What are you currently playing?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Tried doing Final Vendetta's Survival Mode on Ultra Difficulty. The furthest I got was 144 kills. Good enough for me. I already got the best kill streak on Hard mode with 350.

Ninja Gaiden 3:RE I did some more Ninja Trials. I finally getting the hang of everyone's alternative air throws/Izuna Drops. Each character has their own variation and alternative variation. What the game doesn't tell you his how to input the alternative grapples. Weellll...more so it doesn't explain it well enough. These games really need training room. There are directional inputs for the alternative Izuna Drops . Ryu has an Guiltone Throw, that involves pushing the LS forward after doing an air combo (each weapon has a different button combination). While Kasumi's alternative Izuna Drop is pushing the LS backwards/opposite direction after performing an air combo. An aside, I was doing Steel-On-Bone counters like crazy. Like I said before, I find many of the Ninja Trials more fun than the base game, because all of your moves are unlocked from the start. The only problem is in the 8th generation ports, multiplayer has been removed, so later Trials are near impossible or involve abusing cheap tatcic over and over again, with war of attrition.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Having never heard of that game, I looked it up and boy does it look like jank incarnated, should be interesting. I do like that the very first video of it I find was played trough dolphin XD.
Never played it, obviously, but it's supposedly one of those games that isn't good per se, but kind of makes up for it with how batshit it gets.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Beat Cursed to Golf. I'm all about new mixing Roguelikes into new gameplay systems, unfortunately this game doesn't really take the roguelike concept very far. The game looks very nice and sounds good, but the gameplay doesn't really do a whole lot for me. It's ok, but the courses are so long I was really getting tired of lining up shot after shot. The game is not very difficult either because you can see exactly where your ball will hit (when it's on screen, half the time you just need to kind of guess because the stupid camera doesn't zoom out enough), get some control on the direction it bounces after it hits, and get about a million cards to do various effects like give you extra strokes before you lose or make your ball phase through solid objects.

I beat the game on my third attempt, which is pretty much a joke for a roguelike. My first run I lost to the first boss by one stroke, the second I lost on the level after the first boss because I wasn't paying enough attention to my par count and didn't realize that hitting the spikes was a 2 stroke penalty, the third I beat the game. The game also just keeps making itself easier after you defeat each boss, making it so you can run out of strokes once per hole and keep playing, and restart with all your cards if you actually do lose. I beat the game with over 50 unused cards, this is mainly because I played every cursed hole which gives you a booster pack, a shop to buy stuff at, and another booster pack when you beat the level. All that and they aren't really that much harder than a regular level. Another thing that was annoying was that the game played half of the final level for me. I looked it all over and it seemed very difficult, and seemed like it was going to be a sturdy challenge like the rebel flagship in FTL where you are just going to lose if you don't come in prepared. I had decided what cards I was going to use where and then the game paused 3 times at the most difficult sections so that the previous bosses could come back and cheat me past them. I definitely could have gotten past it without their help though!

The game is a little buggy sometimes during the boss fights too. One time the boss hit her ball into the water and then the ball started spazzing out and suddenly popped out of the water and fell on the fairway! What the heck?! Oh well, I won anyway, but if I was behind I would have been really upset. Then, in another boss fight I used a combination of fireball to light my ball on fire to burn vines and u-turn+ to give me the ability to redirect my ball mid-flight twice. I was going to drop down a long shaft, redirect to burn through some vines to go in a teleporter tee which would drop my ball in a fan that would blow to another fan, then I would use my second rebound to boost through some more vines and down another shaft. It was going to be glorious! It all went to plan at first, I got through the teleporter, but then before falling down into the fan the ball went back in through the exit teleport and went all the way back to the first one! I used my rebound to go back in and it did the same thing again! Just a total waste of cards. It doesn't make any sense because I didn't think you could go back through exit teleporters at all anyway. But like before I still won so it didn't matter, but still.

Overall, it was ok. I don't think I'll play it again, though.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I started playing Yakuza 7, or just Like a Dragon now, I guess. And like the usual Ryu Ga Gotoku games it's hard not to love, but hard to actually like. You're introduced to an extremely likeable main character who's peculiar way of life is endearingly goofy and captivating, with characters and a story that feel genuinely unpredictable, but then it also throws you into a half hour long collection of cutscenes that are broken up by one or two 20-second long walking sections. They've manged to cul some the textboxes though thankfully.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Honestly a good question. I like the idea of being able to have a home base and be able to run it to some extent, but it has to be done somewhat decently to make it worthwhile.
You know, I like the idea of a home base in games... right up until I have to deal with them. If I have to start doing too much with them they start giving me the shits. Just let me store (and sell, if I'm honest) things, maybe do a bit of crafting/upgrading, a bit of NPC interaction and that's it. Don't make me responsible for a bunch of mundane shit.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Started playing the first Danganronpa game.

I'm only at the prologue but so far it feels VERY Japanese.

One of the advantages I've seen so far in Visual Novels is that they tend to not simulate movement to any great degree, it is mostly movement-via-menus, which I appreciate as someone that gets easily motion sick. In this game I should've read the description since apparently you move between locations by rotating the camera and going forwards. In other word enforced neck movements. The worst thing for motion sickness. Sigh.

I hope there will at least not be any enforced fast movement. That would render it unplayable.
Are you playing it in VR?


~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
Horace. What a soppy bloody game this is. Am certain diabetes has now developed from the saccharine overdose. Another addiction to add to the pile I suppose. Yet it endears. Mayhaps I am weak. Or too early in the game. Kinda getting Steven Spielberg's AI vibes from the cloying protag robot. Am expecting the family to drop the mawkish kunt in distant foreign woodlands and run off with a fancier replacement any moment now.



Hope there's an autosave cause I fell asleep without saving any progress last night!
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Darn it. Once again I'm between games and undecided about what to play. So many games I've never played sitting on my shelf, so many games I don't feel like playing.

Has anybody played Jet Set Radio Future? Is it actually worth playing through? I have it because I watched some second or third cousin's playing it for a couple of hours on their new Xbox when I was around 10 and then 15 years later I found it at a pawn shop.

Another option is Max Payne 1&2. I know a lot of people liked Max Payne, but I just haven't worked up the motivation to put the disk in.

I kind of would like to give Bully another go since I never did beat it when I played it when I was a kid. But I have it for my 360 and I'm still leery about the disk drive. I need to take it apart again and try another adjustment.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is still hanging over my head. I tried it a couple of years ago and got bored of it after a couple of hours. As is Ni No Kuni and Xenoblade Chronicles, but, ugh, JRPG.

Or, maybe I'll play Little Big Planet. I kind of feel like playing a platformer.

Hmmmm, I don't know.


Elite Member
Nov 16, 2022
I really did love the art style and general worldbuilding(as buried as it can be) and the gameplay was solid enough for me to enjoy it. I haven't played the DLC yet because I'd have to do New Game+ but I want to do it before the sequel comes out sometime this year.
Oh I'm so stoked about the sequel!

As for the DLCs, only one of them requires NG+, so if you still haven't completed the game, read online about how to get the true (canonical) ending that leads to the next game. Otherwise, you'll have to replay the entire thing to unlock it (there are two other possible endings) since it's impossible to achieve it after a certain point. There's an obscure sequence of steps you have to fulfill in a set order, which is what I'm doing for my 2nd playthrough...
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Finally finished FF7R, I'll put my impression in a spoiler box cause its probably gonna be long and un focus, venture at your own risk. But overall, fun game but incredibly uneven, glad I played it but don't care for the next one.

Now I have to chose between chained echo and phantom brigade and thats a tough choice!

I'll assume people are familiar with the original for most of it.

So lets get the easy stuff out of the way first, the game looks really good, both because the graphic are good but also because they put a lot of care into making the environment feel alive and have lots of clutter around, which really sell the slums. Almost worth playing just to walk around the environment. Unsurprisingly the soundtrack is great since its mostly the old songs again, although I'm not crazy about the added jazz spin to a lot of the song, some of the new song are also pretty decent, but they don't mix that well with the older one.

Onto gameplay. First we need to acknowledge that this game is not a turn base JRPG, its not an action RPG either, nor a spectacle fighter. This is a waifu simulator first and foremost. Most of the game time is dedicated to having Clound walking around with a slut lady clinging to his arm (or both arms in some case), you go on meanial side quest that bring nothing to the story, but hey w/e you got a girl with you. I'll go over that more later, but first now the important thing to realize is that the gamepley needed to be fairly uninteresting so that it didn't detract from the dates Cloud go on. Sadly for the dev, the combat department didn't get the memo and turned in a really good combat system, after the embarasement 15 dare to call a combat system, its shocking how good the combat. Now, sadly for the player, the encounter designer department did get the memo and did everything in their power to make the fight as uninteresting as possible, and they succeed beyond their wildest dream! For 75% of the game (ie, the waifu simulator parts) goons you fight in the world are so weak that they all die before you can start using the ATB charge you build up (which let you use magic/ability), they barely count as speed bump. But so what, JRPG always had weak crap to fight in between boss, the boss is where the real meat is right? Right?

Boss are embarrassingly bad. First of all, they're very scripted, at multiple specific health value, a cut scene will happens where the boss and Cloud fight, interrupting your fight, this is like playing a game with annoying older sibling that keep yanking the controller away from you because "your playing it wrong". Once this happens, the bosses stagger gauge is reset. Now the entire point of the combat system is to build up the stagger gauge of the enemy and unleash all your super attack when its full for extra damage, but there's very few boss where that actually matters because the second you stagger them, you'll exceed the health threshold for a cutscene and the boss will move on, often with your character just wildly flailing around, executing attacks for boss that have long move on. Now it is possible to very quickly stagger boss so that you have a bit more time to attack them while staggered, but that usually involves knowing what the bosses are weak too ahead of time, so that you can equip the right materia to everyone, but in most case only one of your character will have the correct materia. It's not like that matters, boss are incredibly easy since healing is plentiful and use to use. In my full playtrough on normal (hard is only unlock for new game+ for some reason) I only lost to boss twice, one was during the bike sequence at the end which doesn't use the regular combat system anyway and the second was the last boss, where you need to have materias equip to every characters in your party since they all get used, rather than just have 3 sets that you move around as needed. That's an important point because Ai controlled character are essentially useless and only serves to let you use an ability every once in awhile, but if they have no materia equip, they're kinda just there for decoration because of how passive they are and because they build up ATB incredibly slowly. Overall, I don't think I've ever played a game where the combat system was so constrained by poor encounter design, some of the optional fights in coliseum are actually really good because there's no cutscene to interrupt you and some of the monster are actually tough enough to warrant some strategy.

Otherwise, the game has a weapon leveling system, in theory its a nice system, in practice its just the worse. The system is very simple, every weapon has a list of passive that can be unlock (from stats boost to new materia to passive skills) using SP character gain from leveling. A UI with a simple list would have done the job perfectly well. But instead the system is presented as solar system with planets around them, every time you go in a weapon, there's a small cutscene to load the planets and you then have to navigate the planet (ie skills) sorta at random, finding the skill you want to unlock is a pita. But worse is that the UI doesn't show you all the passive the weapons have unless you're into the planet view, so comparing two weapon means going back and forth between them while seeing the animation every time. This is just pointless BS to make the system appear more complex than it is.

The materia system is nice because it was a nice system to begin with, although they severely reduce the impact of equipping materia on character stats, which is a bit of a shame since that just simplify a system that was never that deep. I was hoping for more passive materia and new action, but as is, there's less than in the original. Summon have been changed to only been summonable in tough fight, now they actually summon the creature to fight with you for awhile rather than just being magic with another name, but they're never worth using since Ai companion are super passive and you can't directly control them. Much better than FF15 system, but kinda of a waste.

Alright onto story, I'll try to mostly go over this as a standalone game not related to the first one first and then I'll go over the changes.

As said before, most of the game time is taken by going on dates with various girls. On the plus side, they're all really nice character, on the negative side, they all behave like super horny teenager the moment Cloud show up. Jesse is absolutely the worst for this, she probably has to carry a mop around to clean up the wet floor every time Cloud says anything to her. In the original, she was a bit flirty with Cloud, but that was understandable since he saved her (in a nice case of player involvement, this didn't happen in a cutscene, the players had to chose to save her) and it was just a few scenes since the Midgard sequence was just a few hours. But here she has far more lines than before, and they're almost all flirtatious, and she starts before Cloud saves her. One of the first thing she does is ask if Cloud is dating Tifa (maybe 10 mins into the game), at that point all Cloud did was being kinda of an ass to everyone in Avalanche. But this plagued every encounter with the girls, at some point Cloud, Tifa and Aerith fall into a sewer, if you check up on Tifa first, rather than ask if Aerith is okay, she immediately start asking Cloud if he's dating her WHILE SHE'S STILL UNCONSCIOUS (possibly dying for all they know) RIGHT NEXT TO THEM, GIRL GET YOUR HORMONE UNDER CONTROL! This made it incredibly hard to take any of the girls seriously. Barret sadly doesn't fare that much better, he comes of as the biggest idiot in the world, always yelling and angry at Cloud for no real reason (that's not inconsistent with the original, but the sheer number of cutscene really drive that home to the point of comical absurdity).

Overall the game has way too many cutscenes that are just pointless, the worse is the sequence when you have to rush back to sector 7 to stop Shinra from dropping a plate and killing everyone. Instead of hurrying as fast as possible, you instead have a cutscene every 10 minutes where the character just continuously ask if Shinra is really going to do this. Once would have made sense, but I think there's probably 4-5 of theses, they all end with them confirming that they have to hurry up, you know what would waste less time guys, STFU and keep moving! There's also many case of cut scene stupidity, I think on 3 separate occasion character will capture someone, just to have them escape by... just walking away. During the plate dropping sequence, 2 Turks try to activate the plate dropping sequence, but there's 3 of you (Cloud/Tifa/Barret) so it should be pretty easy to stop them, except Tifa just disappear form the cutscene, oops, maybe she doesn't care about the Slum?

But the game big problem are the villains. Shinra is impossible to take seriously right from the beginning, in this version of the game avalanche utterly fail at blowing up the first reactors, instead Shinra is the one who blow up the reactor for... no reason... Well that's not quite true, the reason is that the evil soulless corporation, that is square enix, was probably uncomfortable with the main character being terrorist who blow up reactor in densely populated city but at the same time they still want to have their big explosion, so they just have Shinra blow their own reactor, for no reason. I was rally hoping they were going to try to and do an effort at lampshading it, but no. This makes Shinra such a joke and really question why they bother dropping the plate to kill avalanche. Instead, just wait till they attack another reactor and blow it up while the group is still in it, that'll kill them and do far less damage than dropping a plate. In original, Shinra was ruthlessly calculative, better to drop a reactor plate now then let avalanche destroy all 6 remaining reactors. But here, all they have to do is not blow they're own reactor and they'll be fine. Even if you assume they're trying to drum up public support (for no reason, they have full power and the general population doesn't seem to particularly resent Shinra), why blow up the second reactor and drop the plate?

Onto Sephiroth. He's regularly consider one of the greatest villain ever and that's mainly for 2 reason:
1: He kill one of the main characters, this is pretty much guaranteed to be retconed.
2: The game does a really good job of building him up at the beginning. You never see him, you just see the aftermath of his passage. You storm Shinra HQ and ultimately get captured, but Sephiroth just walk in and fuck everything up and ultimately kill the president before you and you don't even see him once. He's just that badass and your group is completely worthless he can't even be bothered interacting with it. But in R, Sephiroth is obsessed with Cloud and stalks him everywhere. He constantly shows up in small pointless scene. This removes any mystery/mystique about him and makes him mundane and petty. At the end of the game we even fight against him, more or less to a draw.

Then there's the phantom of fate or w/e their name is. They're creature that tries to make the events happens along a certain paths (ie the original game) and correct any deviation. For the most, part they just help the group. Barret gets killed at some point and they immediately swoop in and revive him, not long after the group is almost squash by a falling highway, but they save everyone. Yet the group treat them like villains for no clear reason and decide to kill them, or maybe not, in classic Nomura fashion its really unclear what happens.

And so at the end of the game we have 3 villains, 2 of which we've already defeated and one we've fought to a draw. It's not clear why Sephiroth is so dangerous or needs to be stop, they says he's an enemy of the planet, but what does that means? All he does in the game is kill Shinra president, which we've been trying to do too. In the original you immediately transition to the flashback, in a good case of showing not telling you see why Cloud would have good reason to fear him and want him dead, but here's there's nothing, aside from a vague "enemy of the planet statement".

The game has plenty of great moment, the entire wall market sequence is super fun, escaping from Shinra tower on the highway is a badass way to end the game and Midgard is a fun concept as a city. But all these are just taken straight from the original, everything they changed makes things worse. Now, I don't think changes are inherently bad, I'll go over plenty of changes I wish they did later, but here taken individually, most changes just makes things worse. Beside, this is Nomura, of KH WTF story fame, of FF15 convoluted mess, of 3rd birthday, I wouldn't trust him with anything story related.

I already cover changing Shinra to blowing up their own reactor, just dumb.

Then you have multiple sequence of side quests, these aren't bad, but just pad the game and retread area you've already been to for the most part, they're mostly there for dating girls.

There's a new sequence where Jesse takes you to the top plate to see her parent and steal some explosive, this is actually a really nice sequence and I wish more of the changes where like this. The game expand on her backstory and reason for joining avalanche and you get to visit the top plate a bit to get a sense of what life is for most people living in Midgard (regular suburb). If all the changes where like this I would have really liked the game.

The train graveyard is much longer with some ghost kid interacting with Aerith, just more padding.

There's a new secret laboratory under the squashed sector 7, that's just more padding, nothings happens storywise. OH wedge survives the plate, w/e he's just a comic relief character

There's a long sequence in Shinra tower, where Hojo play around with your group for no clear reason, its jutst padding. Except you have to consatntly switch between various group configuration and that's really annoying since you have to move materias around every time manually.

At multiple point in the game they reference the fact that Cloud isn't a SOLDIER, I'm pretty sure even someone who's unfamiliar with the game would catch on playing the remake, this isn't a problem now, but cheapen the reveal later on. ALthough they seem to also have changed the event in the pass and Nibelheim, based on the conversation with Tifa, so maybe the reveal will be that Cloud was actually a SOLDIER?

Then there's the ending sequence which is just Nomura clusterfuck. The game is relatively grounded up to that point, but suddenly all that throws out the windows, you fight in the sky above Midgard while chunk of the city float around. Cloud is jumping around in the air and cutting train in half (gee that sure would have been useful when we were trying to hurry trough the train graveyard to save sector 7). You fight against a shadow monster the size of a skyscraper and then Sephiroth (how is the player suppose to take him seriously next time you fight him when you already beat him?). Ultimately none of that matters, you just go back to where you were before, Midgard is still fine, it was all a dream in the end? What a waste of time.

Now like I said, there's plenty I would have changes from the original, sadly none of that was done...

The whole Sephiroth clone things always felt pointless, at a couple of point in the original game you see clone/zombie of Sephiroth. This really devalue him as a villain and makes things too confusing for no reason. So of course they kept that and added some more for good measure, afterall confusing non sense = deep storytelling, right?

The end of the Shinra HQ part is also really lame, Rufus, a character you've never seen or even heard from before, show up and Cloud then challenge him to a duel, mano o mano. This feel like its supposed to be the final confrontation between long time rival, but this is literally the first time Cloud see him. You also never fight against him later on, he dies in a cutscene from the Ruby weapon, having never been relevant to the story. It would have been far better to introduce him earlier, maybe have him be the one who destroy the plate pillar so the player as a good reason to want to kill him. Maybe even try to imply that Rufus was the one giving the stupid order in Shinra (destroy the plate pillar and the reactors) in a bid to destabilize his father and take his place.

Sorta related, the Turks have always been a bit weird in the game, they try to portray them as amoral employee who just follow order without really caring one way or another. But that doesn't work when they're the one who destroy the plate pillar and are responsible for killing possibly upward of 100 000 peoples. There's a sequence in the original where you see them later on in the original and they're just on vacation so they don't even care about you and your group just leave without stopping them. In a vacuum its a really funny sequence. But this work when the villain are team rocket and they never really hurt people. As is, that's like a Jew finding Hitler top lieutenant on vacation in Argentina and being like, "w/e, guy was just doing his job". But the remake keeps that aspect, even tries to portray them as conflicted about it, except they still did it.

The ramake end with this weird sequence where you see Zack and Cloud outside Midgard, with Zack surviving to go to Midgard in some alternate reality. This is an implicit promise from the dev that they game will go in a different direction from now on. But why wait? Why not have Zack survive from the begining, have the same classic opening with Cloud jumping out of the train and fight some goons, only for another one to show up and take aim at Cloud, but just before he can shoot him, Zack also jump off the train in a similar maner to take that guy out with some sort of "Cloud you gotta be careful man, I keep telling you". And then have them go trough the event with Zack around, maybe stop the plate from falling, have him and Cloud compete for Corneo approval in dresses. Zack is a fun character so that would have been far more interesting than this half measure stuff we ended up getting.

Okay enough tipping, I'm actually pretty worried this won't post now.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Beat Cursed to Golf. I'm all about new mixing Roguelikes into new gameplay systems, unfortunately this game doesn't really take the roguelike concept very far. The game looks very nice and sounds good, but the gameplay doesn't really do a whole lot for me. It's ok, but the courses are so long I was really getting tired of lining up shot after shot. The game is not very difficult either because you can see exactly where your ball will hit (when it's on screen, half the time you just need to kind of guess because the stupid camera doesn't zoom out enough), get some control on the direction it bounces after it hits, and get about a million cards to do various effects like give you extra strokes before you lose or make your ball phase through solid objects.

I beat the game on my third attempt, which is pretty much a joke for a roguelike. My first run I lost to the first boss by one stroke, the second I lost on the level after the first boss because I wasn't paying enough attention to my par count and didn't realize that hitting the spikes was a 2 stroke penalty, the third I beat the game. The game also just keeps making itself easier after you defeat each boss, making it so you can run out of strokes once per hole and keep playing, and restart with all your cards if you actually do lose. I beat the game with over 50 unused cards, this is mainly because I played every cursed hole which gives you a booster pack, a shop to buy stuff at, and another booster pack when you beat the level. All that and they aren't really that much harder than a regular level. Another thing that was annoying was that the game played half of the final level for me. I looked it all over and it seemed very difficult, and seemed like it was going to be a sturdy challenge like the rebel flagship in FTL where you are just going to lose if you don't come in prepared. I had decided what cards I was going to use where and then the game paused 3 times at the most difficult sections so that the previous bosses could come back and cheat me past them. I definitely could have gotten past it without their help though!

The game is a little buggy sometimes during the boss fights too. One time the boss hit her ball into the water and then the ball started spazzing out and suddenly popped out of the water and fell on the fairway! What the heck?! Oh well, I won anyway, but if I was behind I would have been really upset. Then, in another boss fight I used a combination of fireball to light my ball on fire to burn vines and u-turn+ to give me the ability to redirect my ball mid-flight twice. I was going to drop down a long shaft, redirect to burn through some vines to go in a teleporter tee which would drop my ball in a fan that would blow to another fan, then I would use my second rebound to boost through some more vines and down another shaft. It was going to be glorious! It all went to plan at first, I got through the teleporter, but then before falling down into the fan the ball went back in through the exit teleport and went all the way back to the first one! I used my rebound to go back in and it did the same thing again! Just a total waste of cards. It doesn't make any sense because I didn't think you could go back through exit teleporters at all anyway. But like before I still won so it didn't matter, but still.

Overall, it was ok. I don't think I'll play it again, though.
So is it me (and my 2 controllers) or does the game refuse to tilt the screen to the right? I have zero issues "looking" left, down and up but anytime I want to veer the screen to the right the game is unresponsive 9 out of 10 times.

There're some very weird shenanigans going on during boss fights. With The Forgotten I get the impression that sometimes the game confuses the golf swing & birds carrying the ball animations, so she'll do one thing but the game will show you the other, making it look like an impossible shot. The game also tends to stutter or freeze during the bosses' intro/outro. Lots of falling through the ground or animations looping in slowmo. And I'm pretty sure one time I defaulted even though I still had an active Gimmie left. Got sent back to the tutorial, then the game crashed, and the save data got corrupted.

The game remains buggy as hell.

I don't mind the final hole being a gimmicky My Friends Are My Power moment. I consider it a nice victory lap after all the hell that is the rest of the game. The Forgotten remains the toughest boss too, although I think I finally figured out a way to break her with a drillball. Explorer too.

Couple of things I wish changed for the game:

1) Either add shops to the final three holes in the game or stop awarding me money I can't spend after defeating the third boss.

2) The Scotsman's powerup is kinda pointless when you can just quit a hole and reload any time you want, for as many times as you want. Scotsman just gives you one extra try per ROUND, not HOLE. At least make it an extra try per hole, if anything.

3) Banking cards in the binder is useless (why bank stuff you might need if you're about to lose?), especially after The Forgotten lets you keep them.

4) Wish money would... Maybe not carry over, but change into another form of currency at the end of every round that might slowly build up to some kind of purchase. Like how in Rogue Legacy you get to spend whatever you made before going back in.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Continuing my honeymoon with Mafia 3. Am I playing it ? I don't know anymore. I'm supposed to get out of that car and go kill some people, but there's Aretha Franklin on the radio, and then there's Dusty Springflield, and then there's some James Brown. Plus number of stuff I don't know.

And then I grab a collectible. A five pages interview of the Beatles from 1965. Hilarious, clever, and progressive way before its time (60 years ago already mocking transphobic twats). A breath of fresh air, as ever when it comes to these four nutcases. By the time I finish reading it, I've completely forgotten that I'm technically still in a running software and not simply reading archives online.

Never had so much non-game related fun in a game. And the game is fun too. Best soft I've bought for quite a while (and I almost didn't).


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Urban Reign (PS2) - A Namco brawler from 2005 and it shows. Look at the fashion, the hard rock & nu-metal soundtrack, and mid 2000s edge. In a good way. Getting used to the combat mechanics and I am loving it. I heard this is one of the harder brawlers from that era, but nowhere close to God Hand. I'll add in more later.

EDIT: This game gets tough real fast. Mission 10 and up they're already throwing you to the wolves. I unlocked all the cheat codes for multiplayer, so it's not too big of an issue. Taking a break for now.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Update time:


Thanks, I hate it.

(In seriousness, I doubt I'll have anything more to say on this game, at least not for awhile. Its greatest sin is that it's just boring.)


So I've got a bit further here, so picking up where I left off:

-Managed to beat the beach mission and not lose anyone. That's neat.

-So awhile back, I questioned Daein's tactics of stationing troops so close to the Gallian border. Considering that it's implied/confirmed that Ashnard is intentionally trying to provoke war with Gallia as part of his mad schemes (yes, I've spoiled myself, in part from the playthrough I watched ages back), a lot of Daein's actions make sense in that context. That, and the whole "no retreat, no surrender" thing going on (which I'm not that fond of - you can have a ruthless army without it being so ruthless/stupid that it's willing to execute its own soldiers).

-I feel I should say something about Lethe and such, but really, don't think I could say anything that hasn't been said already. I guess that in a way, her speciesm is entertaining in the way that Shinnon's is (sort of), yet is already starting to crumble now that she has to interact with beorc face to face (also, what is it with the Japanese and cat girls?). That said, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong with the laguz, but far as I can tell, their transformations are automatic. Lethe automatically transforms at the start of a mission, the timer counts down, transforms back to human, then you have to wait for it to build up again, as opposed to transforming at will. So as powerful as she is (and Mordecai I guess), this seems like a glass cannon scenario, only the glass cannon is made of titanium, but stops firing after awhile.

-On another note, there's some additions to gameplay that FE9 does that I really like, and some that I really don't. First, I like the optional conversations between missions (not supports, I'll get to that later), how they flesh out characters. It's nothing groundbreaking, but compared to FE6-8 (all of which I've played), it's welcome, considering that there's a plenthora of side characters there whose interactions are limited to introductions and supports.

-Speaking of the support system as well, much easier here, as it's based on turns rather than unit proximity (I think), so for the first time ever, I've actually found myself faced with a large amount of support conversations to choose from. Frankly, this is a much better approach to the system than previous games.

-Also, bonus EP is nice. However, what isn't nice is that you can only purchase items in-between missions, but not at the start of a mission. I'd usually do the latter in previous games as I could see what weapons the enemy has, see my weapon/item stocks, and purchase accordingly. Here, you have no idea what's coming up, so you need to buy stuff and hope that you've got enough of something.

-Did the jailbreak mission, so per what someone said awhile ago, got Nephenee now.

-Did the dock mission, and here, I lost Kieran and Zihark (I lost Mia the first time to Zihark, restarted, but lost these two towards the end). In another life, I might have restarted then and there, but as said, I don't have the time to replay missions ad nauseum. I will say that in the context of the mission, Nephenee is, indeed, astoundingly good (she seems to dodge most of what comes her way), and hey, Marcia's actually shockingly good for a pegasus knight as well (a unit that I've found to have usefulness only in some key circumstances in the past). In contrast, Mia is still next to useless. I bring that up because not only did Zihark have better stats, but a killing edge as well. To borrow a term from Mengs, Mia's a case of waifu syndrome - attractive in both appearance and personality, limited in actual gameplay.

Anyway, yeah. Game's still a lot of fun.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Dancin' Divas (Steam) - a brawler in the style of Ninja Baseball Batman, Ninja Turtles, and The Simpsons combined with a Tex Avery aesthetic. I played the demo on Steam. This game is good classic fun. You can even do multiple paths. My only problem with the game, is that to use your super move involves using the keyboard only and none of it is tied to the game bad. There are plenty of buttons that go on use, and they couldn't put the super command on it?

@Worgen, give this a shot whenever you have the chance. The game is not out yet, but the demo is out now.

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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
As much as I'm loving Ghost of Tsushima right now, it's pretty sad just how clumsy the story and characters are. Your companion characters are all incredibly unlikeable, and many a supposed emotional or serious moment is ruined by the often really awful editing for cutscenes.

The setup for a killer storyline is there, but the execution never lives up to the promise. And thanks to Yahtzee, I'm pretty sure I've been spoiled on the ending.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Dancin' Divas (Steam) - a brawler in the style of Ninja Baseball Batman, Ninja Turtles, and the Simpsons combined with a Tex Avery aesthetic. I played the demo on steam. This game is good classic fun. You can even do multiple paths. My only problem with the game, is that to use your super move involves using the keyboard only and none of it is tied to the game bad. There are plenty of buttons that go on use, and they couldn't put the super command on it?

@Worgen, give this a shot whenever you have the chance. The game is not out yet, but the demo is out now.

Pretty good lil brawler. Is kinda buggy and needs work though. My fighting stick doesn't work with it, enemies get knocked off screen and don't move back on screen fast enough, especially since there is a time limit and its weird the black woman is from Nigeria when she sounds and looks African American.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
kinda buggy and needs work though
Agreed. My character literally died from fall damage in a cutscene/stage transition. I had a little blip of health left, but the transition screen literally killed me when my character fell on her ass.

enemies get knocked off screen and don't move back on screen fast enough,
Surprisingly, this hasn't happened to me yet. Whenever an enemy went off screen, they just as fast came back on the screen.

black woman is from Nigeria when she sounds and looks African American.
Bahati is already my favorite of the four. I can only assume that maybe her parents came from Nigeria, and she was born in, what is presumably, America. Thus she has more of a "standard" African American accent. Granted, I don't know if any of their personal backstories were revealed yet. They'll probably come with the update later. Hopefully this game will be out by mid or late summer. I know my big bro would want to co-op on this