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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Playing Fez for the first time. Chill game that makes your brain hurt sometimes.
I played it once. I didn't beat it, but I was playing on my brother's Xbox at the time. It's a fine game, but it's just too bad Phil Fish was such a douche nozzle about it, and dropped the gaming industry after making one game.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I played it once. I didn't beat it, but I was playing on my brother's Xbox at the time. It's a fine game, but it's just too bad Phil Fish was such a douche nozzle about it, and dropped the gaming industry after making one game.
Considering how players can be, I'm not surprised by him.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Considering how players can be, I'm not surprised by him.
Even before it got to that, Phil had problems. That whole Japanese games/jrpgs are dead spiel he was going on loud and proud about at one of those Q&A conventions. He wasn't the only one, but he was one of the most vocal about it. I know he's apologized about this already, but he can still screw off for having a huge ego and acting like a complete jackass. Phil criticized those type of games freely, but when it's his own game, legit criticism or not, he turns into a total biatch. As far as that scenario goes, never had sympathy for him back then, and still don't now.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Even before it got to that, Phil had problems. That whole Japanese games/jrpgs are dead spiel he was going on loud and proud about at one of those Q&A conventions. He wasn't the only one, but he was one of the most vocal about it. I know he's apologized about this already, but he could still run for that building stopping from having a huge ego and acting like a complete jackass. Your criticize those type of games freely, but when it's his own game, the criticism or not, he turns into a total biatch. As far as that scenario goes, never got into something with me back then, and still not now.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Yeah, not only was that a stupid take, but its also guaranteed to get people pissed off at you.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I played it once. I didn't beat it, but I was playing on my brother's Xbox at the time. It's a fine game, but it's just too bad Phil Fish was such a douche nozzle about it, and dropped the gaming industry after making one game.
Well, separate art from artist and all that. He sounds like an asshole but we both probably enjoy the work of people who've done much worse than throw hissy fits on Twitter.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Well, separate art from artist and all that.
I do some of the time, but I have my own limits and standards. And there are times I have to drop it, say "fuck it!", and call whatever person, group of people, or company fucking assholes or monsters.

He sounds like an asshole but we both probably enjoy the work of people who've done much worse than throw hissy fits on Twitter.
If you're referring to Ubisoft, I haven't bought a game from them since 2013. Rayman Legends. And the last Assassins Creed I touched was Brotherhood in 2010. I played GTAIV, but never bought it, that was my brother's copy. I have not bought a Rockstar game since the mid PSP days. EA I have not touched since Bulletstorm (they don't hold publishing rights anymore). The only Activision games I got were Transformers: Devastation, Crash N. Sane Trilogy, and Crash 4. I only bought those, because I care about Platinum Games, the Crash franchise (which they had been sitting on doing nothing for nearly 10 years), Vicarious Visions, and Toys For Bob respectively. Platinum was doing contract work, VV and TFB got absorbed and sent into the Call of Duty mines, so Activision can go fuck themselves again. TD and Crash HD, I got before I knew how really shitty Activision was and is. I knew they had problems, but as the leaks piled on, something became really off. I am never touching their shit again any way.

While these corpos are way worse than Phil, I can't respect him much for what he did back then. The fact he took this long to apologize and kind of does it quietly (instead of face-to-face or on screen), show how much an ego he had and is still lingering a little. I'll give him some respect for the apology, but that is about it (he gets more respect than the corpo fucks by comparison). As for his game, it's not bad at all, but he exaggerated on how good it is. He could have refined with a sequel, had he not bitched out so fast, but whatever. I do not care, because there are literally a 1000 more games I rather be playing than Fez right now.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I just spent 15 mins in Vanquish blasting anti armor rounds into the head of some guy who betrayed me and is planning to initiate global war by nuking Moscow to stimulate the economy.

At the end of the boss fight, not only does the boss have a change of heart and want to help you escape by killing his own men, for some bizarre reason YOU want to save him as well, "I'm not leaving you behind" and all that bullshit. And this happens with absolutely NO dialogue to preface this moment. What the actual fuck is going on? This is genuinely the worst piece writing I've ever personally experienced in a game.

I'm not even really mad or whatever, the story was a lost cause almost from the get go. But I'm just so amazed that this exists. Was this a bug? Is there an entire cutscene I managed to accidentally skip? Were the voice actors just as confused as I was?
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I just spent 15 mins in Vanquish blasting anti armor rounds into the head of some guy who betrayed me and is planning to initiate global war by nuking Moscow to stimulate the economy.
Burns is the guy's name.

At the end of the boss fight, not only does the boss have a change of heart and want to help you escape by killing his own men, for some bizarre reason YOU want to save him as well, "I'm not leaving you behind" and all that bullshit. And this happens with absolutely NO dialogue to preface this moment. What the actual fuck is going on? This is genuinely the worst piece writing I've ever personally experienced in a game.
Could you not feel the bromance?! They're Vitriolic Best Buds! Proper character development brought to you by Shinji Mikami!

This is genuinely the worst piece writing I've ever personally experienced in a game.
There is video game writing so much worse than Vanquish.

I'm not even really mad or whatever, the story was a lost cause almost from the get go. But I'm just so amazed that this exists. Was this a bug? Is there an entire cutscene I managed to accidentally skip?
No. What you see is there.

Were the voice actors just as confused as I was?
For most of them, it was just another pay check, but the guy playing Sam, Burns (voiced by Steve Blum), and the Russian Star villain were clearly having fun. Mikami wanted a sequel, but that is clearly never going to happen. He left Platinum a year after the game released.

I played some SF6 Arcade Mode with Kim for the first time. I am loving this character! She plays like a combination of Guy, Maki, and Ibuki, but clearly has her own style and move set. Though obviously, she takes after Guy the most. World Tour Mode I'll try tomorrow after the movie theater. Too tired tonight.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Been playing the System Shock remake. Just beat the first boss. Damn this game is pretty hard, individually the enemies aren't very dangerous... well, they are dangerous if you don't have cover/use your tools. But the game is rather brutal and will kill you quick if you don't play smart. I've heard people complain about ammo, but right now, I have too much of it. I think this is partly to do with the differences between the remake and the original game. I'm pretty sure in the original you had RPG systems that really dictated what weapons you would be using (melee, kinetic, energy), since you sucked with anything you didn't put points into. Those systems are gone in the remake so you are good with all weapons, meaning if you do a lot of exploring then you will probably have more weapons than you know what to do with and may have to pick and choose your babies. But I really like the look of the game, its spectacular and the game is certainly compelling. Shodan really is one of the classic gaming villain's and she is fantastic at being a hateable but entertaining enemy.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So I've played more bits and pieces of Book VI of Heroes. Don't have much to say, but meh, I'll say it:

-Why is Peony here? I thought Book V was just a dream that no-one bar Kiran remembers, yet now she's in the real world and no-one bats an eyelid? What? How? Why?

-So the mid-book cinematic is 'kewl' from an aesthetic standpoint, but it's, ah, 'emblematic' of a lot of stuff I have gripes with in the IP these days. That isn't including the design of the 'steam centaurs' (or whatever they are) used by the, um, kingdom (cripes, I've already forgotten its name), but the whole thing is resolved by the protagonists doing rediculous acrobatic skills to bring it down, in a franchise that, obstensibly, was about using strategy and army composition to succeed, not the deeds of super-powered individuals. You can point out that there were elements of this in the games prior, but never to this extent.

-On the plus side, the enemy kingdom is now deploying steampunk-esque warmachines rather than reused enemies from the game, so there's that, I guess.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Been playing the System Shock remake. Just beat the first boss. Damn this game is pretty hard, individually the enemies aren't very dangerous... well, they are dangerous if you don't have cover/use your tools. But the game is rather brutal and will kill you quick if you don't play smart. I've heard people complain about ammo, but right now, I have too much of it. I think this is partly to do with the differences between the remake and the original game. I'm pretty sure in the original you had RPG systems that really dictated what weapons you would be using (melee, kinetic, energy), since you sucked with anything you didn't put points into. Those systems are gone in the remake so you are good with all weapons, meaning if you do a lot of exploring then you will probably have more weapons than you know what to do with and may have to pick and choose your babies. But I really like the look of the game, its spectacular and the game is certainly compelling. Shodan really is one of the classic gaming villain's and she is fantastic at being a hateable but entertaining enemy.
iirc those RPG system were introduced in 2, 1 was more of a doom like FPS.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Started playing Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.

Only just 5 chapters in and I'm not sure if I like the combat much, what wich Peter's low range, low damage peeshooters, but it's fun enough for me to keep going on.
Finished playing Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.

All around a fun experience. Combat became more enjoyable as more options and abilities presented themselves. Story-wise the game was fun as well, especially the change in dynamic between the Guardians over the course of the game; they start the game as a motley crew with some beef here and there and end up being a team that gels together rather well.

Too bad that it likely won't get a sequel.

What to play next ... ... ...
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
iirc those RPG system were introduced in 2, 1 was more of a doom like FPS.
Ahh, ok, I couldn't really remember, I knew they were in 2 and more assumed they were in 1 also. Its been so long and I didn't get very far in the original back in the day.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Still on Fez, about 80% complete and just now realized there's a map to let you know what areas you're done with and what are you missing in each. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something with all those glyphs and notations that keep showing up everywhere and don't know how to even begin translating them, or separate set dressing from actual information.
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Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Still chipping away at Alan Wake. Still enjoying the atmosphere, and the story is intriguing.

The gameplay is pretty simple and easy though. Weapons are effective, and ammo is abundant. By the end of each level, I am running around with about 40 bullets for my revolver, a dozen bullets for the rifle, and enough flares and flashbang grenades to fill a duffel bag. Combined with a very generous dodge mechanics, combat encounters are a bit of a breeze.

Unfortunately, this is also one of those games that forces you play play on a lower difficulty, before unlocking hard mode, so I am stuck like this.

It is a bit of a shame, because I feel like a harder difficultly would have contributed massively to the game's tone, but alas, it was not meant to be.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Still chipping away at Alan Wake. Still enjoying the atmosphere, and the story is intriguing.

The gameplay is pretty simple and easy though. Weapons are effective, and ammo is abundant. By the end of each level, I am running around with about 40 bullets for my revolver, a dozen bullets for the rifle, and enough flares and flashbang grenades to fill a duffel bag. Combined with a very generous dodge mechanics, combat encounters are a bit of a breeze.

Unfortunately, this is also one of those games that forces you play play on a lower difficulty, before unlocking hard mode, so I am stuck like this.

It is a bit of a shame, because I feel like a harder difficultly would have contributed massively to the game's tone, but alas, it was not meant to be.
If you're playing the PC version or the Remastered version, Normal becomes Easy Mode, and Hard Mode becomes Normal Mode. Both versions are harder than the 360 release.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
SF6 World Tour Mode. It's like a cross between Street Fighter, Yakuza, Final Fight, and an RPG. The story mode is pretty much Final Fight 4 with a custom character as the main protag. It eases you into learning the fighting game mechanics, and does it well. There are even mini games jobs/activates spread across the map you can do any time. I am currently on Chapter 3-3. The game just introduce the night and day cycle, you can switch between anytime when at a hideout. The mode autosaves, so you never have to worry about optional saves. I really want to get to part where you can get Ryu, Zangief, and Kimberly as your master(s), because I really want a mix of ninja and wrestling moves to build my proper Final Fight character, with some fireballs thrown in.

There's some nice exploration thrown in as well. You're gonna want to find those fast travel bus stops too, btw. Especially if you wan to get to some where quicker, or want to avoid tougher fights at night. More street gangs come after you at night. Once you meet a master, you can switch between their fighting styles anytime. The more you use their fighting style, or give them specific gifts, your bond grows stronger and you get new moves from them, and eventually learn their Super Arts. See this? More fighting games need single player content like this to keep new and old players engaged and replay value. Future fighting games can no longer slack off on content after Capcom set a new-old bar. FTR, the SF6 wasn't the first fighting game to have RPG elements, but it's quickly gaining positive traction for it.
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Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
SF6 World Tour Mode. It's like a cross between Street Fighter, Yakuza, Final Fight, and an RPG.
First of all: what the fuck?

Secondly: that sounds really cool.

In my experience, most fighting games are just normal vs AI fights, loosely strung together by a cutscene or two. I had no idea that the singleplayer mode in this game was so extensive.

I've never touched a SF game before, but having looked at some gameplay, it at least looks interesting enough to now be on my radar.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
In my experience, most fighting games are just normal vs AI fights, loosely strung together by a cutscene or two. I had no idea that the singleplayer mode in this game was so extensive.
There is a separate arcade mode you can do that too, if you want to know everybody's backstory or what's currently going on. With arcade mode, you can set the CPU level, and either do five or twelve fights.

There is also a battle mode where you can do all these crazy rules and gimmicks, and just have fun. Capcom really pulled out all the stops to put replay value into this game.

Check these videos out. They go in depth about World Tour.

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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Warhammer 40K: Gladius - Relics of War

They gave this away free (!!) on a promotion, with a massive discount on all the expansion packs ~40%. Just as well, or I'd have never have bought it considering the total cost of all that would have been upwards of £100.

It's a W40K-themed 4X strategy styled similarly to Civ. It's fairly well worked, but ultimately... kind of dull. I mean, I sort of enjoy it to an extent, but it takes ages and isn't that exciting. W40K: Boltgun, however, was loads of fun.