What Cheat Codes Do You Still Remember?

Theron Julius

New member
Nov 30, 2009
Up, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Left, Right on the pause menu of Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Enabled invincibility.


New member
Aug 16, 2010
I haven't used codes in ages xD I remember that code for Crash Bandicoot, though. I think it was four lines long and unlocked all the levels and gems. I used it often because I was quite awful at the game...

I also remember a cheat for the first Rayman game when you move over a level on the map screen and press something...select and square, I think. It then changes the level so that you've broken all the cages (y)

Oh! And in Tomb Raider 2: Left Right Left, Backwards, Forwards, turn on the spot three times then jump backwards with a flip. It either skipped the level, gave you all weapons or made Lara blow up.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
All I remember is the original no clipping mode from Doom 1 (as well as the god modes and all weapons, I guess but they're easy).



Game Developer
Jul 31, 2009
Sonic 1 Level Select: up, down, left, right, A+start
Sonic 1 Debug Mode: up, C, down, C, left, C, right, C
Sonic 2 Level Select: 19, 65, 9, 17
Mortal Kombat Blood Code: A, B, A, C, A, B, B
Mortal Kombat Cheat Menu: down, up, left, left, A, right, down
Sonic 3 Level Select: up, up, down, down, up, up, up, up
Sonic Spinball Level Select: A, down, B, down, C, down, A, B, up, A, C, up, B, C, up
Doom God Mode: iddqd
Doom All weapons: idkfa
Warcraft 2 resources: glittering prizes
Warcraft 2 all magic: every little thing she does
Starcraft minerals: show me the money
Starcraft fast production: operation cwal

I can think of more, but I don't feel like writing out an entire page.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
Hmm... R1, R2, L1, R2, x, x, x, x
I *Think* that's it. Anyway, it gave you either every mid or every low tier gun in Vice city. Or gave you health. Uhm...
Ok, so I can't remember much at all.


New member
Apr 20, 2010
ArcadianTrance said:
LimitedPunctuation said:
ArcadianTrance said:
GyroCaptain said:
Age of Mythology: Pandora's Box, which gave 4 infinite-use god powers, Zeno's paradox, which gave randomized god powers, and Titanomachy, which gave a titan.

Starcraft: operationcwal, blacksheepwall, showmethemoney, power overwhelming, thegathering.

I assume everyone knows the Konami code.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace - happy, which turned the repeating blaster into a doom weapon firing AAT blasts

Jedi Knight II: helpusobi 1

...why are most of the ones I remember from Star Wars games?
Strangely enough, excluding star wars episode I and jedi knight, you mentioned all of the cheat codes I can remember off the top of my head. Oh except wuvwoo and ohcanada.
was ohcanada not from that hulk game? ultimate destruction, or something?
No, wuvwoo and ohcanada were from age of mythology, ohcanada summoned a bear with lasor shooting eyes using the Canadian flag as a cape if I remember correctly.
well in the Hulk game he made the hulk have canada flag pants, not purple pants. :D


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Rosebud for The Sims 1 that grants you 1.000 cash and opens up the !;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!etc cheat for even more money.

After a while I just stopped using the money cheats in The Sims though. It's so much more satisfying to build the most beautiful house possible, including interior decoration, with the limited amount of money you got.

It's a shame the new instalments of The Sims moved away from the building aspects, I loved those.


High King of Tara
Mar 30, 2010
The konami code. I remember using that originally.

All the sonic cheats

All the original Warcraft, Starcraft, Warcraft 2 and 3 cheats.

Doom, Heretic, Descent....man I am feeling my age at this point.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Rosebud - oh yeah, I went there

R2 R2 L1 R2 Left Down Right Up Left Down Right Up - Gta 3, I knew every cheat in that game off by heart, still know them now, pretty sure I can remember some Vice City ones too, didn't use them much in San Andreas, that game was hella fun without them. No need in GTA4 either, but thats not because the game was 'so fun' on its own.