What ACTUALLY gives you hope for humanity?


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Tirunus said:
Saying " I have just lost hope in humanity" Is a stupid and generic response to anything Slightly disturbing to make everyone feel like they are part of the "cool kids"
Indeed. It's quite annoying.

On topic: What do you mean "hope in humanity?" ... As in what makes me believe that somehow society can become paradise someday?
Or as in something that tells me people can become all GUDY GUDY GOO?

... I don't know. I'm a man that doesn't dwell on problems and do nothing. I take care of them.

And since I don't know how to fix it, I ain't doing nothing. Just dropping the damn thing so I can move on to other issues.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Zenn3k said:
ReaperzXIII said:
This is long to type about so after your next reply can we just agree to disagree?
If you like.

I'll sum up my argument more clearly.

I do not believe in your god for the same reason I do not believe in Ra the Egyptian Sun God, or Zeus from Ancient Greece. The same reason I don't believe in any of the other 15 or so Gods that were Born of a Virgin mother, on Dec 25th, and rose from the dead (if you think this story is unique to Jesus, you are very mistaken, look it up).

Faith is not a valid argument for anything, its a cop-out, and avoids the argument completely. Its equal to me asking you what 2+2 is and you responding with "Cat".
A cop-out? It's harder to have faith than it is to not have faith, just like it's easier to lose hope than it is to keep it, so I fail to see how it is a cop-out.

Religion is a horrible, terrible, thing that is responsible for all the hate, greed, and fear we have in our world today, and the world as a whole would be VASTLY better if nobody believed in the magic sky man.
A horrible terrible thing? Which is why that is responsible for a lot of the morals people believe in today, how many of the laws in America and UK are based of religious beliefs, yes religion can drive people to do bad things but so can anything. Doesn't mean you should blame the idea, you should blame the way people express and interpret that idea, for example men are better than women at certain things and visa versa, someone might interpret that as saying men are better than women and use this to oppress them. It is not the idea's fault, blame the person's screwed up interpretation and values.

How would the world be better? If people don't believe in a god then most likely they don't believe in an afterlife and thus there is no consequences, when you die thats it therefore why not do anything you feel like? People will end up thinking this way and do horrible things then atheism will be the new horrible terrible thing.

Here is the thing that some people need to get into their head (not you specifically), their beliefs isn't necessarily better than other peoples, all beliefs will have their flaws, sure you can critcize it but just outright insulting it is childish and rude.

Also in a religion like Christianity if people stuck to the main basis of Jesus's teachings forgiveness and kindness then the world would be a better place BUT people don't and instead go around doing the wrong thing and say it is in the name of their religion when really their ignoring the main point. Such as the Christians attacking the Jews for being "Christ-killers" when Jesus specifically said "FORGIVE THEM, for they do not know what they are doing."

But people chose to ignore this and kill Jews using religion to justify their misguided beliefs

I know I said I'll stop but I felt like I had to reply to this.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
As soon as we can all get along and accept each other for our differences, then I think we'll be all right.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Totenkopf said:
Ah, I didn't think that I would find another one who thinks like that!
And thanks for giving me the proper term, I've described that so far as "mechanization of the human body"... what is probably clumsy /inaccurate / wrong.
your welcome, its just a matter of time lets just hope its not held back by others thinking they know whats best for everyone else.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Other than Another Code, Skies of Arcadia, Pendulum, The travellers club, Hunter S. Thompson, HOUSE, and Jason Statham?

(What I'm saying is culture in general.)

A lot of other things, I'm sure. Just that hanging around assholes doesn't generally give me that idea. At one point I started thinking that the world would end in 2012, but just out of humanity's sheer stupiduty. Not so much now.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
I've got way too many reasons to list why I still have faith in humanity. Is humanity flawed? Hell yeah. But we've also got limitless potential to do great things. Stop and think about it for a second. Humanity can really do ANYTHING, given enough time. Sooner or later (preferably before we all kill each other, or are destroyed by some sort of cataclysm), we'll find a way to solve all our problems.

Also, I'll throw my hat in the whole religion argument my saying that both sides have equally flawed arguments.

Faith is a powerful thing. No matter what one chooses to believe in, having faith in something, whether it be material or immaterial, can motivate anyone into doing great things. Some of the greatest men and women have done impossible things, based completely on faith. WHAT one believes in is irrelivant. It's the belief that counts.

Conversely, believing that some all-powerful deity controls your destiny is a flawed way to perceive your world. The world we live in may have been originally forged by god(s), but today, much of what we live in has been crafted by human hands. Like I said, humans can do the impossible, with enough time and determination. WE are our only true saviors, not some all-powerful being that may or may not exist. Many of the problems that face our world this day were put into motion by our own actions, and it's up to us to fix it.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
The fact that we haven't announced using our nuclear weapons yet. That means the Government is still thinking.

Billion Backs

New member
Apr 20, 2010
Hope is the road to disappointment.

And why do you bother, you're going to be rotting within the next century if not sooner and guess what there is no scientific principle for afterlife or "soul" or whatever other idiotic concept self serving priests might push on you in exchange for your money and your servitude.

The moment the electricity in your brain stops 'flowin, there is no you. And chances are, the "you", your personality and identity, is a mere illusion as well, just a bunch of cobbled instincts and vague social ideas surrounded by lies generations before you made to deaden their lives.

Har har, it's such a grimdark evening I'm delighted.

Also sex, music, awesome writers like Terry Pratchett and Chuck Palahnuik.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Christianity preaches to those who will hear it. If you don't want anything to do with it that's perfectly fine, but don't ruin our forum by berating those who do. It accomplishes nothing.

I thought the people here considered themselves more 'Open-Minded' than most people...

OT: I never really lost faith in humanity, but if I had to say one thing, it would be human kindness. Doesn't have to be something huge, but when someone goes out of their way to improve someones day in the slightest, I'd say humanity benefits as a whole.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
Well, this thread certainly doesn't.

You guys have really let the stupid run wild in here, haven't you?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Lol stuff funny.

Anyway, time for reality.

Back about a year ago, in September, I broke up with my girlfriend, who was and is a fucking *****. I mean, she'd go from telling me my mom doesn't approve of us to telling me where to go for college because I couldn't break my mom's heart. I broke up and I mostly recovered, save one point: I couldn't separate the truth from lies of the relationship. So, a LOT of it was based on me actually attracting her, or if she was desparate.

In other words, I didn't know if we got attached because she needed a relationship, or because I actually legitamately attracted her. I assumed the latter and concluded: I can't fucking attract people. Nobody really talks to me.

On to hope.

Last week, I was at a Drama camp (ages 14-18). It's my mandated solitary vacation I need once a year. Every year at said camp, there is a theme dance. So, I decided to be fucking witty and go as Michael Jackson (Theme was Neverland. People actually enjoyed it. http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/2268/1008062.jpg if you want to lul at it.) So I went with a single goal: Fuck it. Have fun, and that's it. Not try to get a girl, like many people hoped to. Not try to be the best dancer. Just have some fun.

Halfway through the dance, a girl approached me with her friend. I basically danced with two girls. I basically thought, "This is fun. Dancing with women and such. I'm like Roman Bellic! :D" made me happy. Made me have fun. Anyway, song ends, the two girls run off. But one of them comes back and finds me for the last 3 songs. All just generally nice for me, because it appeared I attracted someone. Last song comes up... and it's a slow dance. "Screw it, just dance with the girl!" And I did such.

In short, because of her apparent attraction to me, I felt like that piece of me was finally whole. I no longer feel like shit about myself, and THAT gives me hope.


New member
Aug 2, 2006
The way I see it, the main trouble with humankind in general is that we've conquered our natural threats and therefore evolution really doesn't keep us in check anymore. Consequently, a natural genetic degradation is likely to occur based off of criteria not related to survival, such as having a pretty face or being able to lie your way into bed.

So, what gives me hope for humanity? The mapping of the human genome [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Genome_Project] and the likely implication that it will eventually allow us to engage in selective breeding in order to counteract the affects of the intellectuality of evolution to keep our species vital and effective. That's right, I think GATTACA [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GATTACA] put a negative spin on what gives me the greatest hope for humanity.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
You know what gives me hope? That most people still know what "Human Rights" are and don't spend their time preaching the non-existent benefits of eugenics and selective breeding.

Seriously, fuck you people. If such things existed, you'd be bred straight the fuck out for your ahistoricism and intolerance.
