Oh... I love it when I have a vague thought in the back of my end and someone puts it into words.For me Bloodborne hits the right sweet spot of Fromsoft gameplay in all the most important areas: it's fast-paced and mobile, but still deliberate and weighty. DS1 was clunky in many ways, DS2 was very floaty, and games from DS3 onwards turned into anime-style rolling contests. In BB I still feel like every move and dodge I make matters, and I can't just infinitely panic roll. The bosses are for the most part balanced and fun to fight against, and hadn't yet devolved into what I call "real-time turn-based gameplay" where the bosses just swoosh and jump all over the place. Shadows of Yharnam might in fact be the most enjoyable and balanced gank fight Fromsoft have ever made. In terms of available gameplay styles it's obviously much more limited, which makes it more like Sekiro in the sense that the core gameplay experience won't change much from playthrough to playthrough, but the available weapons and tools are varied enough that it doesn't get stale either. The much smaller weapon pool means each of them has to be distinct, and they all have their own little quirks and dynamics.
Dammit now I kinda wanna play BB.... Hey, you know what- they should release it on PC in 60 fps!