What are your favorite 10 games this gen?

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015
1. Labyrith of refrain: coven of dusk.

2. Monster hunter world

3. Divinity original sin 1/2

4. Persona 5

5. Horizon zero dawn

6. Destiny 1/2

7. Sekiro:Shadows die twice.

8. Zero time dilemma

9. CoD black ops 3

10. The witcher 3


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
CritialGaming said:
10. Spider Man (PS4) - How the fuck has nobody mentioned this game yet? This is the best super hero game ever made, hands down. Fuck you Batman because being SpiderMan is way more fun.
Definitely a very fun game, felt like a love letter to my childhood. I would still include it somewhere. Other games I really enjoyed were Arkham Knight(liked the batmobile but too much drone combat), Witcher 3(amazing world building but too much dialogue for my taste), Doom, Ace Combat 7 and the Yakuza games. I would make a separate top 10 for indie games since this gen had quite a few. Top of my list would be Hollow Knight, The Messenger, Salt & Sanct and Celeste.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Undertale - Just all around fantastic even though I didn't really get into it till about half way in.

Hollow Knight - The love child of Metroid and Dark Souls with Studio Ghibli acting as the midwife.

Celeste - Not only is it a nicely challenging difficult platformer but its also got an interesting story and fun characters. Plus its probably got the smoothest difficulty curve of any hard platformer I've seen.

Overload - its Descent, modern Descent. Plays really really well, has fantastic levels and is just a joy to play if your into the whole total freedom of movement thing.

Steredenn - I have a weakness for side scrolling shooters and Steredenn is one of the best around. It has randomly seeded levels so your not just running through the same thing over and over, completely awesome music and fantastic pixel art.

Resident Evil 7 - This is how you relaunch a series. Fantastic atmosphere threatening enemies and a great setting.

Shadow Run Dragonfall/Hong Kong - I combined these two since they even out to be just as good as each other just in different ways. Both have some of the best rpg role playing you can encounter with the ability to fight or talk you way through most encounters and a leveling system that rewards finishing a quest rather then killing things. Dragonfall has the stronger story but Hong Kong has the better gameplay.

Freedom Planet - The best sonic game ever made, kinda. It plays similar to a sonic game but you have a real attack button. I never got into any of the 2d Sonic games, even Sonic Mania, just didn't like how they played. But, I love Freedom Planet.

Monster Hunter World - This is how you reimagine Monster Hunter for consoles that can handle not loading new areas. I burned myself out on Monster Hunter Tri back in the day so I wasn't sure how much I would get into World. Now I have over 100 hours into it. Its a very solid game but it does suffer a bit from the 'I'm done' that Tri did also, where you have done everything you wanted in and and have no desire to go back into it.

Crosscode - there isn't really much else like it, its a rpg but set in an rpg world. IE a single player game set in a mmo world where that is a big part of the plot. Yes I know there are other similar games like .hack but they really didn't do it as well as Crosscode. The gameplay is somewhat similar to secret of mana and its got a great plot with really fun characters.

Honorable mentions.

Resident evil 2 remake, Ion Maiden, Shovel Knight, Sakura Dungeon, Prey new game, Darkest Dungeon, Hellblade Senua's Sacrifixe, Immortal Redneck, Axiom Verge, Nioh and more that that I'm too lazy to include.
Feb 26, 2014
In no particular order:

Spider-Man Hot damn this game was fun. this is without a doubt the best Spider-Man game ever. Fantastic characters, an interesting story, some great heartfelt moments. I do hope they take some notes from Spider-verse for Miles.

Horizon Zero Dawn Aloy, Zoid Breaker. Fighting in this game is insanely fun. Hunting machines, targeting weak points, collecting resources. It's far from perfect, but it does it's thing spectacularly well.

God Dad of War Santa Monica Studious has transformed a worthless irredeemable character into someone I can actually care about! The combat is fun and the story is fantastic.

Kingdom Hearts III I was left a little disappointed, but overall I had fun playing through the latest installment of my favorite series. The story is fun, Sora is still great, and everything is spectacularly dumb. In the anime kind of way.

Zelda Breath of the Wild Not what I expected from a Zelda game, and that disappointed me at first. But it's since grown on me and I love it. I haven't beaten it yet, waiting to get and complete the DLC first, but my time with it has been interesting. Easily one of the best designed open world games.

Divinity Original Sin 2 I enjoy these rpg's a lot more than I thought I would. Combat is fun, the characters are interesting, and the world is pretty fucked up. It's another game I've yet to beat, but I'm working on it.

Uncharted 4 Fantastic time with this game. I just really love these fun adventurous romps that just feels good. It doesn't ever feel like Drake is in mortal danger, like your playing a fun action movie. I love it!

Batman Arkham Knight Controversial though it may be, I love it. Yes, even the Batmobile, but not the Batmobile stealth or racing. the combat is at it's best, Scarecrow's redesign is fun(but he isn't as fun as his Asylum version), The Joker, overused though he may be, is still amazing. I'm probably going to play it again for the 4th time when I get a 4k monitor.

Baba is You I haven't spent much time with this indie darling, but it's great. The puzzles are great and a lot of them are tricky. It's a charming game.

Monster Hunter World Hunting down ridiculous wyverns and dragons with even more ridiculous weapons wearing even more ridiculous gear. The beta was difficult to get into, but once I got my hands on the full game I had a blast. I'm looking forward to the expansion.
Jan 19, 2016
1. Witcher 3 - One of the best games ever made.
2. Bloodborne - The game that made me finally "get" FromSoft games.
3. Overwatch - I love and hate Overwatch. I love the game and I hate the people who play it.
4. World of Warcraft Legion - One of the best WoW expansions ever. Pity BfA shat the bed so hard.
5. God of War - I disliked the old GoW games, but this game made Kratos an actual character.
6. Shadowrun: Dragonfall (Director's Cut) - Amazing storytelling and solid gameplay. Amazing for a Kickstarter game.
7. Life is Strange - An extremely unique and engaging experience that is very different from most games I play.
8. Wolfenstein: The New Order - As an OG Wolfenstein fan, this re-imagining was awesome.
9. Metro Exodus - I only discovered Metro recently, but its become a favourite.
10. Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Brought me back to AC after avoiding it since AC2.

Big games I've yet to play: RDR2, Spiderman, Nier:Automata, Sekiro, Breath of the Wild.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
This was quite tough, because I've loved a lot this gen. Anywho:

1) Bloodborne. Sparked my love for FromSoft games. Beautiful environments, brilliant visual design, great sense of accomplishment in finishing it (and then on NG+, and then Platinum trophy).

2) Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Close to earning the top spot. Utterly engrossed in its world for 100 hours at least.

3) Horizon: Zero Dawn.

4) Nioh.

5) Super Mario Odyssey.

6) Hollow Knight.

7) Dark Souls 3.

8) Pokemon: Sun & Moon. I played Moon, w/ Incineroar.

9) God of War.

10) Alien: Isolation.

Honourable mention to Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. NB that I wasn't counting re-releases or remasters, so haven't included FFXII: Zodiac Age or Majora's Mask on 3DS, both of which I loved.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
...the premise of this thread has caused me to have the dawning realisation that by and large, I've enjoyed very little from this generation.

Oh, sure, there's this gen's version of stuff like Minecraft and my favourite "Old Man Game", World of Tanks, which I play a lot, but they're high-def versions of last-gen games. I had masochistic fun hundred-percenting Dead Island Definitive Edition last year (another last gen title) and I thought Wolfenstein New Order, which I played this gen, was a strong contender - but that also got a simultaneous last-gen release, so doesn't truly count.

Strictly current-gen games? I thought Halo 5 achieved the impossible in actually being worse than the lacklustre Halo 4. Gears of War 4 likewise roused a lukewarm reaction from me, inspiring one-and-a-half campaign playthroughs and a few dozen hours of Horde before laws of diminishing returns kicked in. The Walking Dead Season 3? I paid for the season pass, played the first episode, and put it aside "for later" (read: about 11 months and counting) which is mind-boggling considering I almost literally inhaled the first two seasons (and 400 Days, and Michonne) as they were released. I'm sensing an abnormally high concentration of "indie darling wannabe bullcrap" this gen too. Offerings like Hello Neighbour, which are barely more than ambitious student tech demos, epitomise this.

I can name two genuine "this gen" games that I loved. First is Doom 2016 - impressively retro while also current and accessible. I really can't put my finger on how they achieved both simultaneously but it's great. Second is The Witness - I never played Myst but I imagine this is a very fitting equivalent for the 2010s. The Hitman reboot is OK too, I suppose, although I haven't given it a fair crack of the whip yet.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
In no real order.

The Last of Us - Just. Everything.
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Quibbles aside, one of the best experiences I've had playing a game.
Horizon Zero Dawn - Fun sandbox, fun chore gameplay, fun lore.
Spider-Man - See above.
Bloodborne - I can't even.
Wolfenstein: The New Order - my cup of FPS.
Alien: Isolation - my cup of survival horror.
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - see below.
Batman: Arkham Knight - more of a stand-in for the series in general.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - shitty PS3 port aside, the game's great and so is the sequel.

Brownie points to the HD ports of Okami and Resident Evil 4.
(I only played a little bit of God of War and Nioh but so far so good)


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Batou667 said:
...the premise of this thread has caused me to have the dawning realisation that by and large, I've enjoyed very little from this generation.
AAA devs are, by and large, really bad at game design. If you want some good game design, you'll have better luck in the indie and mid-tier games than anything from major publishers. Also, board games are going through a golden age, there's so many great board games out there right now.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
omg how could I forgot Valkyria Chronicles 4. One of my favorites. I'd slot it in no 8. Out goes The Evil Within.

Phoenixmgs said:
Batou667 said:
...the premise of this thread has caused me to have the dawning realisation that by and large, I've enjoyed very little from this generation.
AAA devs are, by and large, really bad at game design. If you want some good game design, you'll have better luck in the indie and mid-tier games than anything from major publishers. Also, board games are going through a golden age, there's so many great board games out there right now.
Disagree. I think this gen in paricular catered to the taste of any kind of gamer. More than ever there were games for any kind of person. That counts for both indie and big budget titles. Less titles in the latter category maybe but that is to be expected of games that are so difficult and expensive to make.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
umm, not entirely sure what officially counts as within this gen, but will give it a go...

1: Supergiant games, all of them. except Hades, give it to me, you teasies! well, give it to consoles, which will then be nicked by me while I distract the store with my shiny new money. the 3 are taking one spot here, hopefully it's not cheating but if it is I won't care to change it. gotta optimise space, fellow dudettes!

2: Horizon Zero Dawn. the title makes sense if you actually play it through, whoever said otherwise! as long as one can make simple connections between words and meanings, it's not abstract poetry or anything

3: RDR2. nothing to add there. emotional resonance is something that lasts longer that any other entertainment factor. oh, I suppose that does count as something to add

4: Life is Strange.

5: Bloodborne.

6: SOMA, 6.5: Takes from the Borderlands. what? Shhhh!

7: Hollow Knight.

8: Spiderman, 8.5: Infamous: third...trimester?

9: AC Odyssey, alright it's doing something I spose. probably that theremin in the soundtrack poking my alleged loneliness

10; Sekir...ahah, only kidding, no easy mode means no buy. ok, double bluff, one-and-a-half kidding, it's just feudal Japanese type environment is incredibly uninteresting, personally. sorry nioh, you too. did play both, did get tired of environments pretty quick, nothing personal

10 for realsies: Uncharted: Lost Leggings. 10.5 - final dlc: God of War. triple aye shill here, oh well


bonus hypothetical mentions for the Nintendo titles I probably would've enjoyed immensely if I owned the platform. so this is more like a vague picking from future memories by harnessing seductive block-time theory into a useful cognitive technique, and definitely not just greedily hogging more choices


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
stroopwafel said:
Phoenixmgs said:
Batou667 said:
...the premise of this thread has caused me to have the dawning realisation that by and large, I've enjoyed very little from this generation.
AAA devs are, by and large, really bad at game design. If you want some good game design, you'll have better luck in the indie and mid-tier games than anything from major publishers. Also, board games are going through a golden age, there's so many great board games out there right now.
Disagree. I think this gen in paricular catered to the taste of any kind of gamer. More than ever there were games for any kind of person. That counts for both indie and big budget titles. Less titles in the latter category maybe but that is to be expected of games that are so difficult and expensive to make.
I wasn't talking about game variety but design. Just think about how many games have money in them but buying stuff is pointless as you find better stuff anyway (pretty much any RPG). Whereas you play any board game with money and money is really important. Dark Souls 1 has a core stat that literally does nothing (and that's the 2nd game, not even the 1st), has a PnP RPG ever been released with a meaningless core stat, I very much doubt it. Going back to FromSoft again, since I'm playing Sekiro, but the Souls mechanics don't fit into the game and just feel like they're there because that's just what From knows how to do. Open world games just copy stuff other successful games have done like towers or Arkham combat, Ubisoft games all are so similar they're pretty much the same game in a different environment. There isn't an ounce good game design in Spider-Man with regards to mission structure (it's all stuff you've done a million times before). God of War's difficulty progression is the worst I've ever seen in a game. Shooter devs can't balance guns we've been using for 20+ years (ARs, SMGs, shotgun, sniper, etc.). There's lengthy YouTube vids demonstrating how Fallout 4 is just about devoid of any actual role-playing when it's supposed to be a role-playing game. Loot systems are inherently bad game design prior to endgame. Witcher 3 has a haggle mechanic but you never need money and it also has a loot system that it literally gives up on halfway through (witcher gear). Just about every AAA game released nowadays, you can easily point to a game that did it better 10+ years ago.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Batman: Arkham Knight - Bugs and performance issues aside, I think it is the best Arkham game. Loved the story, gameplay, graphics, environment. Fantastic. I even enjoyed the Batmobile sections.

Marvel's Spider-Man - A fantastic evolution on what the Arkham series built - and one of my favourite iterations of Peter Parker. When I first got the game, I only had 30 minutes to play it, so I just swung around for the duration. For a game to make the mechanic of moving around fun, is an amazing feat.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Easily my favourite Uncharted game - great story, gameplay and conclusion. Not to mention that it is one of the best looking games that I have ever played.

The Witcher 3 - A masterclass in open-world game design, that has yet to be topped. I dont even like open-world games all that much, but being able to cram this world full of so much content, with so little repeated, and every bit of it well-thought out and interesting, puts a lot of other open-world efforts to shame.

Into the Breach - I did not like the look of this game at first, but I bought it, played it, and loved it. Really unique TBS game

XCOM 2 - XCOM Enemy Unknown but better in just about every way

Titanfall - Yes, TF1, not TF2. I loved this game's multiplayer to bits. Not really having a campaign didn't bother me one bit. The maps and gameplay is superior to the sequel. I suppose it helps that this is one of the few games that I would consider myself to be actually "Good" at.

Battlefield 4 - The campaign isnt much to write home about, but I loved the multiplayer. Sunk hundreds of hours into it. Neither BF1 nor BF5 gripped me enough.

I wouldn't really consider any other game that I have played from this gen to be a "favourite"


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
In no particular order
Witcher 3
Final Fantasy 15
Batman Arkham Knight
God of War 4
Metal Gear Solid the Phantom Pain
Battlefield One
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Forza Horizon 3
Prey 2