Started playing It Takes Two with the wifey. Put in about 2-3 hours at this point.
It's pretty fun. It's a cute little game, with very low stakes. If you die, you just respawn immediately, and just try the various puzzles again. The only time you actually "die", is if you both die at the same time during a boss fight. Otherwise, if one person drops in a boss fight, they can come back quickly by spamming a button on the controller.
It's interesting so far. Basically each area of the yard/house, has it's own flavor of challenges, and you get a different item, unique to that particular map, to traverse them. One area, one of you gets a hammer, the other gets nails. You have to use them cooperatively to get through the puzzles. Once you are done with that challenge though, you lose those items, and get some new, entirely different things, that help you with the next series of puzzles. It's pretty fun to grief your partner by intentionally messing with them, and the game gives you AMPLE opportunity to do that.
The story is pretty cliche. Married couple, getting a divorce, kid is unhappy and wants them to stay together. Somehow magically ensnares the souls of her parents in dolls she made, and now they are forced to "work it out" to get home and undo the spell. You can see where it's going, though they might do a Mrs. Doubtfire at the end I guess, and have them still get a divorce, but work out their problems, so the family still stays happy, with no fighting.
The opening sequence leading up to the parents being put into the dolls was pretty funny. Because I'm me, and I'm biologically incapable of not riffing on things I'm watching (thank you years of MST 3K), I started dubbing in the little girl being in league with the devil, and going to do a sacrifice to fix things. Saying lines like "Ok well now to the sacrificial altar, and I just need to get Mupsy the goat, and bleed her upon the stones of suffering." at one point, the girl is looking around and I said "Now where did I put the Necronomicon?" and she actually grabbed a book and started rifling through it.
It's an enjoyable game, especially if you enjoy messing with someone else. The two of you can get a lot of fun just goofing around, and giving each other shit.
I don't find it as engaging as I found Haven to be, and I suspect my wife feels the same. Haven't asked her yet, as the game is still pretty fresh to us. So far it's every romcom cliche made into a game, bickering dialogue, the literal manifestations of the things they argue about, becoming the challenges you have to overcome to move on. But still, it's fun so far. The puzzles are enjoyable, and pretty easy to figure out, even though the timing might be a challenge, it's not overly difficult. I'd say it's a good "baby's first video game" for a partner who you are trying to get into the hobby. Very low risk, low stakes, challenging, but not ridiculously so, and pulling off some of the timed puzzles that require you both to work in tandem, does feel good. Worth playing if you're into that kind of thing.
Oh yeah, and the split screen being vertical instead of horizontal. REALLY nice. It's amazing how much of a difference that makes for being able to see what's going on.