What are your E3 2019 best and worst games?


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Hello friends,

So E3 is almost over and here we talk about our game of show. its been one of the worst E3 I have ever seen. Just talking talking talking then show some cinematics and no gameplay.

so which game you think is Top 3 best and worst games shown at E3?


Doom Eternal: No surprise but atleast id software bother to show the gameplay and it looks amazing. it looks like evolution of Doom 2016 with having more variety and more location and hell on earth. very impressed by new mechanics they have shown.

Cyberpunk 2077: last year reveal was not very good but this years trailer was great and sneak peak gameplay they show also looking good. although i like sci fi cyberpunk world alot and since no deus ex game is coming in future so im hoping this will be my deus ex fix. and it looks like easily best CDPR game since its in first person means its going to be far more immersive unfortunately its open world so it can get boring. all in all, im really looking forward to this game. as we need another FPS/RPG hybrid like Deus Ex was.

Dying Light 2: Very impressed with modern dark age setting and it looks more like immersive sim than first game and with focus on deep narrative rather than another zombie game. really liked how techland evolved it from just another zombie game to very impressing looking story driven first person game.

now its time for worst


Wolfenstein Youngblood: This looks absolute one of the most bland game i have seen this years E3. its not surprise that machinegames wolfenstein games have been crap and this one looks no difference now with enemy health bar (ala bulletsponges enemies). other than set 20 year after previous games and its coop game where you play as BJ daughters. it will be another game with 20 minutes of cutscene movie game posing as old school FPS.

Watch Dogs Legion: This looks like the most generic open world game i have seen. i mean ubisoft cant be more generic, it makes assassins creed and far cry looks like a masterpiece. yeah you can play as different playable characters. gameplay looks complete bland from driving to combat to stealth. why are ubisoft not making splinter cell and wasting insane amount of budget to this crap is beyond me.

Borderlands 3: Looks like borlderlands 2 DLC and it was never good series to begin with. terrible shooting plus cartoonish graphics. this also looking pretty bad from gameplay demo. i was so bored of it while watching.

so my friends here my top 3. what are yours? discuss


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009

Wolfenstein Youngblood: This look like best fps ever, fast pace action with badass character, just amazing. And with friend multiplayer? This can not get better.

Watch Dogs Legion: Wow this game look of great, i like the diverse character select, previous game was not very good but this time we can finaly choose to play as manly guys and be real men. unfortunately it look a little linear at time but im sure it will still be good.

Borderlands 3: Amazing game with amazing graphic, look like good open world game with manly characters. Colorful setting is very nice and great deep lore narrative.

Here is worse


Doom Eternal: Generic super linear shooter with generic white male and boring hell setting. ID Software can not in to game design, no cutscene and character dont even talk, BORING

Cyberpunk 2077: boring future setting, we already got boring future setting in latest call of dutys, game need to stop copying these games, it look very linear with too much focus on romance and not enough men, where is testosterone? blade as arms? ridiculous.

Dying Light 2: oh look another boring open world zombie games, press r1 to kill zombie is boring, too many white male zombies, how can techland make this pile of poo? Unbelievable. look like another boring story with no cutscene, maybe developers are too stupid? who know.

Anyway my friends, here are my simple list? Agree? no? discuss.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:

...we really going into tit for tat this quickly?

The question's quite legitimate.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012

Wolfenstein Youngblood
Watch Dogs Legion
Borderlands 3


Doom Eternal
Cyberpunk 2077
Dying Light 2


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
The only new games I didn't know of that look interesting are the following:

-Ghostwire: Tokyo (no gameplay but looks interesting and Mikami!!!)
-Deathloop (grindhouse trailer + Arkane is probably the best working dev in AAA right now)
-Gods and Monsters (cool visual style but its Ubisoft so probably another Ubisoft: The Game but just maybe it isn't)
-In the Valley of Gods (I'm not sure if it was at E3 this year but it was in Dunkey's E3 video, I watched a trailer from a year back and it looks really interesting)
Feb 26, 2014
Going down a list of 24 to pick the ones I like most is rough. Limiting myself to things that show gameplay makes it a little easier. Sorry, Deathloop, Ghostwire Tokyo, and BOTW Sequel, but you don't make the cut.


Final Fantasy 7 Remake
I've never played the original, so I don't have the love for it that many other incredibly disappointed or excited fans do, but this game looks amazing. It also has the best mix of turn-based and real-time combat I've seen yet. I am concerned that they intend to turn what was once a 5-8 hour section of a game and stretching it out to a full-length game, but I'm still optimistic.

Watch Dogs Legion:
JackFrags said:
The first guy that I recruited ended up being killed. I went to Trafalgar Square a bomb exploded and then the police showed up and there was just so many of them. I couldn't escape, they killed me and I risked it, I tried to get away and that guy died. And then I respawned as one of the other people that I'd recruited. And in my contact list, I was looking up--I'd actually scanned the person that killed the guy that I was playing as. So, what did I do? Well, I got all of their information, I found out their schedule, I drove to where they were going to be at a certain time of day. Incapacitated them with a remote explosive. They were then taken to hospital and I managed to hack the hospital records and find out where they were. And terminate them while they were in their hospital bed as revenge for killing my guy.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
I'm so glad I'm getting more Fire Emblem, even if it's becoming more and more like a dating sim with each new entry. At least they got rid of the weird petting gimmick from Fates, or at least, it doesn't seem to be in. Dear God I hope it isn't in. The battles look just as fun as the old games, but now with grunts in the battle scenes! I love it!


Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
This game really disappointed me. I understand what they were going for, but I don't think it works. At the very least what they presented to the public was boring and stale. Which is especially disappointing since, apparently, the press got to see something much better.

Fallout 76
They're adding NPCs guys! Aren't you excited!?

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
gonna be open, can only deal with E3 through second-hand information as watching any of it normally is too uncomfortable with the cringe, as the embarrassment feels more personal. so haven't paid much attention, but what little have seen hasn't encouraged any emotion beyond that. Nintendo seemed the most impressive, but I don't have the console and am wary of having more than one platform right now. dying light 2 and a couple others I was interested in before this, so nothing new there. I dunno. life is just kinda smothering the horizon

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Phoenixmgs said:
-Ghostwire: Tokyo (no gameplay but looks interesting and Mikami!!!)
Yeah, The Evil Within was Mikami, too. I used to have an unshakable faith in the guy, but Evil Within was so horrendously bad that having his name and studio attached fills me with more dread than hope.

OT: Seeing some more of Zelda: Link's Awakening and the Breath of the Wild sequel announcement were the only things that got me a tad excited. The FF7 Remake also had a nice showing, but it's Square -- They're going to fuck it up somehow.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA

Blair Witch (Looks scary af)
Final Fantasy VII (Tifa ftw)
Cyberpunk 2077 (It looks breathtaking)


Commander Keen (what the actual fuck?)
Jedi Fallen Order (How did they make saber combat look so boring?)
FO76 Battle Royale (So we came to a point where a content update is big enough to be on e3?)


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
The most interesting game that got a decent trailer is Spiritfarer.

Most of the other games that look good I already knew about. I guess the other good looking new one is Psychonauts 2.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
Man you know this is bcell, right? He's a troll, he even admitted being one over Discord during E3. No one should be encouraging this guy to continue posting.
theres a difference between discord and forums. in discord everyone is troll. and everyone insult and name calling. something is not possible in forums. and its one of the reason why i left GT discord.


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009
B-Cell said:
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
Man you know this is bcell, right? He's a troll, he even admitted being one over Discord during E3. No one should be encouraging this guy to continue posting.
theres a difference between discord and forums. in discord everyone is troll. and everyone insult and name calling. something is not possible in forums. and its one of the reason why i left GT discord.
Come on you can come up on a better excuse than that, ''Cloudy''. Strange that you changed your nick and changed your profile picture to an anime character after you left, seems kind off out of character, how many troll personas do you really have?


New member
Feb 9, 2016
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
B-Cell said:
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
Man you know this is bcell, right? He's a troll, he even admitted being one over Discord during E3. No one should be encouraging this guy to continue posting.
theres a difference between discord and forums. in discord everyone is troll. and everyone insult and name calling. something is not possible in forums. and its one of the reason why i left GT discord.
Come on you can come up on a better excuse than that, ''Cloudy''. Strange that you changed your nick and changed your profile picture to an anime character after you left, seems kind off out of character, how many troll personas do you really have?
1. I change name and profile pic just to see if it work or not. i have not used discord since then. and not in any discord channel.

2. Please either contribute to thread or donot post at all. stop derailing my thread.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Best: Ori and the Will of the Wisps and hopefully Halo Reach for PC

Worst: Everything else, because it was all lies(I include Ori and Halo, but at least those are good lies)


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
Phoenixmgs said:
-Ghostwire: Tokyo (no gameplay but looks interesting and Mikami!!!)
Yeah, The Evil Within was Mikami, too. I used to have an unshakable faith in the guy, but Evil Within was so horrendously bad that having his name and studio attached fills me with more dread than hope.
I never tried Evil Within myself because it seemed like trying to do RE4 again. It seemed like some people dug it though. I'm hoping Ghostwire is like an adventure mystery horror game vs a shooter or heavy combat game. Mikami has never really been perfect or anything, P.N.03 seems to be a rather poorly executed Vanquish. I'll take any game made by a creator like Mikami over something 'ordered' to be made by a huge team with no vision or passion only making of a game of popular features decreed from the marketing department.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Doom Eternal: Even if I am a little worried with the new gameplay elements, I can't hide my excitement for the game. Also the story!!! DOOM SLAYER WILL RIP AND TEAR ANGELS!!! AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!
No More Heroes III: So glad to see NMH will have a new game. The teaser was a little "cheap" looking, but still waiting for it.

Battletoads: Why the fuck the Dark Queen isn't sexy. WHYYYYYYYYY?!?!? Why everything is weird?!?
Commander Keen: Love the art style. Everything else is baaaaaaaaaaaaad...Terrible junk 90s Cartoon Theme Music, awful looking gameplay.
Jan 27, 2011

1) Basically everything Nintendo. Holy cow, it's good to own a switch. I cannot wait to get my claws on the Trials of Mana remake, and Astral Chains, and Daemon X Machina, and like...So much more that I can't remember it all.

2) PSO2. Coming to the West. FINALLY. I had a blast back when I had to use a wonky translator mod to play it, and I'll happily start over in this new official port. AND on PC too, that's lovely.

3) Microsoft bringing more stuff to PC, so I don't HAVE to buy an XBOX. Thank you, take my money and just...Gimme Dat!


...Eh, I didn't really follow anything else enough to get upset at any thing, I think the only thing that I felt was an absolute loss is Elder Scrolls Blades coming to Switch, complete with all the garbage lootboxes and stuff.

B-Cell said:
Borderlands 3: Looks like borlderlands 2 DLC and it was never good series to begin with. terrible shooting plus cartoonish graphics. this also looking pretty bad from gameplay demo. i was so bored of it while watching.
...You're entitled to your opinion.

What I saw from the gameplay footage has me seriously hyped.

See, you don't get it. It's not first and foremost a shooter. It's an RPG that happens to express combat via guns instead of swords, arrows, etc.

The core gameplay is about:
1) Finding cool loot, ie guns that start running around when you reload them, and they shoot lightning at people.

2) Using your Special Ability in order to twist the odds of combat in your favor, giving you momentary spikes of "I'm a freakin' BADASS" every 15 or so seconds.

3) Using both of the above (and some running around) in order to circumvent the abilities and AI patterns of the enemies in ways that make you feel clever. Especially when you're playing with some friends and the game spawns like 4 Badass Whatervertheyares in your way, causing a desperate fight for survival.

That and the world, writing style, and art style are all freakin' fun. The heavily stylized art style they have really "pops" and feels vivid and wacky, which feels like a perfect fit for the heavily unrealistic "anything can happen" mad-max-sci-fi universe they've created.

Would I LIKE it to be a bit more like DOOM? Where you can rapidly move around and dodge and have this relentless forward momentum? Yeah, I would. But that would be the peanuts on this already great Hot Fudge Sundae. I would like the gameplay to evolve more into the shooter direction, but I still love the series for what it is.

You can disagree, everyone has different taste and all. Feel free to pass on the game. But I friggen love what I'm seeing of Borderlands 3.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Casual Shinji said:
Phoenixmgs said:
-Ghostwire: Tokyo (no gameplay but looks interesting and Mikami!!!)
Yeah, The Evil Within was Mikami, too. I used to have an unshakable faith in the guy, but Evil Within was so horrendously bad that having his name and studio attached fills me with more dread than hope.
I think you and me are both big Resident Evil 4 fans, yet I always see you criticizing The Evil Within. Which is definitely an inferior game, but what exactly made it so appaling to you? I don't particularly care for the game but it was at least serviceable.