What anime are you currently watching?

Kitsune Hunter

What a beautiful Duwang!
Dec 18, 2011
Madame_le_Flour said:
I'm kind of curious to hear what all this Hunter x Hunter stuff is about so that'll probably be next in line.
I can definitely recommend it, it's different to most shonen in that it's more strategic and psychological than other shonen. There's not that many fights and when it does focus on them, they're over quickly and are strategy based. Just a heads up, the start is kind of slow, but if you get through it and make it to the Yorknew arc, that's when it gets really good, especially the Chimera Ant arc (current arc).


New member
May 19, 2014
I have been watching an anime called Squid Girl lately.
Has anyone here heard of it or watched it before?


New member
Oct 7, 2013
Two main animes I am watching are Space Dandy though it may be on breack right and the Jojo Stardust Crusaders the newest version with hopes that part 4 and part 5 get animated especially part 5 because the poses and fabulousness get kicked up to 11.

Michael Legault

New member
Feb 27, 2013
Lets see...
One Piece
Hunter X Hunter
Fairy Tail v2
Mushi-shi v2
Tonari no Seki-kun: Master of Killing Time (love the ending theme!)
Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matsutaro (Heartwarming story of an autistic sumo)
No Game No Life
Toriko (rewatching)
Hozuki No Reitetsu (one of the best anime of the last year imo)
Ren Daughters of Mnemosyne
Naruto Shippuden
Attack on Titan
Black Bullet
Naruto Rock Lee No Senshun Full Power Ninden.
The Comic Artist and His Assistants

Anime I'm waiting to come back:
Log Horizon

There are probably more but that's all that come to mind at present


Apr 28, 2008
Soul Eater Not! and Bokura Wa Minna Kawaisou.

It's pretty weird they turned Soul Eater into a moe slice of life, but I'm sticking with it.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Knights of Sidonia- Enjoying this one quite a bit. Kinda feels like an Attack on Titan/Battlestar Galactica crossover.

Hitsugi no Chaika- as others have mentioned, cool characters, good action.

No Game No Life- It's okay. Really like the action and the games, don't like the fanservice and that it's pretty much just otaku wish-fulfillment. I hope it gets darker, but I don't really see it happening yet.


Apr 28, 2013
Aria - Probably my main go-to anime just to relax and wind down. Requires a fairly high tolerance of sweetness, but I love it anyway. Sometimes it's nice to just let your cynicism drift away for a while.

Hellsing Ultimate - Finished the manga recently, so re-watching in the light of that. Still glorious and OTT.

Nana - Watching, but kind of on hold after a certain decision three quarters of the way through the series. Great stuff, but hard to restrain the urge to slap someone.

Ivailo Todorov

New member
Sep 24, 2013
necromanzer52 said:
Currently airing:
Higurashi no naku koro ni. I've heard a lot of great things about this show, and while I'm enjoying it, it's not just a series of barely connected stories, right?
Stick with it.They explain the whole reset thing in the start of Kai and you may get spoiled if I give you the gist of it.

Sgt. Sykes said:
I'm about to watch Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai since I've heard it's similarly psycho as Madoka Magica (which was too awesome to describe). Can anyone confirm?
I haven't watched Madoka Magica but im sure Higurashi is a good choice if you like psycho anime.Normally the few episodes of an arc 1-2 maybe 3 are light and fluffy followed quickly after by death and despair.There are a bunch of psycho moments which are all pure gold.I red something about it that I liked "Higurashi is an awesome story about a boy named Keichi and his friends who play games,do activities,form strong bonds and Oh god why are they brutally murdering each other ?!

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Not watching any at the moment because Dark Souls 2, but my most recent shows were:

Bakemonogatari(and follow up series): Good enough to put into my top ten list. But damn, that fan service...

Darker than Black: Great action show that does what a good action show should: tell a concise story within a single season(then follows it up with a completely forgettable 2nd season with a story no one cares about).

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien: Sort of a "prequel" to the Muv-Luv visual novels, albeit in a completely different genre. Just for people that track such things, that makes the Muv-Luv universe go from romance/drama(Kimi ga Nozomu Eien), to comedy(Akane Maniax) to romantic comedy(Muv-Luv Extra) to mecha/military comedy/drama(Muv-Luv Unlimited) to mecha/military action/drama epic(Muv-Luv Alternative). It's a fairly inclusive series.

I'm not sure when I'll get back to watching anime, because when I get done with Dark Souls 2, I've got a couple of visual novels I want to read(most notably, the Umineko series). I also need to finish the Ar Tonelico games.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
I'm retreading some old-school material in the form of Tenchi and Ranma 1/2. I finished Kill La Kill not long ago and want to see more of attack on Titan. I've a tepid interest in Magic High School and No Game, No Life. I'm not sold on either of them as they are hitting some, unfortunately, all too familiar territory. I might fall off of them and just go watch more Rose of Versailles.

Rickolas Walrus

New member
Mar 2, 2012
One Piece-It's my favorite. The world, characters, I've never been bored watching it (except during the Luffy/Ace flashback mini arc, but I felt obligated to watch it out of respect)

Fairy Tail-I watched Rave Master when I was younger and enjoyed it and this seemed like a good replacement when I found it. And it is. Especially since it's from the same writer

Black Bullet-The description of this one sounded like Attack on Titan with giant insects instead of giant naked people. And it's awesome, action's good, characters are cool/funny, not disappointed at all

Attack on Titan-Even though I've seen all the show in subs, I've been watching the dub just to see how the voices fit the characters. So far they've done a pretty good job, though I admit I'm less interested since I know what happens already

Soul Eater NOT-As someone said before me (right down to the pun I'm about to make) I'm probably gonna drop this one, other than some characters showing up now and then it's NOT very Soul Eater-like and it's kinda boring


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Legend of galactic heroes - babylon 5 meets house of cards. space battles and polotics i just cant stop.


New member
Apr 7, 2014
I recently started watching an anime series loosely based on Hector Malot's "Sans Famille" called "Ie Naki Ko".


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Hunter Hunter is the only one I'm watching at the moment. I really like the story and some of the characters, but I find that watching them one episode at a time can be a bit boring or frustrating since so little can happen. I prefer to wait for a while and then watch at least 3 episodes back to back.

Meko said:
I have been watching an anime called Squid Girl lately.
Has anyone here heard of it or watched it before?
I haven't seen this one yet, but I just looked it up. It seems pretty interesting; I think I'll add it to my list of things to watch once exams are over. Do you enjoy it?


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
I've been busy this season so it's not that many right now.

I am watching Love Live (just puts a smile on my face by being so easy going), not something I would say is mind blowing or great, but it's easy, comfortable and it makes me relax.

Kill La Kill and I am loving that.

Golden Time, not sure what to say about this one. I constantly have this nagging feeling that it will go to a dark place and I will get depressed by it.

Nanana's Buried Treasure. I am really loving this one. It just knows how to surprise me all the time and manages to have just enough action and interesting plot mixed with just the right amount of humour to keep it from being a serious anime.

verdant monkai

New member
Oct 30, 2011
Sean Hollyman said:
Also JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders of course. Jotaro's cool but I prefer Joseph. Sucks that the fight we're all waiting for won't happen till the end :(
Watching it till the end so I can start the manga.
Exactly the same as you.

Joseph is one of my top ten anime characters, I like the way despite being older he is basically the same in stardust as he was in battle tendency.

I know what I'm saving up for now.

Having just bought Allstar battle I'll probably be reading the manga as well.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Old stuff... as usual...

I'm currently watching Giant Gorg, Panzer World Galient and poking at Captain Earth and Nobunaga The Fool.

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
verdant monkai said:
Sean Hollyman said:
Also JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders of course. Jotaro's cool but I prefer Joseph. Sucks that the fight we're all waiting for won't happen till the end :(
Watching it till the end so I can start the manga.
Exactly the same as you.

Joseph is one of my top ten anime characters, I like the way despite being older he is basically the same in stardust as he was in battle tendency.

I know what I'm saving up for now.

Having just bought Allstar battle I'll probably be reading the manga as well.
I started reading the manga, chapter 7 Steel Ball Run because it was an alternate universe. The final battle was awesome and the Stands were creative. Was awesome!


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Magica Madoka - Just recently finished this. Currently have a love/hate relationship with the ending, but overall very impressive and nicely done.

Kill la Kill - Just started watching this. I'm about 3 episodes in I believe an so far enjoying the over-the-top action and fight scenes.

captcha: "pants on the ground" xD