What do you disagree with Yahtzee on?


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Welcome, take a seat. Everyone here? Good.

Well I was walking down with some friends through a hallway talking about Zero Punctuation, when suddenly some turkey came out of nowhere calling us blind Yahtzee fan boys (actually it was ruder than that, I can't remember what it was exactly but that's basically the gist of it). The first thing I thought was "fucking clown!", but then I remembered there is millions of things, big and small, that I disagreed with.

Big like: real time strategy games can't compete with the snake riding experience in Shadow of the Colossus. To me that's just crap. There is still a lot of room for improvement and it goes against my motto, "anything is possible with art".

- That you could still beat masters at fighting games by just mashing buttons. Believe me, I've tried. It doesn't work when they can pull of 30 hit combos.

- Also, I don't believe the lives system is out of date as long as it's implemented well. It makes you more careful as you know you can actually lose. I guess when I say 'implemented well' that really just goes for about anything though.

- I reckon he should also give Nintendo a break since this new console is superior to the Wii and will have the option of the pro controller for most of the games coming out (that's what I'm hoping for anyway). So the gimmicks shouldn't be so annoying any more.

And there's a lot more but I can't remember it all right now. Actually, I'm generally interested in the opinions of the escapee's (no one else) and was hoping some of you will remind me of those I forgot.

Don't get me wrong, Yahtzee is still one of my favourite critics, but I just like to get it out. So what opinions of Yahtzee's do you disagree with? If you disagree with everything he says then just bring up the biggest.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
I have to disagree with His love for portal, he says its perfect but for me its a slightly above average puzzle game, but then again my expectations were massive

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011

I think they have some great innovative game and tech ideas but sometimes it gets lost in the fact they reuse their old characters for those ideas. They also produce extremely quality games and they almost never (that I'm aware of ) have bugs or things not working like servers. It seems to me like they respect the consumer a lot more than most western companies.

I agree with him about motion control though, I don't outright hate them but I play for way to long in one sitting to use a motion controller.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Yahtzee is not a reviewer. He's a comedian. His video's are meant to be entertaining and good for a few chuckles. To take them seriously to the extend of asking who disagrees with what points of him is just wrong in my opinion. Anyone who doesn't disagree with a lot of what he says needs to crawl out of their cynical cave and look at the real world. Because he exaggerates the negatives...a lot. At least that's how I see it.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
BloodWriter said:
Gameguy20100 said:
I have to disagree with His love for portal, he says its perfect but for me its a slightly above average puzzle game, but then again my expectations were massive
Being realistic with expectations and trying to avoid most hype-filled forums of discussions about anything makes every experience more enjoyable and personal.
Yea that's probably why I don't like most of Valves games when something gets over hyped and called "best game ever" I'm extremely harsh to it.

Bioshock was an exception but only because I threw any expectations out the window thinking "don't make this another half life 2 Stilwell".


New member
Aug 25, 2010
He once implied rape is worse than murder. Also, his opinion regarding the ending of Bioshock Infinite. Those are the only 2 things I can think of.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
I know he is usually going over the top in his reviews and to be fair he's toned it down lately but his opinions on JRPG's really grind my gears.His complaints are legitimate but to claim the entire genre is like that madding. Especially when people just blindly parrot that opinion. This extends to his complaints about the Wii and Nintendo as well.

Also while his Pokemon Black and White review is insanely funny,I'll disagree with the idea that it has nothing new to offer.The whole game is playing with the very concepts that have defined it up to this point. It switches up the structure as well:having the badge collecting play second banana to a bigger plot.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
I actually agree with his opinions on a lot of non-game thing, like the PS4 looking aweful and Nintendo digging a hole with old games and pretending their new, but regarding games there is a lot I disagree with: such as Monster Hunter, Mass Effect, Brutal Legend, CoD, Borderlands 2 and other games I liked but he didn't. There are also games that he likes which I don't, for example Portal, Spec Ops, Amnesia, etc. Basically the more pretentious ones.


New member
Jul 2, 2012
Although I love and enjoy a lot of the games Yahtzee has verbally bashed into a bloody pulp, I rarely find myself disagreeing with his criticism. This might have to do with having an eerily similar taste in games as him, but I can nearly always see his point (exaggerated as it is). For instance, he complains about Zelda being the same game over and over, and I totally agree, but I still love Zelda (except Skyward Sword).


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
About verything Nintendo and jrpg related. I've always thought dismissing a whole genre seems a bit petty.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
sanquin said:
Yahtzee is not a reviewer. He's a comedian. His video's are meant to be entertaining and good for a few chuckles. To take them seriously to the extend of asking who disagrees with what points of him is just wrong in my opinion. Anyone who doesn't disagree with a lot of what he says needs to crawl out of their cynical cave and look at the real world. Because he exaggerates the negatives...a lot. At least that's how I see it.
That's perfectly fine man. However, just because people agree with a lot of his points, doesn't make them a cynics. And if they are cynics, I doubt they became that way because of Yahtzee. Also, I find it harsh to say someones opinions as "wrong" without backing it up. So share with us what you strongly disagree with.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
UncleUlty said:
I know he is usually going over the top in his reviews and to be fair he's toned it down lately but his opinions on JRPG's really grind my gears.His complaints are legitimate but to claim the entire genre is like that madding. Especially when people just blindly parrot that opinion. This extends to his complaints about the Wii and Nintendo as well.

Also while his Pokemon Black and White review is insanely funny,I'll disagree with the idea that it has nothing new to offer.The whole game is playing with the very concepts that have defined it up to this point. It switches up the structure as well:having the badge collecting play second banana to a bigger plot.
Yeah, I wasn't exactly thrilled to learn he doesn't think much of RTS or fighting games, JRPG's is just another thing he admits he doesn't understand.

I thought Paper Mario was a JRPG. How do you define it?


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
Nazulu said:
UncleUlty said:
I know he is usually going over the top in his reviews and to be fair he's toned it down lately but his opinions on JRPG's really grind my gears.His complaints are legitimate but to claim the entire genre is like that madding. Especially when people just blindly parrot that opinion. This extends to his complaints about the Wii and Nintendo as well.

Also while his Pokemon Black and White review is insanely funny,I'll disagree with the idea that it has nothing new to offer.The whole game is playing with the very concepts that have defined it up to this point. It switches up the structure as well:having the badge collecting play second banana to a bigger plot.
Yeah, I wasn't exactly thrilled to learn he doesn't think much of RTS or fighting games, JRPG's is just another thing he admits he doesn't understand.

I thought Paper Mario was a JRPG. How do you define it?

I did forget about his love for the Paper Mario games( the first two anyway). I'm more referring to him when starts generalizing on them,which admittedly he's stopped doing as much.


New member
Apr 9, 2013
Many things. He has an unbelievably short attention span and can't appreciate game complexity or depth.


New member
Dec 21, 2011
Obviously he overexagerates. If you can't see that, you probably shouldn't be viewing any of the video material on this site. That being said, he exaggerates already established and actual opinions. Therefore, I think it's still fair to have opinions on the things he says. I tend to agree with a lot of what he says. Such as things like COD and Warfighter pah-hah-hah being rather mindless dribble thats oversaturation is slowly but surely, along with the consumer-hating practices of companies like EA and Microsoft, killing the gaming market as a whole. Not that I hate FPS games (some are amazing), but so much of anything in a creative medium is bad. I also tend to agree in general with him about many of his reviews, and relate a lot to some of his more cynical views on gaming (obviously) and the world as a whole.

I do however, disagree with his distain for JRPGs and RTS games. Though many of his points are valid and it boils down more to a matter of taste, I do disagree that they're shit. I also have a higher opinion of Mass Effect than him, though I get the impression that he doesn't hate it. I guess most of my gripes with him come down to opinion and in those cases, he always has a good argument for why he thinks or doesn't like something opposite to myself. Oh, I'm also not big on Half-Life (though I've been considering giving it another go), but I do think Portal is an amazingly fun and well-crafted game. Though I don't see it as one of my favorites, kind of a have-to-be-in-the-thinky-mood kind of thing. Also, while Nintendo has been kind of flopping in the console market, they're complete badasses in the mobile market, so while in the context of the reviews he states it in, it fits, and has merit, I believe they're still producing more quality and fun games, as well as incorporating customer feedback moreso than Microsoft or Sony.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Yahtzee isn't really a critic! He's a comedian! Has admitted such himself! Anyway now that that's said...

Both the Uncharted Series and The Mass Effect Series are some of my "OMG ALL TIME FAVORITES" and he's not really a fan. Also I tend to not care how my narrative is delivered in videogames as long as it's a good narrative, Yahtzee cares a whole hell of a lot about that.


New member
Apr 10, 2013
I find most of the time that I agree with him, and his opinions are usually harsh but almost always valid. There's never really been a game I loved that he's expressed total disdain for, and some of the ones he's loved unabashedly (Portal, Shadow of the Colossus, Psychonauts, PoP: Sands of Time) are some of my own personal favorites as well. He is usually a much harsher critic than me though.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
I thought he was unfairly dismissive of Uncharted 2 in his review. That game is magnificent, one of the best games of this generation (possibly even of all time), and he basically said it was crap. Unjustified.