What are some good scary games?


New member
Sep 16, 2010
So my buddy and I have this arrangement where if one of us buys the other a game(or suggests it), the other is inclined to play it all the way through. My favorite type of game to buy him is horror. I bought him amnesia and watching him suffer through parts of it was pretty damn enjoyable. Right now I am currently looking for a new game to gift him, preferably through steam, and I need some help on picking something that is worth the cost.

What are some of your favorite genuinely scary games? Amnesia, slender, and deadspace were entertaining but I am all out of ideas.


New member
Sep 3, 2012
There's a free indie game called Erie that's very creepy. Imagine Slender but instead you're being chased by Big Bird on cocaine.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Well Amnesia is supposed to be pretty scary but I am too lazy and too much of a wuss to actually test that.

edit: Well it seems I can't help you then. Sorry like I sadi I am a wuss so I don't play scary games


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
jbchillin said:
So my buddy and I have this arrangement where if one of us buys the other a game(or suggests it), the other is inclined to play it all the way through. My favorite type of game to buy him is horror. I bought him amnesia and watching him suffer through parts of it was pretty damn enjoyable. Right now I am currently looking for a new game to gift him, preferably through steam, and I need some help on picking something that is worth the cost.

What are some of your favorite genuinely scary games? Amnesia, slender, and deadspace were entertaining but I am all out of ideas.
Lone Survivor is great, many call it a "2D Silent Hill", which isn't way off. It's on Steam. Condemned as mentioned in this thread has a PC version on steam, with excellent melee combat. I don't know if they're on Steam but the Penumbra games were made by the Amnesia folks and they're just as good with different strengths. I didn't find F.E.A.R. or any sequels to be all that scary but it tries, I guess give them a shot if he likes FPS, they regularly go on sale too. They may be hard to get a hold of, but System Shock 2 and Call of Cthulhu are older games that are fantastic. Good luck with the quest, horror games are incredible for showcasing the interactivity of the medium.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
An older game, to be sure, but Echo Night: Beyond for the PS2 still ranks as one of my all-time favourite "unknown" games. You're all alone on the Moon, with no weapons, in a bulky space suit, trying to survive a haunted Moon base. Superb game.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Iwata said:
An older game, to be sure, but Echo Night: Beyond for the PS2 still ranks as one of my all-time favourite "unknown" games. You're all alone on the Moon, with no weapons, in a bulky space suit, trying to survive a haunted Moon base. Superb game.
I just looked this up on Youtube, because it sounds awesome.
And now i must go find a copy!


New member
Feb 25, 2010
K84 said:
Iwata said:
An older game, to be sure, but Echo Night: Beyond for the PS2 still ranks as one of my all-time favourite "unknown" games. You're all alone on the Moon, with no weapons, in a bulky space suit, trying to survive a haunted Moon base. Superb game.
I just looked this up on Youtube, because it sounds awesome.
And now i must go find a copy!
Good luck. I saw it once, picked it up (fortunately) and never saw it again. :(


New member
Jun 2, 2011
I recommend Slender [http://slendergame.com/] or Haunt [http://www.old.haunt-slendergame.com/] Both very small and free indie games, scary nonetheless.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Hi, my name is Bloated Guppy, and I'm here for my monthly appearance in a scary games thread to tell you about Thief 3: Deadly Shadows, and a particular level called Shalebridge Cradle. It's as scary as games get outside of the Amnesia games, and unlike the Amnesia games you don't really go in expecting to be bricking your pants, so it sort of takes you off guard. The lore and storyline surrounding the level is absolutely magnificent, as well, it's an absolute triumph of design. Kieron Gillen of RPS/PC Gamer has like a 10 page article on it here: http://gillen.cream.org/thecradle.pdf


New member
Jun 8, 2009
Penumbra, the series the Amnesia devs made before Amnesia. It's got the same feel as Amnesia, but I think it's the better game. Black Plague is the best of the three that are available, but they're all worth picking up. They should be on Steam.

I think someone mentioned Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. That one's also a great purchase, but it's a glitchy bugger so be careful! It's on Steam as well.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Iwata said:
An older game, to be sure, but Echo Night: Beyond for the PS2 still ranks as one of my all-time favourite "unknown" games. You're all alone on the Moon, with no weapons, in a bulky space suit, trying to survive a haunted Moon base. Superb game.
Seconding this! My local video store had a copy for rent, and I loved it. Sadly, like most video stores, it's gone now.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Iwata said:
An older game, to be sure, but Echo Night: Beyond for the PS2 still ranks as one of my all-time favourite "unknown" games. You're all alone on the Moon, with no weapons, in a bulky space suit, trying to survive a haunted Moon base. Superb game.
Thank you good sir for making me aware of this game, I've now just bought a copy from amazon :D

OT: You should try the Penumbra series, it's pretty damn creepy. Lone Survivor is also a good scary game, it isn't a long game, but it's damn good. Dark Fall Lost Souls is a good one too, it's a bit unknown I think, the atmosphere can be great.


New member
Jul 13, 2012
Play Cry Of Fear. Its a indie horror game taking place in Stockholm with some absolutely horrific enemies and environments.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Padwolf said:
Iwata said:
An older game, to be sure, but Echo Night: Beyond for the PS2 still ranks as one of my all-time favourite "unknown" games. You're all alone on the Moon, with no weapons, in a bulky space suit, trying to survive a haunted Moon base. Superb game.
Thank you good sir for making me aware of this game, I've now just bought a copy from amazon :D
My pleasure! Always glad to spread the word on good games. :)


New member
Jul 13, 2011
Iwata said:
An older game, to be sure, but Echo Night: Beyond for the PS2 still ranks as one of my all-time favourite "unknown" games. You're all alone on the Moon, with no weapons, in a bulky space suit, trying to survive a haunted Moon base. Superb game.
This and I'll add Kuon to the "unknown" list too. Same developer, although you can protect yourself in this one the atmosphere is fantastic.

Dark Prophet

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Cryostaisis Sleep of Reason - dark and haunting, it has guns but it takes the true survival horror route, where ammo is scarce and weapons are old and crapy. Also the atmosphere is chilling as fuck in more ways then one. It's something like 10 euros on steam.