What are you currently playing?


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Plot is by-the-numbers- I saw a lot of complaints about this in the Steam reviews but, my dudes- what do you expect from this stuff? Granted I could be missing something special from the earlier entries but I feel I'm not because otherwise the series would be more famous outside of weebs/gamers. It would be Final Fantasy.
The Tales games are pretty famous, among the people who play them, for looking at first glance like ordinary, by-the-numbers JRPG plots, but they actually tend to have a lot going on beneath the surface story-wise, and it's around the end of the first third that things generally start to kick off. Though, for the older ones, some of the things they did have since become the by-the-numbers cliche approach. And if Arise turns out to be as simple as it looks, then that's kinda disappointing. It would explain all the complaints in the Steam reviews, though, if they're Tales fans who expect better.

If you end up liking Arise enough to try any of the others, Berseria and Vesperia are the two that I'd recommend; Berseria is a little more 'modern' in its gameplay and Vesperia more 'dated', but they're both solid. Abyss is also great (if you can deal with Luke starting out pretty unlikeable, he gets better), but that isn't on any modern systems.

There is even "cooking" as a lame mechanic because of course there is.
Cooking's been a staple of Tales for a long-ass time, at least since Symphonia. (Edit: PS1 remake of Phantasia, so since 2000 apparently.)
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I'm about 1/3 of the way into Tales of Arise (I estimate because there are 5 "lords"/worlds to deal with and I defeated 2, and presumably there will be a final section after the 5th lord).

Basically it's FF16 but... faster. By which I mean the dialogue and quests. It is very much- talk to NPC's, go kill thing, bog standard RPG stuff. Cut scenes are pretty decent for this genre. Plot is by-the-numbers- I saw a lot of complaints about this in the Steam reviews but, my dudes- what do you expect from this stuff? Granted I could be missing something special from the earlier entries but I feel I'm not because otherwise the series would be more famous outside of weebs/gamers. It would be Final Fantasy.

Of course the combat is simpler than FF16 but for me, the dude that plays on Normal difficulty and is interested in getting through the story, it's the same rhythm- action but you also control a party. Smash the buttons until you get prompts to do anime stuff.

There are three options for how automated the party is and so far I've had no interest in changing it, and then you can blame me when I get bored by combat I guess. Default is "semi auto" where you control main emo dude with sword and other party members do their own thing (there are "strategy" settings to guide them). I struggle with games where there's too much to see/do so I'll never try the "manual" type mode where you have to switch between all the characters yourself. And the full auto is probably like turning it into a idle/movie game which seems pointless.

Though the latter is interesting- if there is a mode where you basically skip the actually gameplay that suggests the devs are really confident in their story telling. And story isn't bad at all- but it's really nothing special, it's like Generic Anime 101. Ultimately it's why I can never be a huge fan of these games, and that includes Final Fantasy- they feel like a recipe with EVERY INGREDIENT and that is never the best dish.
There is even "cooking" as a lame mechanic because of course there is.
Most of the tale have plot by number, abyss is maybe the only one that tried a bit to break the JRPG story mold, but doesn't quite succeed and the writing isn't quite good enough to make it work, big game spoiler if you ever think you'll play it The main character is tricked by the bad guy into killing a bunch of people by pushing a button that he's the only person who can push. After which every other characters in the party shit on him hardcore for that and dumb him. He goes into redemption mode where he repent for his action and all. Except; every characters was present when he pushed the button, you eventually find they all knew that pushing the button would kill everyone (except the MC) and none of them did much to stop him, yet this is never brought up.

The more annoying thing is that the game often brush up on interesting idea or plot development, but often discard those in favor of basic plot. Like Xilia has a potentially interesting premise, but then spend much of the game taking a hammer to it. Tales of legendia is maybe the only one that kinda pull its hat out of the bag because the main story is only half of the game and the rest is more like an epilogue/anthology, where you just do long personal quest for every character.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Thanks for the background on the Tales series.
When I said more famous I supposed I meant "Western" audiences. I heard of it because I'm into video games but Final Fantasy's fame has exceeded the gamer audience even.

Anyway, I beat the third area and what I like so far is they're different enough to make me want to see all the areas. Sure those difference correspond to archetypes, but that is what the genre does best. I remind myself that Avatar: The Last Airbender is beloved and the premise is so stupid simple- a kingdom per element, haha- that works because the style of it and the internal truth of the characters was portrayed brilliantly. Not as good obviously but in a similar vein, Tales of Arise gives you different kingdoms that have a color/magic/political theme and everything leans into it. It's a great way to break up a video game.
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Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Playing Subnautica: Below Zero. It's Subnautica again, that's it. I'm going through the exact same progression path. I guess it's fine, because exploring the ocean is still fun, but it's pretty much the same thing again. Also it's just as buggy. I ran out of oxygen while exploring a sunken ship, I really should have saved first but I just don't think of it, anyway I lost a bunch of items in my inventory which kind of sucks but the most annoying thing is that my prawn suit is now stuck under the level geometry! The same thing happened to my sea moth in the first game. Come on, this is a PS4 boxed release, this crap should be fixed by now! Kind of makes me not even want to keep going, is it even worth it?


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I keep seeing God of War Ragnarok clips, which means I also keep seeing spoilers. I really need to play it already... I haven't torrented a game since I was a teenager, but I guess I need to now since the PS4 is broken and Sony is being a little ***** on Steam.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I keep seeing God of War Ragnarok clips, which means I also keep seeing spoilers. I really need to play it already... I haven't torrented a game since I was a teenager, but I guess I need to now since the PS4 is broken and Sony is being a little ***** on Steam.
Don't let the naysayers push you away on this one- the game is freaking awesome. Enjoy!
Jun 11, 2023
United States
I keep seeing God of War Ragnarok clips, which means I also keep seeing spoilers. I really need to play it already... I haven't torrented a game since I was a teenager, but I guess I need to now since the PS4 is broken and Sony is being a little ***** on Steam.
If a PS5 is off the table, the game releases in less than three weeks now on Steam -

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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I keep seeing God of War Ragnarok clips, which means I also keep seeing spoilers. I really need to play it already... I haven't torrented a game since I was a teenager, but I guess I need to now since the PS4 is broken and Sony is being a little ***** on Steam.
Don't let the naysayers push you away on this one- the game is freaking awesome. Enjoy!
Agreed. Give it a shot if and whenever you have a chance!
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Do what you must.
It's funny, I fully intended to keep pirating games when I got a real gaming PC. Then I just didn't, because Steam is so convenient and prices weren't too bad. Then Sony comes in with their 70 dollar game region locking bullshit, and now I'm willing to step back into a life of crime. 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, completed my first 40 minute hunt in MHW with my girlfriend. That was fucking rough, I am TIRED. I know longer hunts are kind of MHW's thing, but this monster was just straight up ass to fight against. Anyone wanna try guessing who it was?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Beat the pyramid in Persona 5. Holy crap, it just gets better and better. Still don't think I'm even half way through and certainly won't make it in time for the Space Marine 2 launch, but, gonna keep at it. Story and characters are so interesting, want to see where things go. So far Ann is still best friend.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Finished Crypt Custodian! Am the second person in the world to Platinum it on PS4 (seventh overall).
Congrats! I guess that means you did the boss rush and beat everyone with an S rank, eh? That's the part that prevented me from getting all the achievements, I'm not into that. But I did find all the treasures and do the post-game stuff. Game menu says I have 99% completion *shrug*
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Congrats! I guess that means you did the boss rush and beat everyone with an S rank, eh? That's the part that prevented me from getting all the achievements, I'm not into that.
Yeah, that's the hardest part of the game really. Went for it because I was kinda sad for the game to already be over and the combat is so much fun. Wish there had been some kind of arena within the game (small battle rooms aside).

The worst boss to S+ was Ice Witch because of the RNG in the attack that covers the whole room in spikes except for the spot in the middle which immediately, randomly spawns a bunch of fireballs. It was basically a crapshoot every time. Every other boss was fair with enough practice and patience.

But I did find all the treasures and do the post-game stuff. Game menu says I have 99% completion *shrug*
That's weird, did you try buying any item markers from the jukebox at the store?
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Yeah, that's the hardest part of the game really. Went for it because I was kinda sad for the game to already be over and the combat is so much fun. Wish there had been some kind of arena within the game (small battle rooms aside).

The worst boss to S+ was Ice Witch because of the RNG in the attack that covers the whole room in spikes except for the spot in the middle which immediately, randomly spawns a bunch of fireballs. It was basically a crapshoot every time. Every other boss was fair with enough practice and patience.

That's weird, did you try buying any item markers from the jukebox at the store?
Yes (re: item markers) as I posted before I spent a whole evening just buying item markers, finding treasures, listening to podcasts. And at post game checked again.
That's ok I'm not complaining I 'm done with the game and I found all the most important items- the pictures.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Yes (re: item markers) as I posted before I spent a whole evening just buying item markers, finding treasures, listening to podcasts. And at post game checked again.
That's ok I'm not complaining I 'm done with the game and I found all the most important items- the pictures.
Alright. If you bought out all the markers (which go to upgrades, points, photos and music discs) the missing 1% it must be a room you missed. For me the 100% trophy popped as soon as I made it to the end of Kendra's Crying Place.