What are the most annoying fans in your opinion


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Richardplex said:
Okay then, I don't trust my £600 computer with current gen games at full graphics since it heavily struggled with WoW and Batman, and had to be on medium for both. So be right back while I'll punch the person who sold the computer to me.
With 600£ to build a PC I would be sooooo happy. A lot of things dropped on price so I guess I could get something to play Crysis at 1650x1080 on medium/high.

I also dislike Apple fanboys. If Microsoft does something, they are evil and should stop. If Apple does the same, it's for the greater good, it's thinking on the consumer, it's because Jobs is a genius.

They moaned at Vista, M$ is evil, etc. When Apple cut Leopard support for 3 year old printers, it's your fault for not having the latest software.

Jerubbaal said:
This, more or less. As a PC "Elitist" I don't have a problem with consoles per se, I have a problem with the fact that many devs that would have developed a game for the PC instead focus on the 360 or PS3, and it often ends up being an inferior product.
That's what I was saying. If you want more than expected, you are an elitist.

You should throw your money to people who make sup-par sequels and games with good graphics. You will complete them in under 8 hours, but that is OK, since there will be a sequel next year. God forbid you ask for more.


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Feb 21, 2011
Bronies (only the ones who spam MLP stuff on non MLP forums/sites)
Portal 2 fans (people who've only played Portal 2)


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Mar 12, 2009
anime fans/otakus and the damn harry potter fans who wouldn't shut the fuck up at the HP7 part 2 movie. i grew up not just on harry potter, but i grew up along side harry potter. i was 11 when i saw the first movie and i'm 18 as i watch the new one, harry potter's got a magical place in my heart, i even have my own magical story from when i was reading the 2nd book with my mom when i was 11, but it's a fucking movie theatre. show some god damn manners to the other people who came to see the movie and shut the fuck up.
(sorry, i'm a little pissed from every movie i've seen this summer being ruined by both crying baby's and rude movie goers)

what i've noticed is that these two groups are interchangeable, most otakus are harry potter fans and vise versa. they're so fucking annoying, it's like they think they have the coolest thing in the world and they need to shove it in your face instead of politely recommending it.

and what the fuck is with this security measure? i asked "which of the following stores is the best choice to buy pants?" and it's got a bunch of stores and there's no hint as to what the answer is.


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Jan 18, 2010
Richardplex said:
The first picture has an appropiate avatar, it was the facial expression that I had after reading it. The PC gamer list is a bit silly, most of it is completely true. Though PC elitists annoy me. PCs are better than consoles, it's true. Problem is, you need an expensive computer to play modern games on them. Consoles on the other hand, are £200, so for a lot of people, like moi, consoles are the logical choice of gaming if you can't afford that gaming PC. Yet PC elitists constantly rub it in, and whine how consoles hold them back. While it's true, it brings out some good too, it lowers production cost. Note I dislike the elitists, not the PC gamers. Those (you) guys are cool.
Also, steam is amazing, PC gamers have the right to brag about it. And those Bioware fans are creepy. I mean, really.
Well, I'd like to argue that PC gaming is way cheaper. I bough my pc for like 300$. I don't count the monitor the same way one wouldn't count a 50'' TV in a console price tag. My rig is 4 years old and my PC still runs everything on the highest setting. Also, Steam is awesome, and there are even other digital sales services out there that are even cheaper and give you a steam code so in the long run, you save so much on buying games. I'd argue PC gaming is waaaaay cheaper in the long run. I agree that being a PC gamer in the 90's and early 00's was a hassle because your uber expensive PC would get obsolete in 2-3 years, but those times are long over.
Not trying to sound like an elitist, but this is my experience as a PC gamer who also owns an Xbox 360.


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Jul 14, 2011
MercurySteam said:
machblast said:
I absolutely fucking despise Bioware fanboys. They write dissertations on the chemical compounds of Tali's goddamned SWEAT and absolutely refuse to take any criticism to any of their recent games.

Image related.

That fucking blew my mind. You may want to put that in spoiler tags. For once it has been seen, it cannot be unseen.

I'm probably most pissed off by PC fanboys/elitists. Console fanboys spend most time arguing over the better console while PC elitists consider themselves above everyone else. This scares me because I will be building a powerful new gaming rig soon.

Here's a summary of general beliefs of PC elitists straight from the Urban Dictionary:

1. Graphic Superiority of PCs over Consoles
2. Infinite Backwards compatibility
3. Mouse and Keyboard beat out Controllers
4. Believe that all Games are PC games since you can't program on a Console
5. Believe in User Generated content for games
6. Feel that DLC should be Free.
7. Think Xbox Live is filled with racist twelve year olds.
8. Know what Steam is and have never bought a game from Gamestop since.
9. Feel that FPS should never have went to console
10. Hate Consoles
I am mainly a PC player, and even though almost none of those apply to me, I do think that X-box live is filled with racist twelve year olds, but I think the same thing of anything online.

Tim Mazzola

New member
Dec 27, 2010
PC elitists. I'm mostly on PC nowadays myself, but... come on, guys. The gratuitous flame wars that get started because of how immature so many PC elitists can be is just horrendous and doesn't help or accomplish anything. The whole "MY PLATFORM IS BETTER THAN YOURS AND YOU SUCK AND ARE CASUAL BECAUSE OF IT" nonsense needs to stop.

Also, what's wrong with casual gaming? Just because casual games exist doesn't mean hardcore games will die. Just remember the wise words of Extra Credits: Friends don't let friends by shovelware. Going on internet forums and trolling people by pointing fingers and giving them the proverbial scarlet letter of "CASUAL GAMER" doesn't help or accomplish anything. What matters is that if you keep buying hardcore games, people will keep making them. And remember, it's probably the hardcore gamers that are going to become the game developers of tomorrow. Just sayin'.

One more small gripe... Elder Scrolls and Dream Theater fans. One has nothing to do with gaming but I lumped these 2 together because I'm annoyed by these fanbases for the same reason. Nobody hates The Elder Scrolls as much as Elder Scrolls fans do, and nobody hates Dream Theater as much as Dream Theater fans do. It gets to the point where if somebody says "Oh, Oblivion actually was pretty fun to play" or "Oh, I thought the music on Systematic Chaos was pretty cool at times" that the "fanbases" always say "YOU AREN'T A TRUE FAN!!!" So I'm not a "true fan" because I liked it more than you? How does that work out? So ya, I'm sure this comes up in other fanbases as well. The concept of the "true fan" who only likes something for certain elements of much older releases, and flames the crap out of anyone who likes ANYTHING that was released afterwards. The "true fan" who is "alienated" for the benefit of the "noobs." These people in general just need to get bent.


Tim Mazzola

New member
Dec 27, 2010
I just noticed I forgot to mention Portal fans... oh, well. At least Portal is good. I just don't like the fact that they're basically... I guess the only metaphor I can think of is that Portal fans are suicidal meme-fountains. They constantly spout meme-jokes and the fact that they constantly spout them kills them to the point where they start to smell.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
People who think Lebron James is "the next Jordan". No, he's not, he's Lebron James, and its a different era of basketball. Hell I'm not even a b-ball fan and I detest this sort of attitude.

Twilight fans, in multiple instances are vile detestable people. Ok, not that bad but misguided and annoying.

Anime/Manga fans who believe western culture is inferior to Japanese culture. They're wholly different worlds (apples/oranges) whose only similarity is that people make them (apples/oranges are fruit). BTW, I like both western and Japanese cultures in animation/comic books/manga because of their differences not despite.

Trolls. I'm not mad, bro.

Fanboys/girls in general. Impossible to argue with, like religious zealots who I also can't stand.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Console and PC fanboys.
Nobody gives a fuck whether 360 is better than PS3, or that your new billion pound PC can run Crysis on max settings while processing some 1080p PC jerk-off fest because you got a new super quint-core process card power whatever the fuck.
Why can't we all just get along?
EDIT: Oh, also, Bronies.
God damn bronies.


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Jul 21, 2011
Drakmeire said:
if you generally like guy on guy, then it's ok but when you openly hate ALL female characters and only watch shows because you like to ogle the boys talking to each other and add homoerotic subtext for no reason, than you have a problem.
If you like yaoi, that's all well and good, but if it's the ONLY reasons you're a fan of anything than that's bad.
Mostly agreed, but remember not all of us are like that! :<

orangeapples said:
yaoi fangirls...

because according to them: if there is any piece of fiction with at least 2 male characters, they will have sex.

The reason why I feel they are the most annoying is because NOTHING is safe.
Drakmeirexorangeapples FTW! ;D NOTHING is safe!

On topic: I don't like any kind of fans that think their fandom is the second coming of Jesus and thus has absolutely no flaws or anything that would make other people not like it. Also, anti-fans who think there's absolutely nothing redeamable in a work, that it's utter garbage and should be burned, buried and never spoken of again.

Elliot Garner

New member
Feb 26, 2010
I will probably get a lot of hate for this but religion fans piss me off...im not religious and people at school will say "YOU DONT GO TO CHURCH? you should go with me you'll find it fun." I have never been to a fun sermon. QUIT FUCKING ASKING


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Feb 28, 2011
People who want one game to copy from another. Ie Mass effect2,they want a gears of war clone. Games are good because they have differnt and new gameplay.

People who complain when an rpg isn't shooter or action enough (theres enough shooters, they are killing a genre and I don't think they realize that)

People who complain about 3 or more games in a series sucking but omg I'll gotta buy the new one.(try a different game you might be surprised)

Lt. Vinciti

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Nov 5, 2009
1. Hardcore borderline Obsessed Anime fans....

These people are usually...not mentally well...and dont know the line between Life + an old show...

2. I suppose Console Wars Fanboiz
The X has better Y
The Y has better Z

3. Music Fans Ok so record sales and such show...but when the local radio station plays them everyday while Im at work....brain bleeding

Interplay v Bethesda Fallout Fanboiz of WHO RUINED MY CHILDHOOD!


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May 4, 2009
Jesse Billingsley said:
Halo Fans, especially those on the Bungie.net forums who openly critisize anyone with a different opinion or simply ignore whats being said and twist a persons words by saying "fixd!" or simply telling the person to "Get over it" and they like to complain...A lot, specifically about the Bloom or armor lock that is in Reach. They are probably the most hypocritical group of people I have ever seen.

Oh! How could I have forgotten that they love to think that everyone in the world agrees with them 100% of the time and when someone tells them that their wrong and gives them a completely logical reason why their knowledge is wrong, the resort to attacking the person.
Oh, yeah. That's amusing on the Bungie forums. Fifty per cent of everything on there is a complaint about armour lock, and some totally arbitrary 'solutions' to it...and telling them to 'adapt' is considered a troll response.


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Mar 18, 2009
No group of fans is more annoying than another, in my opinion. Its just fans that blindly love and obsess about anything that bother me. Even if its something I like.


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Jan 20, 2010
When it comes down to it, we disagree with fanboys in general, without the realization we are one in some way or another. The ones we despise the most are generally the ones we disagree with more strongly than others due to a conflicting opinion or certain experiences. People are people and one fan-group isn't necessarily worse than the other. That being said, I would have to say COD/MW/Halo fanboys and ff7/sephiroth fanboys. I am, however, in full realization that any opinion I can give is hypocritical.


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Jul 22, 2011
Coldflame727 said:
I am mainly a PC player, and even though almost none of those apply to me, I do think that X-box live is filled with racist twelve year olds, but I think the same thing of anything online.
I remember showing my brother-in-law (who is a semi-casual Xbox gamer) Starcraft II and he was shocked (and pleasantly suprised) when the character names weren't variations of xXx1337514y3rxXx. Even if they aren't racist 12-year-olds (and they are), they're idiots.


So fucking thrilled to be here!
Jan 8, 2010
Stall said:
MercurySteam said:
Here's a summary of general beliefs of PC elitists straight from the Urban Dictionary:

1. Graphic Superiority of PCs over Consoles
2. Infinite Backwards compatibility
3. Mouse and Keyboard beat out Controllers
4. Believe that all Games are PC games since you can't program on a Console
5. Believe in User Generated content for games
6. Feel that DLC should be Free.
7. Think Xbox Live is filled with racist twelve year olds.
8. Know what Steam is and have never bought a game from Gamestop since.
9. Feel that FPS should never have went to console
10. Hate Consoles
All of those are true except 4 and 10. Besides, most of those things aren't even BAD things. How is that set of beliefs supposed to be insulting or demeaning if most of them are fact, or very logically founded? I really don't understand why you'd post that when bashing PC gamers. I just don't get it. Are you trying to insult them or show their snobbery by showing that they are right?
No they aren't. Because of two words. Personal preference. Except for 5, all of these "beliefs" are really just personal opinions/preferences being presented as facts.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Jerubbaal said:
Coldflame727 said:
I am mainly a PC player, and even though almost none of those apply to me, I do think that X-box live is filled with racist twelve year olds, but I think the same thing of anything online.
I remember showing my brother-in-law (who is a semi-casual Xbox gamer) Starcraft II and he was shocked (and pleasantly suprised) when the character names weren't variations of xXx1337514y3rxXx. Even if they aren't racist 12-year-olds (and they are), they're idiots.
I still remember when SC1 came out and pretty much everyone on bnet's names were some variation of ssjGoku12541