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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Dark Souls 3: You can have it all, you can dancer through your death......

I'm running low on sequel jokes so I'm moving on to silly song puns. Deals with it, Tokis!

So after starting fresh I managed to take down the dancer after a few tries this time, quickly getting the tempo for the first phase down and only having issues when she gets super aggressive in phase 2(and pulls a sword out of....her booty?). So apparently the only way into the castle proper is to put a basin a creepy self mutilating statue(I think that counts as a miracle per the church? I'm not catholic but bleeding statues is apparently a legit miracle in catholicism, so I've heard) and then a ladder drops down and lets you in, because that's super convenient for royalty and everyone else.

Found my way into the consumed kings garden, and after a series of encounters with the knight guarding the elevator Summarized like this, I ended up in a another POISON FUCKING SWAMP filled with those guys and the Pus of Man....so I decided to come back later because fuckit. The way up the castle was nicely done but now I get the joke about screwy bonfire placement(beat the dancer, get a bonfire, go up the stairs, get another bonfire, albeit past a number of red-eyed knights).

Up more stairs to a much better bonfire, TWO dragons guarding the bridge(thank you Dark Souls) and after wasting all my arrows trying to kill one of them(and failing) finally found a way around them and then they died, because I guess they were tired of eternal life :). After more fucking knights, I'm to the other bridge with the creepy butterfly armor boss and that's a rough one. I've beat him once as a summon but so far no luck soloing(and for some weird reason, my attempts at summoning others either fail or they can't seem to pass the fog gate so my connection may be screwy).

Lothric castle is very nice though. I love the regal yet decaying feel to the whole thing, a place that feel lived in and ancient at the same time. The Dragon Barracks bonfire is perhaps one of the most forlorn and moody bonfires so far, surrounded by knights who look like they just sat down and died(while tattered flags flutter against a reddening sky).With that aside, I'm gonna complain a bit about the level design again. t feels like every 3rd room in the castle feels like a church or chapel or some such. I get it, Lothric is the last refuge of the old lords and fights in churchs are visually appealing and themetically interesting but seriously, there's no place on earth that needs more then like 2 churches and/or chapels(assuming you need one for the richers and one for the proletariat) for an area that size and now it looks like they have a church based economy with few other rooms for you know, kitchens and storerooms and shit. And as mentioned before, the whole "Climb a ladder from the chapel to enter the castle proper" feels really weird because that's presumably the only way to actually transit between the castle and the lower baily area of the High wall, so it comes across as a bizarre design decision when you think about the food delivery guys trying to run everything up the ladder in the chapel every day. So chock it up to a case from FROM has really good and really bizarre level design.
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Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Dark Souls 3: You can have it all, you can dancer through your death......
I don't want to spoil too much, but the next area after where you are is either going to be one of your favorite areas in the game, or you'll hate it with the passion of a thousand Darksign suns. Potentially even both, for different reasons.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
The Evil Within 2

I'm surprised how much easier it is than The Evil Within. Vast swathes of open road to simply walk around enemies who can't see or hear very far. You can outrun a mob even with all stamina depleted. Save rooms now heal you. And there're a lot less bullshit traps this time around. To top it off, any pretense of horror is completely gone as the story dives headfirst into sci-fi territory. And all the while Sebastian sounds more annoyed than anything else, but then he was never much of a character to begin with.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I don't want to spoil too much, but the next area after where you are is either going to be one of your favorite areas in the game, or you'll hate it with the passion of a thousand Darksign suns. Potentially even both, for different reasons.
I take it you mean the Grand Archives? Yeah, I've heard some stuff about that place.

I plan to do the DLCs before the final boss so probably after that I'm gonna start cleaning up the other areas(Demon Ruins, Consumed Kings Garden) I haven't finished yet before moving onto the DLCs. I guess I'll also do the princes as well, since I don't think I'm locked into the final boss at any point.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
I take it from your tone that you aren't enjoying the game?
I've been reading its incredibly buggy, glitchy and ironically rushed on all platforms, with performance issues, clipping, clopping, frame rate drops to the single digits, pop ins, pop outs, etc...on reddit someone posted the first glitch they encountered was during character creation when their female character's shirt went see-through.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The Evil Within 2

I'm surprised how much easier it is than The Evil Within. Vast swathes of open road to simply walk around enemies who can't see or hear very far. You can outrun a mob even with all stamina depleted. Save rooms now heal you. And there're a lot less bullshit traps this time around. To top it off, any pretense of horror is completely gone as the story dives headfirst into sci-fi territory. And all the while Sebastian sounds more annoyed than anything else, but then he was never much of a character to begin with.
Make sure to do all the side quests. You'll be in for a special surprise. Especially when you do Sebastian's personal ones. While a sequel is more sci-fi heavy, there are still a couple of sensor scary moments. Some of them got me on the first time playthrough.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
....what is the gaming context of this phrase? Because I'm now picturing Bronies jerking it on a park bench or something, which....would be an odd feature for the game.
Well apparently the game is weirdly sexual, in that one of the more common just junk items to find are dildos. Just kinda there. Not hidden, not in someone desk or thrown away, just like there. On the table of a noodle shop, two guys talking about a boxing match, and yeah studded dildo next to the chopsticks. No context, no explanation, just ornamental dildos


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Well apparently the game is weirdly sexual, in that one of the more common just junk items to find are dildos. Just kinda there. Not hidden, not in someone desk or thrown away, just like there. On the table of a noodle shop, two guys talking about a boxing match, and yeah studded dildo next to the chopsticks. No context, no explanation, just ornamental dildos
So clopping now means anything hypersexual, and not specifically referring to MLP porn. Got it *updates his perpetually out of date lexicon of terms* I'm sure this will stay current for the length of time it takes me to post this......damnit, already dead term.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I've been reading its incredibly buggy, glitchy and ironically rushed on all platforms, with performance issues, clipping, clopping, frame rate drops to the single digits, pop ins, pop outs, etc...on reddit someone posted the first glitch they encountered was during character creation when their female character's shirt went see-through.
I haven't really seen these issues some people seem to be. I have encountered a couple instances of fps drops after interaction scenes but I literally mean 3 and it recovered. There is some characters pop-in but that is to be expected from the kinda game it is, did see a weird texture flicker when I would equip pants and shoes but after a second that would clear up. Were the characters in creation supposed to wear shirts? I mean after I finished the face it showed full body topless so you could adjust nipples and boobers.

Anyway, yeah, playing Cyberpunk 2077, so far its pretty cool, has some roughness and initially I got this weird audio crackling bug but that stopped the second time I started up the game. There have been a bunch of little animation bugs, like a street venders hands not moving in sync with what he was trying to hold, or someone using chopsticks and having a second pair, things that don't matter and you wouldn't really notice if you were paying attention. But so far the game world is more fun then I expected it to be and the gameplay is pretty solid. It even strikes me that it has the kinda city that is fun to just drive around like in GTA. Wish the car handling wasn't crap for a keyboard. Its one of those that wants you to use a joystick and tries to mimic wheel turning and use that so you press left on the keyboard and your car will turn a certain degree left instead of a more arcade just turn while its tapped. Reminds me of trying to drive using a keyboard in a 90s car game.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
So after starting fresh I managed to take down the dancer after a few tries this time, quickly getting the tempo for the first phase down and only having issues when she gets super aggressive in phase 2(and pulls a sword out of....her booty?). So apparently the only way into the castle proper is to put a basin a creepy self mutilating statue(I think that counts as a miracle per the church? I'm not catholic but bleeding statues is apparently a legit miracle in catholicism, so I've heard) and then a ladder drops down and lets you in, because that's super convenient for royalty and everyone else.
Everyone says the Dancer is a really hard fight but the only time I died to her was when i was showing off her fight, since its one of my favs, to my friend while we were drinking. Something about her perfectly matches how I like to dodge so I barely even get hit during that fight.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Everyone says the Dancer is a really hard fight but the only time I died to her was when i was showing off her fight, since its one of my favs, to my friend while we were drinking. Something about her perfectly matches how I like to dodge so I barely even get hit during that fight.
To be fair, I've had little issue with most of the bosses so far. The dancer just hit that weired area with me where I kept getting wrecked by her in phase 2.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I've been reading its incredibly buggy, glitchy and ironically rushed on all platforms, with performance issues, clipping, clopping, frame rate drops to the single digits, pop ins, pop outs, etc...on reddit someone posted the first glitch they encountered was during character creation when their female character's shirt went see-through.
Good to know, as they leaves me plenty of time to finish most of my other immediate backlog. I’ll keep my GoG copy on standby until it’s all patched up as well as it can be.

Having said that, there’s a decent chance the character creation glitch might’ve been intentional.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
To be fair, I've had little issue with most of the bosses so far. The dancer just hit that weired area with me where I kept getting wrecked by her in phase 2.
Weirdly enough one of the harder bosses for me is the crystal mage guy. Everyone says hes easy but even after beating the game 4 times I still die at least a few times to him. Just goes against how I play in a really annoying way or something.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Weirdly enough one of the harder bosses for me is the crystal mage guy. Everyone says hes easy but even after beating the game 4 times I still die at least a few times to him. Just goes against how I play in a really annoying way or something.
I mentioned this a while back but in DS2 I beat the Smelter Demon in like 3 tries, but Prowling Magus and congregation took me like 5 and everyone insists those are so easy(and I'm over here getting gang banged). Beat the Lost Sinner in 1 but the Ruin Sentinels were a massive pain for me.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I mentioned this a while back but in DS2 I beat the Smelter Demon in like 3 tries, but Prowling Magus and congregation took me like 5 and everyone insists those are so easy(and I'm over here getting gang banged). Beat the Lost Sinner in 1 but the Ruin Sentinels were a massive pain for me.
I've died a few times to that group of priests underground in DS3, but in DS I bear Orenstein and Smoug my first try while low on estus. I just had a ton of souls and really didn't want to lose them since I hadn't seen a bonefire in awhile.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I did some co-op sessions of Streets of Rage 4 last night. I also did a session of battle mode. I mainly did boss Rush mode with one of my PSN pals. After that, we did a couple of stages on Mania mode. For those wondering, they're still plenty of people that play online, but you pretty much have to be up around at night to late night to play with people. On the weekends, you'll find a bit more people during the early day and mid afternoon.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I played Double Dragon II (NES) on Switch. I got individual version instead of the Double Dragon/River City Ransom (Kunio-Kun) pack since it's cheaper and I did not care for the latter series. The port is great and is got some decent visual and audio options. It has save states of course and thank goodness, because fuck me, DD II is tough. Who's idea was it to put platforming in a brawler? That is not fun! I know it can be done and many other games have accomplished this, but no one asking for this. I already know why Technos did this for making the game as difficult as possible.

I played on the Supreme Master difficulty as that is the only way to get to the final level in the US/EU version. The Japanese version is course easier in this regard. I wish they give you the Japanese Rom too. I don't know they could not. The Streets of Rage Trilogy on XBLA/PSN (PS3) was able to do that over 5 years ago. The game is still fun to play and is the best of the NES trilogy. That said, once you know the timing of the more powerful moves like the Cyclone Kick and Hyper Knee, the game mostly becomes a cake walk. You pretty much got a spam fest and almost not need to use anything else.