What country's armed forces would you feel most comfortable fighting and killing in a video game?

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Elfgore said:
Canadians. Those northern bastards have had it easy for to long. Time for some hardships. Just imagining all the "eh"s and "sorry"s is making me want to play it.[footnote]The Escapist takes nearly everything literally, better put a disclaimer. This is a joke.[/footnote]
Prepare to get your face kicked in by the mighty Canadian boot, eh! But only if you feel like it, sorry.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
I would kill to the point of Hulk-smashing... especially if they're shooting at me, the playable character...

Other than that, I wouldn't care too much about the semantics of the situation... except when they start begging for mercy in a realistic fashion because then it's starts feeling like I'm only doing to be a dick or something like that...

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
DizzyChuggernaut said:
The USA's because the extreme outrage it would cause would be pretty hilarious.

Make them extremely stereotypical too, riding in on tanks with naked ladies painted on them and crotch-mounted rocket launchers with corporate logos spraypainted everywhere. The final boss is a titanic Ronald McDonald firing exploding fries.

Actually this sounds amazing.
I don't what planet you have been living but there are plenty of games when play against the Americans. Any WW2 that allows to play as Germans e.g. Day of Defeat, 3 Panzer General games, 2 Panzer corps games, Rising Storm, Heroes and Generals, the entire close combat series, World of Tanks, War Thunder and so on and so forth.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
albino boo said:
DizzyChuggernaut said:
The USA's because the extreme outrage it would cause would be pretty hilarious.

Make them extremely stereotypical too, riding in on tanks with naked ladies painted on them and crotch-mounted rocket launchers with corporate logos spraypainted everywhere. The final boss is a titanic Ronald McDonald firing exploding fries.

Actually this sounds amazing.
I don't what planet you have been living but there are plenty of games when play against the Americans. Any WW2 that allows to play as Germans e.g. Day of Defeat, 3 Panzer General games, 2 Panzer corps games, Rising Storm, Heroes and Generals, the entire close combat series, World of Tanks, War Thunder and so on and so forth.
I think he's referring to the fact that occasionally certain people in the media hear something about a game and make a big stink about it and it gains some traction because people around them don't know any better or care.

Like Fox news going off on the Lego Movie being "anti-capitalist" because the villain's name is "President Business".

Or how GTA tends to get the moral guardians up in arms despite the fact there Saints Row does things that are just as bad or worse at times and completely gets ignored.

Or the "Mass Effect is Porn" thing Fox News latched onto a when the first game came out(notice how Fox News is one of the usual suspects here).

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
Dalisclock said:
albino boo said:
DizzyChuggernaut said:
The USA's because the extreme outrage it would cause would be pretty hilarious.

Make them extremely stereotypical too, riding in on tanks with naked ladies painted on them and crotch-mounted rocket launchers with corporate logos spraypainted everywhere. The final boss is a titanic Ronald McDonald firing exploding fries.

Actually this sounds amazing.
I don't what planet you have been living but there are plenty of games when play against the Americans. Any WW2 that allows to play as Germans e.g. Day of Defeat, 3 Panzer General games, 2 Panzer corps games, Rising Storm, Heroes and Generals, the entire close combat series, World of Tanks, War Thunder and so on and so forth.
I think he's referring to the fact that occasionally certain people in the media hear something about a game and make a big stink about it and it gains some traction because people around them don't know any better or care.

Like Fox news going off on the Lego Movie being "anti-capitalist" because the villain's name is "President Business".

Or how GTA tends to get the moral guardians up in arms despite the fact there Saints Row does things that are just as bad or worse at times and completely gets ignored.

Or the "Mass Effect is Porn" thing Fox News latched onto a when the first game came out(notice how Fox News is one of the usual suspects here).
Apart from the small but rather important fact games which you can kill Americans have existed for 20 years and not once has there been a fuss about it.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Does IS count as a country?

If not, then China. Dem Chinks be putting der noses wer dey don't belong.


Premium Fraud
Nov 6, 2014
I feel we are sitting on a pile of explosives here. "Which country's military would you feel most comfortable killing" is only a few steps away from "which country do you hate the most" or "which country has the worst foreign policy". All it will take is one comment and this thread will turn into a flame war.

Oh, and I'm calling it now; if it does turn into a flame war, it will be from someone insulting America's war on terror.

Let the nationalistic rage begin ...

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
DizzyChuggernaut said:
The USA's because the extreme outrage it would cause would be pretty hilarious.

Make them extremely stereotypical too, riding in on tanks with naked ladies painted on them and crotch-mounted rocket launchers with corporate logos spraypainted everywhere. The final boss is a titanic Ronald McDonald firing exploding fries.

Actually this sounds amazing.
Make a game about a socialist/communist revolution occurring in America and you get to watch Fox news shit its collective pants so hard that Bill O'Reilly propels himself to the moon. Maybe even include a mission where you have to take down the Corporatists' propaganda machine, and it just so happens to look very similar to a certain American "news" station, and it just happens to have some familiar looking faces inside.

Ohh the glorious drama such a game would produce! Hey, might even start a very necessary conversation in america.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Any as long as I was portrayed as a heroic underdog fighting oppression.

FirstNameLastName said:
Oh, and I'm calling it now; if it does turn into a flame war, it will be from someone insulting America's war on terror.

Let the nationalistic rage begin ...
Americans! That's it! Sticking their noses in other peoples business!

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
It doesn't really matter.
As I said in the other thread, in a game, I'll kill anyone or anything.

Not necessarily everyone, especially if I can use some of them to fight for me.


New member
Aug 21, 2011
I'd happily kill anyone or anything but my preference would be killing Americans because i think a little ethnic cleansing on the other side of the pond is well overdue and might shake the Warmonger nation into some sort of sensible position (for once).

I'd rather play as a terrorist though...you know, someone who gets dragged into war because of a 'stray' drone missile hitting their families and then maybe the progression of joining a group and fighting the foreign scum...maybe training suicide bombers and planting IEDs, trying to repel the invaders who only came here to secure oil rights and advertise the potency of their weapons.

You know, keep it complete fiction because this shit could never happen in the real world :p

Danny Dowling

New member
May 9, 2014
In a video game I'll kill anyone and anything. if the game was good and it wasn't just pointless, then i'll do it.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
CannibalCorpses said:
I'd happily kill anyone or anything but my preference would be killing Americans because i think a little ethnic cleansing on the other side of the pond is well overdue and might shake the Warmonger nation into some sort of sensible position (for once).
You say this as if idiocy is purely an affliction of the Western Hemisphere. I doubt that is a foxhole you can reliably defend.

On subject though, I'm not comfortable with video games that have me killing any armed forces. Most people of all nations join the military out of few other options and/or obligatory national service...they're just trying to live their lives and taking one of the few avenues available to them to try to live that life responsibly....very few people in the military are stone cold killers that are just counting the days til the next big war...most of them are people that hope they never have to fight at all, or ever have to kill another human being, and the ones that do get stuck in shitty conflicts generally come back fairly broken and not able to cope with life...so even their one hope for trying to have a successful life turns into an inverted nightmare which destroys the rest of their natural life.

I am a veteran of the United States Armed Forces, and I left home at 18 years of age to try to make a better path for my life. I came back at age 30, mentally fractured, unable to relate to "normal people" and every promise of a better future that the military made me evaporated in a haze of non-disability qualifications and VA benefit restrictions.

So...in the end, if I'm going to shoot at "armed forces"....I'd prefer that the enemies be from another planet entirely.


New member
Oct 14, 2014
I'd love a game where you kill Americans. Mainly because I'd love to play CoD: Ghosts but as the Federation, since I'm pretty sure that the invasion was justified.


New member
Sep 9, 2013

In the right context, of course. CIA backed coups of socialist countries and ultimately only created tyranny is a good and realistic background and justification for wanting American soldiers dead. That and the various "Peace Keeping" forces out and about during the war on communism or otherwise out securing US economical interests (A lot of overlap between the two, strange isn't it?) in the name of "democracy".

Mostly though, I'd just like more games to dispel the hero delusions of that nation. The US has not always been the saviour of everyone.

Aside that, I'd say the Chinese, Saudi Arabia and North Korea. The way those regimes treat their citizens is unacceptable. I also wouldn't mind fighting the Israelis, because of their occupation of Palestine. No, historical persecution of Jews do not excuse occupation and practical genocide.

But yeah, killing Nazis is always a bit of fun. It's just a bit overdone, is all.


New member
Mar 16, 2014
MC1980 said:
The US, with them invading every other country and you heroically fighting back against them. I would get a chuckle out of that.

Honestly though, I don't really care that much.

Haerthan said:
followed by the Hungarian army.
Why Hungary of all things? They barely have an army as it is, and they lost every major war they were in in the last 150 years.
I was born in Transylvania, the cradle of Romanian civilization. Guess what Hungary wants most. There is also a paramilitary presence of Romanian-born Hungarians (so in essence traitors) in Transylvania. I also had dealings with the minority. Lets just say that between saving a puppy and saving a HUngarian I would save the puppy.

Captcha: Yes sir. Yes sir I would save that fucking puppy before I would even think of saving a Hungarian. Sorry my bias is showing. Most of the dealings were not happy endings.

AT God

New member
Dec 24, 2008
I don't think I could name any nation right now that I feel more comfortable fighting if it was set in the modern time. I think naming nations for fictional wars set in modern times is kind of creepy, not a deal breaker but it seems sort of scummy, even if the game dev is based in the nation framed as the bad guy it feels like some sort of political statement. I feel fine with historical fiction though, fighting either side of a historical war in a fictional setting is fine to me because it is based on an actual thing, like the alt-history Wolfenstein stuff doesn't feel like its a direct attack on modern day Germany despite you fighting "Germans."

Personally, I find fighting my own country's armed forces the most interesting as a concept, it depends on how its handled but I find it far more interesting than just fighting some fake nation with a real life name like how modern shooters often use Russia as their baddie despite lacking any real parallels to modern Russia.

That said, I think something overly satirical would be kind of funny, like if a game had national armies overly stereotyped, like fighting Kangaroo mounted Aussies, Moose riding Canadians, etc. But that could be really offensive to some people and probably will never happen.