What are 5 games you would get a newb to play


New member
Jun 9, 2008
For FPS's, Quake or Portal, just worry about movement in a 3D space and looking around. In Portal you can do it at your own pace, in Quake you can just make the AI easy.


New member
Sep 30, 2012
1) Baldur's Gate 1->2. Very good tutorials, deeply engaging. Turn the difficulty down if needed.

2) Any good 2D platformer (probably Sonic 2). Just because these seem to be the games that came naturally to me when I started way-back-when.

3) The original Monkey Island games OR Broken Sword. Both wonderfully easy to start and compelling to play.

4) World of Warcraft. Yes, I said it. Very accessible, appeals to as wide a variety of gamers as you can imagine.

5) One Must Fall 2097. Just because this was the game that actually got me deeply into gaming :)


New member
May 7, 2011
Portal - Funny, User friendly and mostly tutorial
Any Pokemon - The levelling up of pokemon can be quite rewarding
Call Of Duty 4 - Really god-dam easy and helps to learn First Person Shooters to move onto things like Deus Ex, Half Life or Bioshock
Super Mario Bros 3 - My favourite 2D platformer besides maybe Super Meat Boy, and that's too difficult for a newb.
Ape Escape - Good to get into and interesting enough for me to 100%, that's saying something.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Halo: CEA
Portal 2
Borderlands 2

Easy games to pick up, and fun games to play


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Well if it's a newb then I'd have to recommend some newb friendly games, NOT MY TOP 5 GAMES.

Portal 1(Puzzle) - The entire game is basically a tutorial, there are no time constraints or life hazards. Puzzles require the use of common sense or physics and don't rely on some obscure ruleset.

Dear Esther(Adventure/Artsy) - Personally, I don't like this game one bit but it's very easy to play and it's a perfect way to prepare first time gamers for all the artsy or ambiguous games they'll encounter over the course of their gaming life.

Plants Vs. Zombies(Strategy) - This might be difficult for some but I found the campaign to be a little on the easier side and it holds your hand for the first few levels or so. It's fun and it provides just enough of a challenge that newb will find themselves getting better as they play this game.

Civilization V(Deep Complex Strategy) - Let's say hypothetically they(newbs) blew through PvZ and now they're ready for a new challenge but not quite ready for a hardcore game like Starcraft or DotA. Civ 5 takes long but it has the best UI in the series and it's turn based. It's easy on the eyes and it has different victory conditions which is a good way to educate newb gamers on games that don't require a direct approach to winning.

Half-Life 2(Action/FPS) - Probably the most hardcore game on this list but if a newb has any aspirations of even playing further games in this genre then this has to be the best place to start. Unlike Portal which confines you to a room, HL2 has more open levels that would be a great place for newbs to learn how to move in a fully realized 3d environment. Playing on easy is pretty forgiving and it has the best levels to cater to newbs.


New member
Jul 18, 2010
Hm, I guess start them off easy with basic gaming that nearly everyone has played.

Pokemon (original Gold most likely since I don't play that anymore)
Mario Kart
Final Fantasy 9
Harvest Moon
Sonic Adventure 2

Not hard games but not too easy.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Team Fortress 2
Touhou (Gives them an appreciation for difficulty)
Cave Story

It gives them the full view of what games can be. They can be engaging puzzles, mindless hat simulators for unwinding, they can be thrilling and punishingly difficult, they can be a great story teller, or they can even be entire worlds. These five games show people that games can be anything.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Mario World
Mario 64
PixelJunk Eden

Simple concepts are the key here. Everyone seems to be shoving JRPGS and other 70+ hour games. Overwhelming, sometimes even to the hardcore. I also thought that the extra dimension was necessary.

Although, I'm assuming a complete indifference to gaming. If the person has some sort of vendetta against the medium, thinking that it's incapable of "art", then I'd substitute the story or artistic focussed games that there has been many a thread on.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Mass Effect 2 (1 is better but all the RPG stuff could overwhelming. Plus it's a fun, not overly challanging blcokbuster of very high quality.)

Assassin's Creed 2 (control wise a very simple game and far more accessible than 1. Even if 1 is more interesting in many respects, 2 is just a more solid game.)


Portal 2 (can we all agree 2 is was easier than 1? If not, then Portal 1 instead. Either way, very simple controls, very little combat etc.)

Resident Evil 4 (while this game is quite hard even from the start it's the controls that make me include it here. I've noticed a lot of newb gamers struggle with dual analog sticks, trying move with two different thumb movements. So in that sense, the whole having-to-stop-to-shoot mechanic would be a good way of getting used to aiming in games without having to simultaneously master movement.)


New member
Apr 13, 2011
To the people who keep recommending portal: I remember reading an article somewhere that even the most obvious portal puzzles are difficult as all hell for a newbie.

Warcraft 3: This game is the first fun game I can think of with an easy and voiced tutorial - it's story is fun, it's mechanics are largely dependant on choices rather than minute-to-minute tactics and I would recommend it to anyone in a hearbeat =) But for newbs, stick to the campaign.

Tales of Vesperia: Played from the beginning, it's an interesting, fun game with a slow power growth so she can learn fairly quickly how to play properly. In addition, you can jump in as a secondary character if things get too rough for him without actually taking the controller away.

Mass Effect: The combat is somewhat easy so he doesn't get overwhelmed, and the conversation system may blow her mind.

Super Mario 64: While not a terribly short/easy game to beat (as i remember it, anyway), it's not too difficult to actually PLAY and it helps him learn the ins and outs of gaming pretty easy.

Call of Duty 4: The campaign is a blast and, like it or not, CoD is very good at giving new players a leg up. Heck, I suck at shooters (died at every occasion, from what i remember) and i still felt like a total badass.

You might notice a pattern here in that I don't recommend multiplayer mode. That's because multiplayer is HARD AS ALL CRAP whatever game you're playing - a newb is already going to be wrestling with getting her commands inputted, he's not going to want to also have to outsmart opponents who, more often than not, are going to have a better handle on multiplayer than she does.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Super Mario Galaxy 1 or 2
Portal 1 or 2
Dynasty Warriors 7
Some FPS. Probably like Battlefield Bad Company 2, an FPS that has an okay campaign and possibly a good online mode still up and running, but mostly for the campaign to introduce them to the genre.
Any Pokemon game, probably Soul Silver/Heart Gold or Black/White
Those seem like a good set of games to introduce someone to gaming


New member
Dec 22, 2010
It really depends on who the person is and what kinds of things they already like.

If they like books a lot, a point and click adventure game like The Longest Journey might be right up their alley. If they like movies, a BioWare RPG might be fun for them (Mass Effect if they like sci-fi/action more, Dragon Age if they like fantasy/comedy more). If they're really into horror, something like Amnesia might work. If they already like puzzles, Portal would be great. And so on.

I'd recommend Journey to anybody, though.

(Also, Final Fantasy worked on my mom and Myst worked on my dad.)


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Minecraft. Fairly easy-going to get a hang on the controls for the platform they're learning on.

Portal. Short fun and games for the whole family. Just make sure you aren't depressed when you play the final boss fight. So many insults.

Skyrim (or, maybe, Oblivion). Another easy-going game. You can spend hours just walking around without having to get into frustrating, combat-related deaths (except for the opening sequences, which shouldn't be too hard after Minecraft and Portal).

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Fairly good story , but also just stupid fun. Probably clocked more hours in that game than any other.

Dragon Age Origins/2. Probably my all time favourite series. However, reserve these for when they're a bit more advanced, as this requires a bit of skill and planning, both on consoles and PC.

I should probably have a bit more variance in the genres here, but these are the ones I'd want to show at one stage. I'd probably put other games in between these somewhere.

EDIT: Ooh, Fable: The Lost Chapters. That would be a definite one at some stage. Charming game. :D


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Hello, so this is me writing instead of my "BIG MAN" :), lovely, me ;-), ok, the first time was "Red dead redemption" !! MMhhh, it is not a game i`ve gotten into ;-), but then Army of Two is the second game, ( I was learning the ropes with it), the next game i played was COD :-(, my death..) but the next challenge Splatterhouse WOW i liked this game ´huaAAr`;
Ok, this are the first three games, the current game we are playing is Boarderlands and i must say its a very very fun game.

Instead of writing of would be/ could be stuff she wrote it herself.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
2D platformers (Mario, Sonic, Rayman: Origins)
Grabbed by the Ghoulies (good to learn 3D with a simple two button combat system
Portal (easy introduction to FPS)
Indigo Prophecy or Heavy Rain (gives a good story with QTEs aka training with lots of buttons)
LEGO games (fun and co-op)