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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
NMH3 is the only one I've played. I wouldn't really call it a good game, mechanically. It's just that little too jank for that. But it's still fun, kind of in the same way Deadly Premonition is, because it delivers that specific 'oddball Japanese' flavour that has become pretty rare these days. I mostly enjoyed the minigames and genre switching, as unpolished as they can be. It does the boss bait & switch a little too much tho, where a boss introduced earlier is unceremoniously killed off and replaced by another boss. Something like a third of the boss roster is like that, and it really loses impact after the first time. Also, fuck those enemies that drop mines everywhere and teleport around. So annoying.
If you want any more oddball Japanese jank games, there's the later Oneechanbara series. Mainly Z2 and Origin. They both have better combat than all of the No More Heroes games. If you can only pick one, pick Z2. Both games are available on ps4, ps5, and steam. Though I would be careful of the steam version of Z2. It's known for having v-sync issues depending on how powerful your PC is.

As for the bait and switch bosses, I pretty much saw them all coming aside from the first one, so it didn't have that much effect on me. The franchise was known for doing this, so it got predictable.
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Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I have been playing Persona 4 Golden quite a lot, well almost non stop for the last month or so and I'm getting near the end. And I have to say, its fun, I wouldn't have kept playing it as long as I have if I hadn't.. But for anyone who says its better than Persona 5, you are mistaken.

The story is alright, I think if I hadn't had the killer spoiled for me by various outlets, then I think i might of enjoyed it a bit more and become more invested in the story and its twists and turns rather than waiting for the reveal that I knew was coming. This is not the games fault that I've had the plot twist spoiled for me, but it has taken me out of it a bit.

The combat is fine, it is pretty much the template for Persona 5. You know how this works, it is turn based where you use elemental attacks to down enemies and when you have knocked them all down then you can activate an all out attack to finish them off. And after that there is sometimes a shuffle time event where you can get bonuses and extra personas. I'm sad that never made it to P5.

The graphics are ok, if a bit bland. The dungeons are randomly generated that should make things more interesting, but after a while they get very boring and repetitive. And the music is pretty blood awful, you will get sick of it after a while. And the bosses get really boring after the third of forth one. Basically after the baby in a robot one, they all stop trying and you can just whale on them until you win. There might be a chance I am over leveled.

People have said that the characters are better than the ones in P5 too. And I have to say, you fucking what? Most of them are fine, but there two of them that really get on my nerves and may actually be two of the worst characters ever in a video game.

Lets start with Teddie. Teddie can go die in a fire. He is a sex pest plain and simple, he is constantly going to on with kissing the girls and at one point he gets a hug from a female characters who quickly recoils with a "where are you touching?" Not to mention he becomes a judge in a beauty competition and insists on there being a swimsuit segment. He becomes obsessed with the little sister character and honestly I wouldn't ever leave the two of them unsupervised in a room together. Ok, that might be taking it a bit far, but that's just the vibe I got from him. He is tolerable when he is stuck in the TV world, but he soon escapes and just everything, everything about him rubs me up the wrong way. The guy is a creep and needs to fuck off.

And that brings us to Yosuke. This guy is just a massive arsehole. There is a young man who joins the team a short way into the game called Kanji and his story is that he is confused his sexuality. And for the most part, this is treated quite sensitively. Until Yosuke opens his fucking mouth and it comes to a head when they go on a school camping trip. Up until this point, Yosuke had been making snide comments about Kanji's sexuality which were a bit annoying. But on this camping trip, all three end up stuck in the same tent for some reason (I forget why) and Yosuke flat out asks, to a person who is supposed to be a friend, "are we safe in here with you?" like Kanji is a predator who is using this as an excuse to have his wicked way with them. Yeah, Yosuke can go fuck himself with a chainsaw. At the end of his social link, he asks you to punch him. I didn't hesitate.

So yeah, while I have enjoyed this game, there are bits that have annoyed me. Persona 5 is a better game with better characters, at least there was nobody is that game that I wanted to drown in an acid bath. The sex pest thing can be leveled at Morgana a bit, but his crush on Ann is played of as hopeless infatuation more than anything more sinister. But the game looks better, plays better, the dungeons are more interesting and the music is so much better.

The game is worth playing if you haven't had the twist spoiled for you. Just be prepared for some really awful characters and some really dull dungeon design.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
total war warhammer 3, the forest elf faction is super fun because you have to actually use the whole map and make alliance and such, it kinda make any other faction feel a bit lacking... Also recommend the grimhammer mod, honestly it fix so many problem with the base game that they should just hire the guy and make it official.
That was a really great mod in 2 (as long as I'm thinking of the same one, I think it was originally called something else then it changed to grimhammer) but I remember it had a tendency to break save games on the more major updates, I lost a few campaigns to that.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
And I have to say, you fucking what? Most of them are fine, but there two of them that really get on my nerves and may actually be two of the worst characters ever in a video game.
I would literally say that about P5, Ryuji is quite literally the worst character in any video game I've played and Morgana is not far behind. And if you're going to talk about weird sex thing *point at P5 Yusuke*.

P5 is a worse P4 but with bigger budget, which it only has because P4 was good enough to warrant putting more money in it.

That was a really great mod in 2 (as long as I'm thinking of the same one, I think it was originally called something else then it changed to grimhammer) but I remember it had a tendency to break save games on the more major updates, I lost a few campaigns to that.
Never tried reloading an old save across patch, but you should be able to roll back game update.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Never tried reloading an old save across patch, but you should be able to roll back game update.
My brain has just kicked back into gear and now I remember it was originally called the Steel and Faith Overhaul (SFO), then SFO: Grimhammer, then finally just Grimhammer. It made the game feel a lot more like units performed like they were meant to. Wouldn't want to play without it these days.
Since Total Warhammer 2 isn't being updated any more it's not going to break but when I eventually get 3 I'll remember that but after about 1300 hours in 2 I'm a bit played out on Total Warhammer ATM.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
My brain has just kicked back into gear and now I remember it was originally called the Steel and Faith Overhaul (SFO), then SFO: Grimhammer, then finally just Grimhammer. It made the game feel a lot more like units performed like they were meant to. Wouldn't want to play without it these days.
Since Total Warhammer 2 isn't being updated any more it's not going to break but when I eventually get 3 I'll remember that but after about 1300 hours in 2 I'm a bit played out on Total Warhammer ATM.
Yeah while 3 is technically a sequel, its more like an expansion, it doesn't reinvent the game and isn't even as big of a leap as 1 to 2. So putting it off makes sense, wait for a big discount. The only thing that I wouldn't want to go back on is that they added an endgame apocalypse that happen after certain number of turn where a bunch of faction come back to life and get a massive army then declare war on everything and start rampaging around, which nicely shake up the status quo.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
It's okay, its like assasin creed (origin/odyssey) in space in the sense that its an open world with region marked, where you go and fight the same couple of enemy to collect color coded loot and level up on a treadmill forever. The various ship you can get aren't really that different, they're all WW1 front mounted machine gun, and most weapon are just a slight variation of machine gun.
Well... you ain't wrong.

I was having fun with this game until I got maybe half-way through or so? And then the game did that thing where it decided I was having fun and, no, we can't have that.

You know how people complain that Assassins Creed Origin and Odyssey- to piggyback off the quoted comparison- doesn't "let" you burn through the main quest because the quests are level-gated and you're "forced" to do side missions? Well, this is that, but much much worse. At least in AC the quests are relatively easy and you really do not have to do many to stay at level. But at some point in Everspace, I simply could not level up with the main quests even though I was doing ever side quest I came across.

I just always play mission-based games like that- do everything I see as I see it unless I get really stuck or it's an activity I don't like, like races or something. But quests with stories- I do them, it means doing stuff in the game I already enjoy and it does world building. So I was enjoying that in Everspace 2 until I ran out of side quests and still I was a level or two below the main quest, wtf. Then they just throw more and more enemies at you and the last few side quests were just tedious back and forth. There was even a chain of side quests that incorporated procedurally generated radiant quests, so it's like a time-wasting grind of inception questing. Ugh.

When it gets to that point in a game, that stuff that I was enjoying now annoys me. You have to actually fly your ship from planet to planet, there's no fast travel, and I was considering that part of the fun- it simulated the kind of vibe the game is going for you're this working-man-esque dude just getting by. And the music was cool and everything. But when you gotta just fly back and forth and level up and deliver this here and then there are more enemies annoying you, it's just tedious.

The major activity type other than combat and travel is these sort of environmental puzzles where you gotta sort of fly around and look for entry points and objects. They're pretty simple except sometimes I have trouble seeing in dark corners and navigating the 3d space. Well now the puzzles are just- let's put the key further away from the hole and you gotta fly longer in between things and more timed bullshit and it's just making everything a little more annoying.

The graphics are cool, the flying and combat are cathartic, the art and music are excellent, the music slaps. This is is a great 15 hour game that they tore apart with grindy bullshit to justify the play time and cost.
I was actually ready for a complete the areas type of stupid game- I like Assassins Creed! But Everscape 2 just goes too far in the tedious and annoying end of things to let me just put on a podcast and screw around.

I'm guessing I'm about 70% through the campaign and I haven't quit yet- I would like to finish the campaign. But I'm not 100% committed to it because if the pattern continues it will hit excessive levels of bullshit towards the end. I dunno, we'll see. This was supposed to be my hold-over game until Armored Core which comes out tomorrow.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Witcher 3 is growing on me a bit. I finally found some more people to play Gwent against, so Geralt's quest to become the king of card games can finally progress. Collecting cards is an incredibly slow process, though, even being my main focus of checking every shop in Novigrad, I think, and playing against everybody I could I still don't have enough to play as one of the other decks.

Quest rewards are completely stupid, though. Like I did this quest to protect a guy as he walked through the city to make a drug deal or something. I killed about 10 thugs that were trying to murder him and I got 10 crowns as a reward. That's like, the price of a cup of coffee in this world, just getting my sword sharpened costs 50. But, the quest was pretty low level and wasn't hard or long at all. Then I did a Witcher contract where the recommended level was I think around 25 or 30 (I'm level 5). I spent 45 minutes whittling down the health of a giant purple Parasect and I got... 85 crowns. Wow, great. I can get my sword repaired this time. I make more selling all the random crap that I loot out of the boxes lying around everywhere.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Well... you ain't wrong.

I was having fun with this game until I got maybe half-way through or so? And then the game did that thing where it decided I was having fun and, no, we can't have that.

You know how people complain that Assassins Creed Origin and Odyssey- to piggyback off the quoted comparison- doesn't "let" you burn through the main quest because the quests are level-gated and you're "forced" to do side missions? Well, this is that, but much much worse. At least in AC the quests are relatively easy and you really do not have to do many to stay at level. But at some point in Everspace, I simply could not level up with the main quests even though I was doing ever side quest I came across.

I just always play mission-based games like that- do everything I see as I see it unless I get really stuck or it's an activity I don't like, like races or something. But quests with stories- I do them, it means doing stuff in the game I already enjoy and it does world building. So I was enjoying that in Everspace 2 until I ran out of side quests and still I was a level or two below the main quest, wtf. Then they just throw more and more enemies at you and the last few side quests were just tedious back and forth. There was even a chain of side quests that incorporated procedurally generated radiant quests, so it's like a time-wasting grind of inception questing. Ugh.

When it gets to that point in a game, that stuff that I was enjoying now annoys me. You have to actually fly your ship from planet to planet, there's no fast travel, and I was considering that part of the fun- it simulated the kind of vibe the game is going for you're this working-man-esque dude just getting by. And the music was cool and everything. But when you gotta just fly back and forth and level up and deliver this here and then there are more enemies annoying you, it's just tedious.

The major activity type other than combat and travel is these sort of environmental puzzles where you gotta sort of fly around and look for entry points and objects. They're pretty simple except sometimes I have trouble seeing in dark corners and navigating the 3d space. Well now the puzzles are just- let's put the key further away from the hole and you gotta fly longer in between things and more timed bullshit and it's just making everything a little more annoying.

The graphics are cool, the flying and combat are cathartic, the art and music are excellent, the music slaps. This is is a great 15 hour game that they tore apart with grindy bullshit to justify the play time and cost.
I was actually ready for a complete the areas type of stupid game- I like Assassins Creed! But Everscape 2 just goes too far in the tedious and annoying end of things to let me just put on a podcast and screw around.

I'm guessing I'm about 70% through the campaign and I haven't quit yet- I would like to finish the campaign. But I'm not 100% committed to it because if the pattern continues it will hit excessive levels of bullshit towards the end. I dunno, we'll see. This was supposed to be my hold-over game until Armored Core which comes out tomorrow.
If you want more like this but less open world, there's a game called chorus that's similar, not amazing by any stretch but decent enough.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
You might want to link to where I mentioned you by name, made reference to you, or linked to the Overwatch thread on this site, or did anything along those lines. Because I wasn't referring to you, heck, you weren't even in my mind.
As far as I know, your 'people are saying OW2 PVE doesn't exist' belief was based on a post that I made in the Overwatch thread, which I later corrected to say 'OW2 PVE is missing promised features/content'. If you've seen other people on other websites saying those things, then go ahead and link them; in the meantime, you're still fixating on single details instead of responding to overall points.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I make more selling all the random crap that I loot out of the boxes lying around everywhere.
yes, the rewards/loot/xp/economy is the bad part about the game. It’s kind of a crap RPG actually. Rather, think of it as a narrative heavy action adventure, so the point of doing the quests like the one you describe is for the heck of it, to see what kind of wacky adventures you get up to. I like the dialogue of that one.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
As far as I know, your 'people are saying OW2 PVE doesn't exist' belief was based on a post that I made in the Overwatch thread, which I later corrected to say 'OW2 PVE is missing promised features/content'.

Quote: In the noise, many seemed to get it backward that the “PvE was canceled”. That isn’t true, but we’d still only be getting the planned campaign missions in portions.

Or, to quote the original quote I posted in the thread:

User 1: These cutscenes being so awesome makes me hate blizzard more for cancelling the pve.

User 2: It's not cancelled... this person is playing the pve... in game

I mean, come on, how many examples do I need? The whole "Overwatch PVE is cancelled" thing was going on for months, despite being categorically false.

No, it was a response to the general If you've seen other people on other websites saying those things, then go ahead and link them; in the meantime, you're still fixating on single details instead of responding to overall points.
I did respond to the points in the thread. I didn't respond to them here because it's a more general thread, and because you explicitly said that you didn't want to talk about it, but now you do? Okay:

When Blizzard announced that Hero Mode was being cancelled, and reworked into something else I forgot the name of,
Event Missions.

Not a good start, when you can't get basic facts right.

I said 'the PVE mode was cancelled'.
Which is false. Hero Missiosn were cancelled, Story Missions weren't. Both constituted the PVE mode.

A few months later, you replied to that post, saying that it wasn't. I explained that the rework made it no longer the 'Hero Mode' that was advertised with the announcement of Overwatch 2, and therefore I was no longer interested in playing the game. Rather than accept this and move on, you continued to insist that I was saying that PVE was cancelled outright, and now you're saying that I'm denying its existence in the game itself.
You just said in the post I'm quoting that ,"'the PVE mode was cancelled'." Those were your exact words. Except now you're saying that you didn't say the thing you said, despite saying the thing, in the post you're simultaniously claiming to have not said the thing.

So which is it? Are you saying that PVE was cancelled or not?

There is PVE in Overwatch 2. There, I said it. But just because it's there doesn't mean that I'm going to reinstall the game to play it.
Which is entirely your prerogative, I never said otherwise.

My reason for disliking the announcement and the updates is not about 'PVE' in general. It is about the announced Hero Mode with the upgrade trees, the RPG elements, and the whole long story of the setting in particular.
Except you're conflating elements. Hero Mode was the one with the upgrade trees and RPG elements (a bit generous of a description, but okay), but was explicitly light on story. Story Missions would be lighter on these things (though would still have talents), but would be the story focus.

I'm starting to think you're getting modes mixed up.

Paying $15 to get three missions with no upgrade trees or character levels, with the value of the bundle being (from my POV) artificially inflated by the inclusion of cosmetics that I don't want, is not a sufficient replacement for what I believe was originally advertised.
Which again, is your prerogative. I never claimed otherwise. I said in the post that you responded to that $23 AUD was a steep price.

You are correct that Overwatch's PVE was not outright cancelled, removed, or memory-holed. But that has little to do with my actual point, which is that the PVE that the game has now is not the PVE that I wanted to play. Rather than insisting on definitions, can you at least accept that I have a genuine reason to dislike the current state of the game, just as I accept that you're enjoying it despite all the reasons I don't, and let us move on with our respective lives?
Excuse me? I made a post in this forum. You're the one who responded to it, insisting, without evidence, that I was referring to you, when I wasn't. I was happy to, quote, "move on with our respective lives," but you're the one who refused to let go. Heck, the reason I didn't respond to you in the Overwatch thread because you explicitly said you wanted to move on, and I respected that, but now you're here, not moving on, asking to move on.

And I've already accepted the reason, I accepted it ages ago, but you're here, insisting that I didn't, because you picked out a single line in an unrelated post that you insisted was referring to you.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I finally finished Ghost of Tsushima last week. Obviously it was amazing, don't really have anything to add that hasn't already been said. I think I did myself a disservice by exploring early in the main game because a lot of content doesn't unlock until the third act or so. If you still haven't played it the only advice I can give is to stick to the main and larger side quests until the second area at least otherwise, if you are being a completionist you may find yourself retreading some exploration.

The game was so good I jumped right into the DLC expansion which ended up being quite compelling, where I was expecting a side quest what I really got was story I almost feel should have been part of the main story as it fills out a lot of the protagonists history thats only opaquely referred in the main. That said I had the opposite problem with the DLC where in I stuck to the main story only to have it end with half the DLC island left unexplored. Once finished I couldn't really talk myself into finishing all the smaller sidequests and completionist stuff like the shrine locations because there wasn't much reward for it.

I feel like GOT is really what Open world sandbox games should be and it's a shame that so many other similar games lack a basic understanding about how to reward exploration while still guiding a player towards a sense of progression. Too many games feel either empty or cluttered and unrewarding like the Ubisoft well..everything, for a while now.

Unfortunately I'm now in this weird spot where I don't much feel like playing anything else. I just wnat another GOT. I'd really like to give Spider-man whirl, but its like $60 and I'm trying to be a tad more frugal considering my impossibly large, untouched, library. *sigh*
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
Witcher 3 is growing on me a bit. I finally found some more people to play Gwent against, so Geralt's quest to become the king of card games can finally progress. Collecting cards is an incredibly slow process, though, even being my main focus of checking every shop in Novigrad, I think, and playing against everybody I could I still don't have enough to play as one of the other decks.

Quest rewards are completely stupid, though. Like I did this quest to protect a guy as he walked through the city to make a drug deal or something. I killed about 10 thugs that were trying to murder him and I got 10 crowns as a reward. That's like, the price of a cup of coffee in this world, just getting my sword sharpened costs 50. But, the quest was pretty low level and wasn't hard or long at all. Then I did a Witcher contract where the recommended level was I think around 25 or 30 (I'm level 5). I spent 45 minutes whittling down the health of a giant purple Parasect and I got... 85 crowns. Wow, great. I can get my sword repaired this time. I make more selling all the random crap that I loot out of the boxes lying around everywhere.

This might help -

Keep the volume down on the video though. You’ll find out soon enough that the dude did kind of a shit job of balancing audio output.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I finally finished Ghost of Tsushima last week. Obviously it was amazing, don't really have anything to add that hasn't already been said. I think I did myself a disservice by exploring early in the main game because a lot of content doesn't unlock until the third act or so. If you still haven't played it the only advice I can give is to stick to the main and larger side quests until the second area at least otherwise, if you are being a completionist you may find yourself retreading some exploration.

The game was so good I jumped right into the DLC expansion which ended up being quite compelling, where I was expecting a side quest what I really got was story I almost feel should have been part of the main story as it fills out a lot of the protagonists history thats only opaquely referred in the main. That said I had the opposite problem with the DLC where in I stuck to the main story only to have it end with half the DLC island left unexplored. Once finished I couldn't really talk myself into finishing all the smaller sidequests and completionist stuff like the shrine locations because there wasn't much reward for it.

I feel like GOT is really what Open world sandbox games should be and it's a shame that so many other similar games lack a basic understanding about how to reward exploration while still guiding a player towards a sense of progression. Too many games feel either empty or cluttered and unrewarding like the Ubisoft well..everything, for a while now.

Unfortunately I'm now in this weird spot where I don't much feel like playing anything else. I just wnat another GOT. I'd really like to give Spider-man whirl, but its like $60 and I'm trying to be a tad more frugal considering my impossibly large, untouched, library. *sigh*
Until Sucker Punch gets started on that sequel, this is as close we're all going to get for now. I share you feelings, but I am okay on the wait.



Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011

Quote: In the noise, many seemed to get it backward that the “PvE was canceled”. That isn’t true, but we’d still only be getting the planned campaign missions in portions.


I mean, come on, how many examples do I need? The whole "Overwatch PVE is cancelled" thing was going on for months, despite being categorically false.
I've said, multiple times, that I understand the difference between 'PVE is cancelled' and 'Hero Missions are cancelled'. My original post on the topic was worded badly at best.

I did respond to the points in the thread. I didn't respond to them here because it's a more general thread, and because you explicitly said that you didn't want to talk about it, but now you do? Okay:
Event Missions.

Not a good start, when you can't get basic facts right.
I didn't remember the new name offhand because I'm not that invested in Overwatch, but fair enough, I probably should've at least looked it up.

Which is false. Hero Missiosn were cancelled, Story Missions weren't. Both constituted the PVE mode.
You just said in the post I'm quoting that ,"'the PVE mode was cancelled'." Those were your exact words. Except now you're saying that you didn't say the thing you said, despite saying the thing, in the post you're simultaniously claiming to have not said the thing.

So which is it? Are you saying that PVE was cancelled or not?
I wasn't saying that I still believed it was cancelled in the post that you're quoting. Allow me to quote that post myself:

"There is PVE in Overwatch 2."

I said that it was cancelled before, and I am not saying it now. Please stop holding my original, badly-worded post from months ago against me when I have made several posts to both clarify and change my position since then.

Except you're conflating elements. Hero Mode was the one with the upgrade trees and RPG elements (a bit generous of a description, but okay), but was explicitly light on story. Story Missions would be lighter on these things (though would still have talents), but would be the story focus.

I'm starting to think you're getting modes mixed up.
I'm not getting modes mixed up. I understand that Event Missions and Story Missions aren't Hero Missions; that's the issue.

Excuse me? I made a post in this forum. You're the one who responded to it, insisting, without evidence, that I was referring to you, when I wasn't. I was happy to, quote, "move on with our respective lives," but you're the one who refused to let go. Heck, the reason I didn't respond to you in the Overwatch thread because you explicitly said you wanted to move on, and I respected that, but now you're here, not moving on, asking to move on.
When you insisted that 'people were saying' that it still didn't exist in all caps, I wasn't aware of any specific other person that you were basing that on. I don't use a lot of forums or read a lot of comment threads on gaming articles. Again, that's my fault for not doing a lot of research, and for feeling provoked by your post.
And I've already accepted the reason, I accepted it ages ago, but you're here, insisting that I didn't, because you picked out a single line in an unrelated post that you insisted was referring to you.
I apologize for continuing this drama when you didn't want to. Are we good now?
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I'm wondering if playing Watch Dogs 2 is worth overcoming my hatred of how dumb the protagonist looks (and from what I remember, sounds).

I didn't expect to be so bored with Gamepass so quickly, it's been like three games. Anyone got recommendations?
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I didn't expect to be so bored with Gamepass so quickly, it's been like three games. Anyone got recommendations?
If Dead Space Remake is on GP, you can play that. Worth a play without GP. You play Hi-Fi Rush yet? Not sure if it is still on GP.

I did some more Dead Space Remake, NG+ Hard Mode. I actually did the side quest that nets you the Prototype Stasis Module. It's actually not that hard to find, provided you did some of the earlier side quests to activate it. So now you can actually freeze the Twitchers with stasis without hitting their weak spots, nor having to use a stasis canister. I think Chapter 9 is my personal favorite chapter. I'll try and complete the rest of the RIGs side quests before continuing in Chapter 10.

EDIT: As for WD2, that is up to you. While much better than the first game, you've probably already plated better sandbox games.