What Aspect of Gaming Would You Like to See Improved?


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Trolling. It needs to stop. Terrible communities is a close second. Poor sportsmanship has become A-Okay in gaming, and that makes me sad. I once played out a DotA match where my entire team left. And I loved it. My teammates had been complaining the entire game. When they all left I actually got to enjoy myself. The other team even joined in the fun, joking around and whatnot. That was a great moment in gaming. It came about after all the whiners and complainers and trolls had left. Gaming, at least the multiplayer aspect, cannot progress until all the trolling and poor sportsmanship stops.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
More player decisions affecting the games significantly would be nice, even many so called RPG's have few these days. Hoping the ressurgence of CRPG's on Kickstarter brings it back.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Alexander Bradley said:
Terminate421 said:
Communication between the community, the consumers, the developers, and the publishers.

As far as I know, publishers and developers live in vaults and its very rare for them to actually address the community (By that I mean talk to them individually), people like Bungie, Valve and Bethesda show otherwise.
Wow, I'm honestly shocked that there weren't a lot more posts of this out there. I definitely would love to see more communication between the consumers, devs, and gaming community. I think gaming companies tend to try to think like other corporations a little too much when it comes to how they develop, change and sell their product. There needs to be a lot more of a dialog and feedback between the gamers and the developers.

Right now, I think they're banking on the safe money of just making FPS games or merging FPS aspects into RPGs or other gametypes. Which is kind of smart, because that will always turn a profit no matter what. At the same time, it'll slowly start to wear on people (which I think we're starting to see now) and that cash cow's milk is going to sour pretty fast. Thanks for posting! :D
There is a very good reason why I've always loved Bungie. They have fun with their fans.

There was a post:

"How do the shield doors stop live bullets but not unfired bullets or grenades?"
Bungie Employee: "Magic"
"What kind?"
Bungie Employee: "The Shiny Kind"

Alexander Bradley

New member
Dec 31, 2010
Nazulu said:
Alexander Bradley said:
Nazulu said:
MeChaNiZ3D said:
I'd like publishers to stop having input on games, in any form.
I didn't think anyone would say this.

If publishers and non artists would just fuck off we would get more variety and better writing no doubt.
While I agree that the publishers do need to fuck off a bit, I wouldn't say that they need to be exempt from any decisions over the development of the game. Any corporation is supposed to have checks and balances between those who make the ideas and those who fund and promote them. Right now, I think the corporate side of gaming development has a much more powerful voice than the actual people who pitch ideas and create them. Mainly because they don't want to risk losing investors and such high and consistent revenue intakes that modern games tend to rake in.

From a sales perspective, that's a better approach. However, since people are now viewing it as more of an artform than just a time-sink or something fun to do on the weekends, that approach needs to change. As a few people pointed out, there needs to be more interactivity in the community, the developers, and those that fund the games. Even if it's doing something dumb like doing surveys or a livestream, asking what people want to see done, it'd be a step up from the isolationism that seems to be occurring now. That would probably result in a lot more creativity in gaming and a lot less tension when things like the Sim City incident happen. Thanks for posting! :D
I was generalising. However, it would make a nice experiment to see how game developing would go if the publishers would back off for one game.

From what I've seen it's the same conflict where pubs would like to reach out to as many audiences as it can, and I reckon they would be better off going with the classic approach where there were still defined genres everyone could look forward to with it's own style and what not. Yeah, basically Jims sauce comparison, but I brought it up way before!

Also, I don't believe asking people 'what needs to be done' is enough since it's been perfect before. Just let the artists do their thing and make sure they don't don't aim too high or plan to waste a shit load on cinematics. I think Jim's covered that as well. Fuck! Now I feel unoriginal.

Captcha: Remain Calm - NEVER!
I definitely agree with you. Though don't worry about feeling unoriginal, I'm sure half of the points I try to make here have been covered by him at some point or another. :p

Alexander Bradley

New member
Dec 31, 2010
Terminate421 said:
Alexander Bradley said:
Terminate421 said:
Communication between the community, the consumers, the developers, and the publishers.

As far as I know, publishers and developers live in vaults and its very rare for them to actually address the community (By that I mean talk to them individually), people like Bungie, Valve and Bethesda show otherwise.
Wow, I'm honestly shocked that there weren't a lot more posts of this out there. I definitely would love to see more communication between the consumers, devs, and gaming community. I think gaming companies tend to try to think like other corporations a little too much when it comes to how they develop, change and sell their product. There needs to be a lot more of a dialog and feedback between the gamers and the developers.

Right now, I think they're banking on the safe money of just making FPS games or merging FPS aspects into RPGs or other gametypes. Which is kind of smart, because that will always turn a profit no matter what. At the same time, it'll slowly start to wear on people (which I think we're starting to see now) and that cash cow's milk is going to sour pretty fast. Thanks for posting! :D
There is a very good reason why I've always loved Bungie. They have fun with their fans.

There was a post:

"How do the shield doors stop live bullets but not unfired bullets or grenades?"
Bungie Employee: "Magic"
"What kind?"
Bungie Employee: "The Shiny Kind"
Oh my god, you have no idea how much better that quote made my day!

Alexander Bradley

New member
Dec 31, 2010
Nazulu said:
Alexander Bradley said:
Sarge034 said:
I want to see service providers (Microsoft x-box live specifically) start treating me like an adult. I buy an "M" rated game that has all types of language, slurs, and graphic content in the single player but I can't use the same language in the multiplayer... that I pay for? Really guys... really?
This is something I'm honestly surprised hasn't come up before. While I'd definitely like to see that happen, it is a double-edged sword since there is a prominent underage demographic in "adult gaming" that get those games via their parents or family members. Companies would much rather play it safe to make it a "PC environment" than to get hit with a lawsuit over verbal harassment or bullying in the multiplayers. Personally, I think there should be something more done about minors being able to obtain and play games like that, but then again, it all depends on the personal maturity of the kid. Tough topic, but definitely something that needs to be discussed. Thanks for posting! :D
Has no one tried just a 'proof of age' system so only the adults can see the profanity?
I'm sure someone has tried it at one point or another. If they haven't, they should incorporate something like putting in something that'll verify your age like a driver's license, a Social Security number or something like that. That's something that could be interesting, but will require a lot of experimentation and debate.

Alexander Bradley

New member
Dec 31, 2010
Imat said:
Trolling. It needs to stop. Terrible communities is a close second. Poor sportsmanship has become A-Okay in gaming, and that makes me sad. I once played out a DotA match where my entire team left. And I loved it. My teammates had been complaining the entire game. When they all left I actually got to enjoy myself. The other team even joined in the fun, joking around and whatnot. That was a great moment in gaming. It came about after all the whiners and complainers and trolls had left. Gaming, at least the multiplayer aspect, cannot progress until all the trolling and poor sportsmanship stops.
While I doubt it'll ever stop completely, it's definitely something that needs to be discussed seriously. I've had a lot of bad experiences in League of Legends where a bunch of people would go AFK or there would be team members that would just give up or purposely feed enemies. I think playful trolling is okay, but when it takes away from the gameplay or it starts to get harmful, it's just annoying and inconsiderate. Thanks for posting! :D


New member
Apr 24, 2010
The purists (that's at least what I call them). It seems like with a lot of my favorite games there's a very vocal group that say: just because they didn't grow up with the most recent installment of a series, it is heresy, blasphemy to the memory of its predecer and those you like it should be burned at the stake. Fallout is the best example with No Mutants. The Elder Scrolls has some of that, but those people won't come at you with torches and pitchforks. I think there maybe some for XCom, but you almost have to look for them.

If I can get another wish. I'd love to set the XBox live community (and most of the online gaming community) back to circa CoD4. Back when you'd find decent people, and you could chat with them while enjoying the game. Now, everyone's either a screeching thirteen year old, a racist, or mic-less so they don't have to listen to the other two.

Envy Omicron

New member
Apr 27, 2013
I'm not sure how many other times the aspects I'd like to see improved have already been brought up in this thread, but I'm gonna go for it anyways.

First off, I would like to see improvements in the realm of games criticism. More specifically, I would like to see less emphasis on buzz words, polish, and praise for cramming as much content into a game as possible, and a greater emphasis on narrative strengths, aesthetic beauty and game design. Basically, more critics like Chris Franklin and Yahtzee.

Secondly, and I know this one has been brought up, but I would like to see improvements in the gaming community. You know, more acceptance for opposing opinions, more consideration towards healthy discussions, and a LOT less anger.

Thirdly, and at this point it's really more of a fantasy, I'de like to see games reach more demographics, like as many different demographics as film and music are able to reach, I partially want this because it would give video games a chance to grow and become a much more vibrant and diverse art form, but mostly I want this because it would give me the chance to be able to talk to other people I know in real life about games, and having total confusion become a significantly less common reaction. Is that selfish of me? Probably, yeah. Do I still think it would be cool? Of course.

Lastly, and I'm not too sure how many times this has been brought up, but I'd like to see more games that could be classified as Gesamtkunstwerk (if you have no idea what I'm rambling on about, go watch this):

So yeah, there's probably some things I've missed that I would also like seeing improved, but hopefully this should be enough.