants off of them -- and rightly so.

I hate the Phelps family, but nothing they do is illegal. They keep it that way very, very carefully, so that when people with no sense of what "freedom of speech" actually means (hint: it's not "freedom of speech that I want to hear") infringe on those rights, they can get nailed legally.

Knowledge is power. Evidently Rankin is lacking in power.


Lurker Extrordinaire
May 10, 2009
Really I see this as a shallow, and hollow nothing. I won't even call it a victory of any kind. I do not see what there is to celebrate when people are resorting to violence, and/or abusing the law. They had no right to attack W.B.C., or hold them. Really the fact that I have to defend the W.B.C. is a sad commentary in and of itself. I despise Communism, but I'm not going to start attacking Communist.

Let me make a quick point, and leave it at that, and the point is there are only 72 people in the W.B.C.'s congregation. We should not be giving 72 crazy people this kind of attention; it only empowers them to continue. I can guarantee you that right now they are quoting "Matthew 10:22 "All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved."

and Luke 6:22 "Blessed are you when people hate you, avoid you, insult you, and slander you because you are committed to the Son of Man."

Really the best thing you can do about these people is ignore them completely, [sarcasm]but thank you Mississippi for making them feel good about themselves, and empowering there cause.[sarcasm end]


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
NerfRIder said:
Am I the only one who thinks this is funny? One, or many, committed assault by beating that one protester, others lied about not seeing said assault and thus helped the criminal(s), others committed a crime by purposely blocking the protesters vehicles. All of this was done to deny a group their first amendment right, the same right Sgt. Rogers was entrusted to protect and died for, so that they couldn't protest at Sgt. Rogers funeral?

I can't think of many better ways to disrespect someone who died for their country then to deny a group of people their rights, once again the rights the dead man died for, in some kind of twisted way to honor said dead person.

Ever police officer involved with this should be put on leave without pay and investigated, if they are found to have actively helped to deny this group their right to protest and to have like other people get away with criminal activity then they should be fired on the spot.

As much as I disagree with this church's illogical, irrational, ignorant beliefs, they are well within their right to protest and just because you don't like what they have to say doesn't give you he right, nor the justification, to break the law. If one actually believed that it does give them that right, or justification, then that belief would just be as ignorant and illogical as the church's beliefs that they so despise.
The way I see it, the thing with the WBC is less about rights and more about common decency. They blatantly disrespect everyone and everything, and gleefully torment people during one of the hardest moments of their lives. What they do is disgusting and everyone should do everything they can to shut them down.

They have the right to protest however they please, just like the people of Rankin have the right to park wherever they want. The only thing I really disagree with about the thing was the beating they gave one of them. That crossed the line IMO. Everything else was a perfectly acceptable response to their presence.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
immovablemover said:
Sorry, Genuinely with the WBC on this one.

These Rankin Neanderthals were violent, obstructed the course of justice and broke laws...all in the name of denying the WBC their first amendment rights.

You morons are praising people for being WORSE than the WBC, Yes, fucking WORSE.

What? You think its justifiable because the majority of people disagree with their message? Must I whip out my big book of history? Womens rights? Civil rights? All things and more that at some point were embraced by the majority as being "Right" to oppose, where the tiny minority that supported, where the tiny minority felt the wrath of the majority for doing little more than protesting, than espousing unpopular opinion...where the majority opinion holders would beat them, lynch them and subjugate them. Guess what, that majority thought the ends justified the means too.

OP and those that agree, you're officially more despicable than the WBC.
You're avatar tells me more than enough about what you're doing here. Can someone please call in a banhammer strike here?


New member
Dec 15, 2010
chiggerwood said:
Really I see this as a shallow, and hollow nothing. I won't even call it a victory of any kind. I do not see what there is to celebrate when people are resorting to violence, and/or abusing the law. They had no right to attack W.B.C., or hold them. Really the fact that I have to defend the W.B.C. is a sad commentary in and of itself. I despise Communism, but I'm not going to start attacking Communist.

Let me make a quick point, and leave it at that, and the point is there are only 72 people in the W.B.C.'s congregation. We should not be giving 72 crazy people this kind of attention; it only empowers them to continue. I can guarantee you that right now they are quoting "Matthew 10:22 "All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved."

and Luke 6:22 "Blessed are you when people hate you, avoid you, insult you, and slander you because you are committed to the Son of Man."

Really the best thing you can do about these people is ignore them completely, [sarcasm]but thank you Mississippi for making them feel good about themselves, and empowering there cause.[sarcasm end]
Fuck! He's totally right.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
I kinda want them to come up to Canada. Really, I do!

I think we can do an epic troll up here. Most Canadians I know are very, very much against racism, and homophobia. When you piss a large number of the them off, a shitstorm will head your way. We can think of something really good.


This Title Will Be Gone Soon
Apr 13, 2008
immovablemover said:
OP and those that agree, you're officially more despicable than the WBC.
Than I guess that makes me a complete Bastard. Which I'm perfectly alright with, I suppose.

I'm glad the people managed to find a creative and, admittedly, rather entertaining way to counter the WBC. This made my day.


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Normally I wouldn't support violence as I am a pacifist, but I wouldn't shed a single tear or lose a moment of sleep over the deaths of the WBC. Those people are filled with such hate and ignorance that I'm sure I could kill them all in broad daylight and everyone would look the other way.

Now of course I'm just ranting, but the behavior of that group is so despicable that it makes me sick.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
immovablemover said:
Sorry, Genuinely with the WBC on this one.

These Rankin Neanderthals were violent, obstructed the course of justice and broke laws...all in the name of denying the WBC their first amendment rights.

You morons are praising people for being WORSE than the WBC, Yes, fucking WORSE.

What? You think its justifiable because the majority of people disagree with their message? Must I whip out my big book of history? Womens rights? Civil rights? All things and more that at some point were embraced by the majority as being "Right" to oppose, where the tiny minority that supported, where the tiny minority felt the wrath of the majority for doing little more than protesting, than espousing unpopular opinion...where the majority opinion holders would beat them, lynch them and subjugate them. Guess what, that majority thought the ends justified the means too.

OP and those that agree, you're officially more despicable than the WBC.
The WBC don't simply espouse an unpopular opinion. They literally insult, demean and blatantly disrespect everyone and everything around them. I'd actually support what they're doing if their message had any substance to it. I've read just about everything they've put out there, and there's nothing there. There's literally no substance or message to it, I'm betting it's purposefully designed to enrage people.

All they do is troll IRL until someone snaps and then sue the fuck out of them. They abuse the legal system for their own benefit, and refuse to exercise even a shred of common sense or decency.

I wholeheartedly support freedom of speech, and I fully support anyone saying anything at any time, but the fact of the matter is the WBC doesn't care about spreading a message or anything. They're almost certainly purely in it to generate revenue through outrage and litigation. I cannot, and will not, stand for those who abuse the freedoms they are given, and the WBC most certainly does that.

The people of Rankin definitely crossed the line when they beat the guy, I most certainly won't argue that, but everything else they did was perfectly acceptable.


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
It would have been nice to avoid beating someone.

However, I'm a huge fan of subterfuge, and this is about as sneaky and underhanded as it gets. Congratulations on deferring their madness and not giving them (much) extra attention.


New member
May 21, 2010
immovablemover said:
JochemDude said:
immovablemover said:
Sorry, Genuinely with the WBC on this one.

These Rankin Neanderthals were violent, obstructed the course of justice and broke laws...all in the name of denying the WBC their first amendment rights.

You morons are praising people for being WORSE than the WBC, Yes, fucking WORSE.

What? You think its justifiable because the majority of people disagree with their message? Must I whip out my big book of history? Womens rights? Civil rights? All things and more that at some point were embraced by the majority as being "Right" to oppose, where the tiny minority that supported, where the tiny minority felt the wrath of the majority for doing little more than protesting, than espousing unpopular opinion...where the majority opinion holders would beat them, lynch them and subjugate them. Guess what, that majority thought the ends justified the means too.

OP and those that agree, you're officially more despicable than the WBC.
You're avatar tells me more than enough about what you're doing here. Can someone please call in a banhammer strike here?
Wow, I suppose if I change the little black and white pixels by my post all of a sudden it becomes valid? Can't help but notice that more than a few others have espoused the same opinion as me, going to try and get them banned too?

Or do you just want to silent dissenting opinions?
You're comparing the Westborough Baptist Church to the civil rights movement and womens' rights then calling foul when you're called a troll. Granted the call for banhammer is ironic given the content of your post, but seriously, rethink your analogies.

Teddy Roosevelt

New member
Nov 11, 2009
AngelOfBlueRoses said:
Sir John the Net Knight said:
Spitting on the casket of a dead soldier is one of the most vile acts that a person can commit. Bravo to Rankin, MS for putting WBC in their place.
I must quote this for all of the truth that it contains. I hope nothing happens to Rankin for technically breaking the first amendment because that would make me very sad.
I agree entirely. Frankly, I think that in such contexts as protesting a funeral, never mind the funeral of soldiers giving their all in service to their nation, the First Amendment has barely recognizable authority. Yes, they would normally have the freedom of expression, but the injustice done upon the dead and their families is far more powerful than the shield that the First Amendment provides for such behavior.

I can tolerate protesting the services of soldiers, though I will immediately lose all respect for any participants, but I cannot and will not tolerate the disrespect shown to the dead, no matter what. That means stepping over boundaries that no man has the right to cross.

Thank you Rankin.