What defines a "good" game?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
C) All of the above. I judge games differently based on what I want from them.

For JRPGs I play them for the story, so I don't mind turn based battles as long as they're functional. In DMC I play it for the gameplay, so if the story is a load of crap I can ignore it and enjoy killing demons stylishly. In MMOs or open world games I want a huge interesting world to explore.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
That you enjoy it, that's all.
Anything else is just people trying to justify WHY they like it.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
If I enjoy the game then it is objectively a good game.

If I do not enjoy the game then it is objectively a bad game.

This is based upon the fact that I am the Emperor of the Universe and My Word is Law.


New member
May 21, 2010
I've given up on trying to universally qualify a game as good or bad. I tend to just speak about games relatively now, i.e., if you share X in common with me and element y found in said video game evokes a positive response from shared value X, then I think you will probably like this game, and vice-versa.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
As everyone else said, it's subjective to each person. For me, however, it comes down to how much I enjoy the game and how much I want to continue playing.

I'll use Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning as an example, as I appear to have an unpopular opinion about this game.

The gameplay is great(which I see most everyone agreeing with). The world is expansive and utterly gorgeous(I see mixed opinions on this, some often compare it to WoW and call it a knockoff). And the story is great(this is where I have the unpopular opinion). The core story deals with a person that lives outside the hold of Fate. They have total freedom and all the dangers with it. The Fateless One is a total mystery that is slowly unraveled as you play through the game. Even the Faction stories make sense. You remember those Faction questlines in every other open world RPG where you become leader at the end? Yep, that happens here, too, BUT.

The initiation quest has you investigating the Grave Thresh at Gorguath. It is discovered that Sir Sagrell has been killed and you reclaim his ring while every other Fae falls. You return and you become Sir Sagrell, playing his part in the Telling. Later on at the end of the questline, King Wencen has lost his courage and refuses to fight the Maid of Windemere, who seeks to take over the House of Ballads and rule over the Telling. You take up the King's Token and challenge the Maid of Windemere yourself. You become the leader of the House of Ballads after the final quest. Remember that King's Token you took up? You have become King Wencen. You are risen up to the leader, making sense within the rules of the story.

To me, all of the stories found within this game are fantastically done and I could play this game for hours. Not many people share my opinion. While the gameplay is great, I see it said they wish the gameplay was in another game because they didn't like Amalur itself.

In short, whether a game is good or not, wildly differs from person to person. That's why certain games are aimed at certain audiences.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I enjoy different types of games for different reasons for example I won't put story high on a Shooter such as Doom, a Platformer like Super Mario Bros. 3 or Action game such as Devil May Cry but in a RPG, JRPG, Survival Horror, or Metal Gear game if the story is not good then I don't enjoy the game that much. As a counterpoint I don't value that much on gameplay mechanics being engaging or intuitive in JRPGS or Survival Horror games. So depending on the type of game I have to factor in these things.


New member
Sep 3, 2012
You know you played a good game when you get that bittersweet feeling after finishing it.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Can I answer yes to "did I enjoy that?", if the answer is in fact yes, then it's a good game as far as I'm concerned


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Do I enjoy playing this game?
Yes -> It's a good game
No -> It's not a good game

Nothing else really matters. Shoddy controls? Bad voice acting? Terrible, muddy graphics? Doesn't matter that much if I still enjoyed the game.

Berny Marcus

New member
May 20, 2013
Just as mostly everyone says here, a "good" game is of course subjective opinion. A game can be good to you, but bad to someone else. That's all in a nutshell.